"Yes, we need the most powerful weapon!" Qin Hao said. !

"That's a tactical nuclear bomb," James said.

"What is the yield of our tactical nuclear bomb?" Qin Hao asked.

"There are two types, one is ten tons of TNT equivalent, and the other is 10,000 tons of TNT equivalent." James said.

"How many reserves do these two tactical nuclear bombs have?" Qin Hao asked.

"There are a few hundred for the ten-ton class, and five or six for the 10,000-ton class." James said after thinking for a while.

"So few..." Qin Hao frowned. Nuclear bombs with a ten-ton TNT equivalent level don't make much sense. In this era, the radiation pollution of nuclear bombs has been handled very well, unless there is a special need for radiation damage. Except for special nuclear bombs, other nuclear bombs have become clean weapons, they are just more portable and smaller than conventional weapons.

The core range of the ten-ton nuclear bomb explosion is also several hundred meters. For the swarm army, there is not much difference between the explosion and the non-explosion, but the 10,000-ton nuclear bomb is different. The core explosion radius of this thing Within two kilometers, one can kill tens of millions of bugs, and because of its huge power, it can also violently destroy the terrain, bringing great obstacles to the attack of the bug swarm.

"Uh...we are the cannon fodder, it's good to have so many nuclear bombs..." James smiled awkwardly. He is also the captain of the frigate!

"Hehe..." Qin Hao smiled embarrassingly, he had no intention of exposing James' scars, so he changed the subject and said, "Well, sir, you give me the authority to use these nuclear bombs, and I will use them for fun. "

"You want to use nuclear bombs?" James was stunned for a moment. Although these nuclear bombs are under his jurisdiction, they need to be reported every time they are used. Motorized infantry is used as cannon fodder, and sometimes human lives are indeed not as valuable as high-level weapons. .

"It's okay, I'll take care of the reported matter, start a special procedure." Nicole stood up and said, some privileges are needed at critical times.

"Okay!" James saw Nicole talking, and he didn't hesitate any more. Don't look at Qin Hao and the three of them as Nicole's lowest military rank, only a lieutenant, but he has a good father!

Subsequently, James handed over the command of the nuclear bomb to Qin Hao.

"Order the tactical troops to start the nuclear strike procedure!" Qin Hao was not polite, and immediately ordered the nuclear troops to prepare for the attack.

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the people in the nuclear force immediately began to prepare, and they were also very excited. You must know that nuclear bombs will not be used lightly unless there is a last resort, so these people usually only watch the fun. So they are rarely able to express themselves on the battlefield. Now that the opportunity comes, can they not cherish it?

"Activate twenty ten-ton tactical nuclear bombs, and lock on xxx, xxx area!" Qin Hao reported a coordinate, which is where Prince Tevia is located, and it can also be regarded as the command center of the swarm.

"Cover strike! Launch!" Following Qin Hao's order, twenty small-yield tactical nuclear bombs were launched...

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." The missiles dragged a long wake and headed straight for the battlefield, because Tevia's flying insect troops were entangled with Prince Naxin's air force, so there was no time to intercept these missiles .

Moreover, Prince Tevia didn't take these missiles seriously. When he destroyed the pontoon bridge, Prince Tevia had seen the power of cruise missiles. Although they were powerful, they could only kill hundreds of giant beetles. A little loss is nothing to the swarm, so he didn't care at all!

"Boom boom boom..." Twenty nuclear bombs hit their targets accurately without any obstruction. The moment these nuclear bombs detonated, Prince Tevia felt a palpitation!

"Whoosh!" At almost lightning speed, Prince Tevia escaped a distance of several hundred meters, when the shock wave of the nuclear bomb radiated.

"Boom boom boom boom..." Tens of thousands of giant beetles were gasified on the spot,

More giant beetles were blown to pieces.

"Damn it! What's going on!" Prince Tevia turned pale with fright, an attack of this level was enough to seriously injure him.

The Zerg Kings can ignore the death of their subordinates, but they cherish their own lives very much. Anything that can threaten their lives, these Zerg Kings will treat with caution, and if they can be eliminated, they will immediately eliminate this possible existence Danger, if they can't be eliminated, they will stay away immediately.

In a word, these insect emperors are extremely afraid of death, which may be a common problem of high-ranking people.

"Your Highness, it's too bad, Master Cree is seriously injured!" A silver horn ran up to Prince Tevia. Crewe in its mouth was a leader of Tevia's swarm, and the big fleshy worm moved slowly. , there is no way to avoid the blow of the nuclear bomb like Tevia, but this kind of bug has rough skin and thick flesh. Although it was seriously injured by a miniature nuclear bomb, it did not die.

"Transport it to the rear! Find a worm nest and let it recuperate!" Prince Tevia said, and then he used spiritual energy to communicate with another subordinate and asked, "Did you find out where these attacks came from?"

"It seems to be sent from Prince Naxin's territory, but the attack method is not like our ability." The Zerg replied.

"Damn it, does Naxin have other reinforcements?" Prince Tevia's face was extremely ugly.

"Whoosh!" A gust of wind flashed by, and a strange Zerg that looked like an alien and looked very ferocious appeared in front of Prince Tevia.

"Your Highness, why don't I go to investigate?" the weird bug asked.

"Yes! That's good!" Prince Tevia nodded. The Zerg in front of him is one of his most confidantes. It is a rare Zerg and is called a predator. Its status in the Zerg is comparable to that of the leader of the Zerg. , but this kind of bug can't release special chemical substances to control the low-level Zerg, but they have extremely powerful individual strength. These predators can be said to be the Zerg, and their combat power is second only to the existence of the high-level Zerg!

"Swoosh..." The predators disappeared in front of Prince Tevia like a gust of wind. If Yinjiao's speed was already as fast as the wind, then the speed of these predators was as fast as lightning. up.

If you use human eyes to catch predators, you will basically not be able to find these guys, because their speed is too fast, so fast that human eyes can't react at all, even Qin Hao who is strengthened He can only see a little afterimage of the human beings who have passed by.

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