"Well, I am willing to go to the ground battlefield, no matter where Qin Hao is going, I will follow!" Nicole said very firmly. product-book-net

"But do you know how dangerous the ground battlefield is?" Cohen will ask.

"I know, that's why I'm going!" Nicole's attitude didn't change at all.

"General, I should be able to guarantee Nicole's safety." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Well...well..." Cohen hesitated for a moment. Since Nicole's attitude was so firm and Qin Hao said so again, he really couldn't force Nicole to stay in the fleet.

Soon, a landing craft flew out of the Federation Glory and headed straight for the valley of the typhoon's eye on Planet Alpha.

"Qin Hao, are you really sure this time?" Nicole asked in the landing craft.

"It's okay, I have to wait until I see the situation with my own eyes!" Qin Hao said.

"Then you must be careful..." Nicole warned.

"Don't worry, I feel like I've come home in the jungle, no matter how powerful those bugs are, they can't stop me!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Well! I'll wait for you to come back at the base!" Nicole gently kissed Qin Hao's cheek.

When the landing craft landed smoothly at the base in the valley of the typhoon eye, the Zerg did not attack it.

"Nicole wait for me!" Qin Hao looked at Nicole affectionately and left the human base.

After entering the jungle, Qin Hao felt like a fish in water. He quickly walked through the jungle. Because he could sense the position of the Zerg, he could easily avoid the Zerg.

About four hours later, Qin Hao approached Prince Lacru's lair.

"Fourth brother, are you here?" Prince Lacrue sensed Qin Hao's existence and contacted him on his own initiative.

"It's me! Second brother!" Qin Hao responded through spiritual energy.

"Hehe, it seems that the third brother's method is really good, you really came!" Prince La Crue laughed.

"You besieged the human base to let me come over?" Qin Hao asked.

"Well! We have a little problem here. The eldest brother said that you have too many ideas, so we decided to call you over and ask what you mean." Prince Lacru said.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao asked.

"The eldest brother and the third child are here with me, come over and have an interview with us!" Prince Lacru said.

"It might be a bit inconvenient for me..." Qin Hao hesitated. The battlefield recorder on his shoulder has been destroyed several times. If he destroys the battlefield recorder every mission, it is really a bit unreasonable, and Cohen will protect him , Those people will also be suspicious.

"What's the matter?" Prince La Crue asked.

"I have a human monitor on my body. If we meet, they will know." Qin Hao said truthfully.

"That's it, then it won't work if you destroy it?" Prince Lacru said.

"Hehe, when I met with you before, I destroyed a lot of monitors. They are a little suspicious now. If I destroy the monitors every time I come to Alpha Planet, they will definitely doubt my identity." Qin Hao Said.

"Well! This is indeed a problem!" Prince La Cru nodded. He could understand Qin Hao's difficulties, and they also knew that Qin Hao's identity as a human being must not be revealed, otherwise they would have no chance to leave Alpha Planet.

Prince La Cru was silent for a moment, probably the three of them were discussing, after a while, Prince La Cru said to Qin Hao: "Well, since it's not convenient for you to come over, let me pass a message for them, let's talk about business first Let's go." After discussing with the three of them, Prince La Crue still felt that Qin Hao's identity could not be exposed anyway, so he decided to let Prince La Crue pass the message on his behalf. Although it was more troublesome, in order not to expose Qin Hao, he had to do so.

"Thank you brother for understanding." Qin Hao said.

"Hi, we're all a family, why are you so polite!" Prince La Crue said with a smile.

"Second brother, can you tell me what's going on now?" Qin Hao asked, lying on the back of a dirt slope, pretending to observe the swarm of insects in the distance.

"Well." Prince La Cru nodded, and then said to Qin Hao: "You also know that there is also a war between our royal families. Now Prince Tevia and Prince Ryan are going to attack the third child. My brother and I are far away from the third child. The sites are quite far away, and there are other people's territories in between, so it's not particularly easy to support..."

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. Prince La Cru's territory is very remote. To support Prince Naxin, he has to go through the territories of four or five royal families. These royal families may not all give him face, so it is almost impossible to support Prince Naxin. impossible.

Although Prince Fei's territory is relatively close to that of Prince Naxin, it is also separated from the territory of a royal family and several free leaders. Although it can be supported, it will take time, and Prince Naxin may be very difficult during this period.

"So what we mean is, can you use the power of human beings to help the third child take a break, and when the troops of the eldest brother arrive, then it will be fine." Prince Lacru said.

"That's it..." Qin Hao's mind was spinning rapidly, he was weighing the pros and cons, considering the feasibility of this matter.

"Second brother, can I ask a question?" Qin Hao said after thinking for a while.

"Well! You can ask." Prince Lacru nodded.

"If the big brother's troops arrive, can we counterattack the territory of Prince Tevia and Prince Ryan?" Qin Hao asked.

"Of course!" Prince LaCrue said without hesitation, but soon he added: "But we'd better not completely tear ourselves apart with Prince Lane, that old guy is very powerful, even the elder brother is even stronger, And it’s best not to kill Prince Tevia.”

"Then what's the point of our counterattack?" Qin Hao froze for a moment.

"Of course, we can let Prince Tevia cede the land!" Prince Lacru laughed.

"Can you cede the land?" Qin Hao's eyes lit up.

"What? You still want to expand your territory, you can no longer capture the leader, right?" Prince Lacru asked suspiciously.

"Well, I really can't control the leader anymore, but I can build a stronghold for human beings again. This is a great achievement, and it will be very helpful for my promotion!" Qin Hao said.

"Really? That's great! I'll ask the third child to see what he thinks!" Prince La Crue was also very happy.

"The third brother said that if it can improve your status in human society, then he doesn't need this territory!" Prince Lacrue said to Qin Hao after discussing with Prince Naxin. , their interests on Alpha Planet are no longer important, as long as Qin Hao can take them away, they cannot be taken away from Alpha Planet's territory, so it is better to exchange these for Qin Hao's achievements in human society, so that he can get rid of them as soon as possible. take them away.

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