"Interstellar Almighty Evolution ()" Find the latest chapter!

When Tai Yi was in a stalemate with the masters of the "Mo" organization, Qin Hao was embarrassed.

Because all the insect swarms were either sent to the battlefield and died in the hands of Tai Yi, or were isolated from the Sauron Desert, so at this time he had no idea what happened in the desert!

Although Qin Hao's purpose is to break the magic circle at a critical moment, and then let Tai Yi regain his mental strength to instantly kill all his enemies, there must be a premise, that is, Qin Hao will only do so when he can ensure his own safety. .

Although Qin Hao wants to help Taiyi, he is not a saint who sacrifices himself for others after all. It is impossible for him to sacrifice his life to protect Taiyi.

And once the top management of the "Mo" organization does not appear in front of Tai Yi, then Tai Yi will not be able to kill them all in an instant, and once the "Mo" organization slips through the net, they will also know very well that they cannot fight against those who have soul power. Taiyi's, even they can't escape Taiyi's pursuit.

So at this time, the inevitable choice of the fish that slipped through the net is to kill Qin Hao, the traitor, and give himself a backing. Although these people are far from the opponents of Tai Yi who has soul power, it is still very easy to kill Qin Hao.

So Qin Hao can only see the rabbit and not the eagle at this time!

"Qin Hao! Why don't you do it?" Hong outside urged, she has the deepest relationship with Tai Yi, if Qin Hao hadn't promised to destroy the magic circle at a critical moment and let Tai Yi recover her soul power, she would have already Headed into the Sauron Desert to help Tai Yi.

"I can't receive the situation in the desert. All my swarms have been killed. Can any of you go to the desert to see the situation?" Qin Hao said to Hong and Alice.

"I'll do it!" Hong volunteered directly.

"She is faster than me, it will take a long time for me to rush over..." Alice said.

"Okay, take this!" Qin Hao spit out a drop of blood with his fingers, and the drop of blood grew in the wind, instantly turning into a miniature amoeba lying on the red hair, and then turned into a headband.

"This thing can contact me at any time, and I can also observe everything it can see through its field of vision. As long as the top management of the "Mo" organization is there, I will take action!" Qin Hao shouted to Hong, because Hong His body was forced out of the magic circle, so Qin Hao could no longer talk to Hong through his mind.

"En! Got it!" Hong nodded, and then went straight to the direction of the Sauron Desert.

On the way, Hong continued to accelerate time for herself, and her speed instantly increased to the extreme, and soon she came to the edge of the Sauron Desert.

"Damn it, it's actually sealed here!" Hong frowned, and she immediately tried to break the seal, but this seal was set by Xiang Liu through the origin of space, and its strength was at the same level as Hong's, so it was impossible for Hong to easily Broken.

"Old man, you have to persevere!" In desperation, Hong could only adopt the most stupid method, and she began to accelerate time in a corner of the seal.

It is impossible for any enchantment to last forever, its energy can only last for a period of time, and Hong cannot directly break the seal, so the method she adopted is to speed up the time of part of the seal, so that the energy of the seal will naturally drain, until it collapses on its own.

However, as the source of space at the same level as Hong, the enchantment under Xiang Liubu is not so easily eroded by time. He left a lot of energy on this enchantment. Although Hong has accelerated the flow of time to the extreme, But the firmness of the seal is still astonishing.


On the other side, Qin Hao is also anxiously waiting for Hong's feedback. He can see what Hong is doing through the vision of the amoeba. He also knows that there is no better way at present. After all, it is impossible for him to counter the opposite. Liu, and asked him to lift the seal.

"How's the situation over there?" Alice asked at this time.

"I don't know, the Sauron Desert was sealed by Xiangliu, and Hong couldn't get in for a while." Qin Hao replied.

"Has she arrived at the Sauron Desert?" Alice nodded.

"Huh?" At this moment, Qin Hao was stunned suddenly, because he lost contact with the amoeba on Hong's body, and judging from the last perception, it was the amoeba on Hong's body that died!

"Could it be that when Hong accelerated time, he got the amoeba into it?" Qin Hao frowned. At this time, he could understand Hong's inner anxiety, so he also felt that Hong might care about it but mess up, and he didn't have that much control over time. fine.

As the source of time, Hong's natural lifespan is unlimited. Even if her time acceleration wraps herself in it, she will not grow old or run out of lifespan because of it, but amoeba is different. This kind of consumable The existing little bugs themselves don't have a long lifespan. Once they are trapped by the acceleration of time, it is normal for them to exhaust their lives in an instant.

Although the death of an amoeba is not even considered a loss to Qin Hao, the master of the Zerg race, once the amoeba died at this time, Qin Hao lost contact with Hong again!

"This is difficult!" Qin Hao frowned at this moment. If he couldn't get in touch with Hong, even if Hong entered the desert, he would not be able to know what was going on inside, let alone destroy the magic circle in time.

And after Hong enters the desert, the chances of her coming out are not very high. After all, this is a trap carefully set by the "Mo" organization. As long as Tai Yi is deprived of his soul power, it is impossible for him to defeat the "Mo" organization , and if Hong breaks in at this time, then the two parties inside must be the seriously injured Tai Yi and a group of "Mo" organization masters who are eyeing the tiger. At that time, the chance of Hong escaping from the desert and reporting the news to Qin Hao is almost zero. .

"Yes!" Suddenly, Qin Hao found a few scouting Zergs on the outskirts of the Sauron Desert. These little bugs were scattered all over the world by Qin Hao at the beginning, and now they can come in handy.

Then Qin Hao authorized several scouting Zergs through the master's authority. After getting the authorization, a large number of scouting Zergs began to converge on these few bugs, and then were willingly swallowed by these few bugs.

After being supplemented with substances, these scouting Zergs began to evolve crazily, and they became higher-level amoebas in the blink of an eye.

This time, Qin Hao learned his lesson. Instead of letting these precious amoebas approach Hong together, he sent an amoeba to approach Hong cautiously, and shouted loudly as he approached.

But it's a pity that before the amoeba could attract Hong's attention, it aged and died in an instant. At this time, Hong was still concentrating on accelerating time, so she didn't even notice that the amoeba had turned into fly ash. insect……

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