"They're all my brothers, why are you being polite!" Qin Hao laughed. Pinshu.com

"Brother, why don't you come to my place?" Prince Na Xin invited.

"Forget it, I'm wearing a human monitor, so it's inconvenient to meet with you, let's communicate through psychic connections," Qin Hao said.

"Hey, these humans are really cunning, they actually installed this kind of thing on you!" Prince Xin said a little angrily.

"Hehe, this is really not my exclusive treatment. Every human soldier has this thing. While monitoring us, it can also record our achievements. When the time comes, I will have to rely on this to get promoted in human society!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Is this also used for promotion? Then when will you have the right to manage a spaceship and take us away?" Prince Na Xin immediately became interested.

"I don't know. The official position system in human society is very complicated. I haven't figured it out yet..." Of course, Qin Hao couldn't tell these high-level Zerg everything.

"It's okay, don't worry, take your time, anyway, there is still a long time before you can be promoted to the adult body." Prince Na Xin comforted.

"Yes! I know." Qin Hao nodded.

Soon, Qin Hao escorted the convoy back to the human base on Isis Beach.

"How is everything going well?" Captain James asked as he came out.

"Everything is going well, it's because the soldiers are exhausted!" Qin Hao said.

"When they wake up, I'll ask the cooking soldiers to give them extra meals!" Colonel James said. As a senior front-line commander, he knew very well what rewards the soldiers wanted most. Of course, promotion and military medals are good things. But this is not something that James, a small mobile infantry school, can decide. Besides, for the soldiers on the front line, it is definitely something to be happy about being able to have a hearty extra meal.

"Well! In terms of military merit, I will do my best to help them win. These fighters are all heroes!" Qin Hao said.

"Then I'll thank you for them!" James smiled, although Qin Hao is just a major, but he is a major of the Federal Navy, and he is also a celebrity in front of the fleet commander, and his status is not something that James can do.

"They deserve it!" Qin Hao said. He saw with his own eyes how hard these lovely soldiers worked. Although they didn't engage in direct fire with the enemy, they worked with their lives for more than forty consecutive days. Hours!

"Go and rest quickly! Are you exhausted these two days?" James asked.

"I'm fine, I took some time to stare for a while." Qin Hao smiled. His physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, even a bit similar to Zerg, so he can use fragmentary time to rest instead of long sleep.

"Qin Hao! Are you okay?" Nicole, who got the news at this time, also ran over.

"I'm fine, and there's no battle. I'm so tired that it's all those soldiers." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"That's good!" Although Nicole said so, she still ran in front of Qin Hao, and then carefully inspected his body, for fear that he would be injured but not tell herself.

"Okay, I'm really fine, there's no fight, can I still fall into the ditch?" Qin Hao pulled Nicole away with a smile.

"Since you're all back, go wash up and catch up on sleep," Nicole said.

"I don't have time to sleep now, I have to go to the front line to see the situation!" Qin Hao said.

"Go to the front line?" Nicole was taken aback.

"Yeah, I have spent so much effort on the layout, if I don't see the results, it will be in vain." Qin Hao said as a matter of course.

"Then I'm going too!" Nicole said worriedly, she was afraid that Qin Hao would try his best to assassinate the higher Zerg alone.

"Alright." Qin Hao readily agreed. He didn't plan to fight this time, nor did he plan to meet Prince Na Xin, so there was no problem with taking Nicole with him.

"Then when are we going to leave?" Nicole immediately stopped objecting when she heard that Qin Hao would take her with her. She also wanted to see how the campaign Qin Hao designed would work.

"Let's go now!" Qin Hao said.

"Then wait for me, I'm going to change the equipment! Don't sneak away!" Nicole warned Qin Hao, and ran back in a hurry.

About 20 minutes later, Nicole returned to Qin Hao after she was dressed. At this time, Nicole had already equipped her set of Fulcrum 2 reconnaissance armor.

"Let's go!" Qin Hao also replaced the new energy battery at this time, and then he took Nicole and ran away from the human base on Isis Beach.

"This kid is really different. He hooked up the commander's daughter so quickly..." James looked at Qin Hao who left and laughed. Qin Hao can be said to have grown up watching him, so he looked at When Qin Hao was watching, it was as if he was looking at his own child.


After running wildly all the way, Qin Hao brought Nicole to a small mountain, which is more than 20 kilometers away from the narrow part of the Kelun River. Because of the condescending position, he could have a panoramic view of the entire battlefield.

"The swarm will soon reach the crossing point!" Nicole is equipped with reconnaissance armor, so she has a better sighting system.

"Hmm!" With the help of far superior eyesight, Qin Hao can easily overlook the battlefield even with the armored sighting system.

In the distance, a mighty swarm of insects is approaching. The army of insects is overwhelming, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance.

"How many bugs must there be..." Nicole muttered to herself, she had never seen such a large number of bugs with her own eyes.

"According to the results of the shipboard biological radar scan, the number of this swarm exceeds one billion!" Qin Hao said behind Nicole.

"One billion?" Nicole's jaw almost dropped to the ground, this is simply an astronomical figure!

"That's right..." Qin Hao nodded. There was no grass growing where the huge swarm passed. Not to mention the small beasts, even giant beasts would be swallowed up by them, because the swarm's update speed is very fast. Wounded or old bugs are eaten as rations so that the swarm can get enough supplies.

"My God... so how useful are these mines?" Nicole asked.

"It doesn't matter much..." Qin Hao shrugged.

"Then why are we so busy?" Nicole looked back at Qin Hao suspiciously.

"Show hello to the nearby bug swarm. If the bug swarm can withstand the attack, then it will probably take us as an ally next time. We are on our feet. If they can't beat each other, they can at least delay it for a while." Time, when the time comes, let's withdraw first, facing a swarm of insects of this size, let alone the strength of Isis Beach, even if the entire fleet is thrown in, there will be no splash!" Qin Hao shrugged said with a shrug.

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