The speed of the determined predator almost doubled. It turned out that it had only been testing Qin Hao just now.

"Whoosh!" After the speed of the predator reached the limit, it had turned into a faint afterimage in Qin Hao's eyes. If it wasn't for Qin Hao's surge of adrenalin and his concentration, he wouldn't even be able to see the other party. traces of movement.

"Oops!" Qin Hao only had time to flash such a thought, he didn't even have time to react, and was hit on the back by the predator again!

"Hey..." Qin Hao's super alloy armor was completely destroyed, the predator's sharp claws directly tore the muscles on his back, and blood flowed down.

"Suck..." The predator stretched out its long tongue, and it licked the blood from its paws.

"The blood of the Zerg Kings is really delicious!" The predator said enjoying it very much. Although its strength is far superior to that of the ordinary low-level Zerg Kings, there are not many opportunities to hunt and kill the Zerg Kings.

Today, Qin Hao will become its prey. Although the most precious spirit crystal needs to be given to Prince Tevia first, the flesh and blood of a Zerg Emperor is definitely a great supplement to this predator!

"Swoosh!" The figure of the predator disappeared again.

Qin Hao frowned, clenched his fists, and carefully guarded the surroundings, but the speed of the predator was too fast, it kept changing its position, although Qin Hao tried his best to lock its position, but But it can't keep up with the opponent's speed at all.

"Shua!" The predator looked at the gap and attacked again. Although Qin Hao couldn't keep up with its speed, the predator was still very cautious, because once it was hit by Qin Hao's bone spurs, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Boom!" Qin Hao was sent flying again. His battle armor was severely damaged, especially his back could no longer provide him with any defense.

"Pfft..." Qin Hao lay on the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood. With his current strength, he couldn't even win against Silver Horn, let alone against a more powerful predator!

You must know that in the eyes of predators, Yinjiao is purely a prey-like existence. In front of predators, Yinjiao has no ability to resist at all, and Qin Hao, whose combat power is not as good as Yinjiao, will not win at all. hope!

"Damn it, did you die like this?" Qin Hao was in despair for a while. At this moment, he really had nothing to do. Before that, when he encountered a strong enemy, he could still rely on adrenaline and ancient martial arts techniques to complete it. The jedi fought back, but now, the strength gap between the two sides is too big, so big that he has no room to display his skills, so no matter how powerful the ancient martial arts skills his grandfather taught him, he has nothing to do.

As the saying goes, one force can reduce ten meetings, in the face of absolute power, skills are not worth mentioning at all.

Although he was extremely unwilling, in the face of absolute strength, Qin Hao really had nothing to do. An unprecedented sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart. Qin Hao had never longed for power like he does now.

"If I can survive this level, I will definitely find a chance to break through the realm and evolve to the next stage!" Qin Hao said through gritted teeth.

"It's all over now, do you still want to evolve? It's too late!" The predator sneered, and the next second it appeared behind Qin Hao, one of its feet stepped on Qin Hao's back, and the huge force suppressed him Holding Qin Hao so that he couldn't even turn over.

"Suck..." The predator's slender tongue rolled, and it sucked the blood gushing from the wound on Qin Hao's back, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Don't worry, dear His Royal Highness, I will give you a happy one. When I finish eating your flesh and blood, I will give your spirit crystal to another His Royal Highness first, and then you can also fuse with him." , thus starting a new life!" The predator laughed.

"You..." Qin Hao struggled hard, trying to escape the predator's oppression, but the strength gap between the two sides was indeed too great, so big that Qin Hao's resistance had no effect at all.

"Goodbye, dear His Royal Highness!" While speaking, a small head-like thing spit out from the predator's mouth,

This thing also has a mouth with a tongue in the mouth, which looks very weird and terrifying.

This is the real head of the predator. The huge, elongated head on the outside is actually just a cover, and it has been smashed. As long as the small head inside is fine, the predator will not be killed.

"Roar!" Although the small head was only the size of a fist, it let out a huge roar, and then it bit Qin Hao's throat violently!

"It's over..." Qin Hao closed his eyes, he knew he was going to die!

"Boom!" At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly felt light on his back, and he hurriedly rolled over and left his original position.

At this time, Qin Hao had time to look back, and the predator in the middle was sent flying more than 30 meters away.

"Whoosh!" After getting up, the predator immediately expanded its speed, but this time it didn't fight back, but ran away!

"Want to leave? It's late!" With a roar of insect language, a faster figure came behind the predator in an instant.

"Boom!" The just-started predator was smashed to the ground, and the hard chitin shell on its back was smashed into spider-like cracks by this blow.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of dark green blood spewed out from the predator's big and small heads at the same time.

"Your Highness... Your Highness... I was wrong, please forgive me..." the predator begged for mercy on the ground.

"You're wrong? You're right! How dare you come to my territory to kill my brother!" Prince Naxin said angrily. When the predator killed someone in his territory for the first time, he felt it. This guy's aura, when Qin Hao appeared, he knew it was not good, so he immediately rushed to the human base.

Fortunately, Prince Xin came in time, if he was half a step late, then Qin Hao's life would be lost!

"Your Highness... I am also following orders..." The predator wanted to say something more, but Naxin didn't give it a chance to explain.

"Crack!" Prince Naxin came in front of the predator at a faster speed. He instantly grabbed the predator's small head, and twisted it hard, breaking its neck!

"Normal..." The predator fell to the ground. Although he hadn't died yet, he had the ability to move for a while. Of course, if left alone, it would recover by itself in less than an hour. This is what advanced Zerg possesses Super self-healing ability.

"Brother! Are you okay?" Prince Xin came to Qin Hao's side.

"I'm fine, third brother..." Qin Hao's face was pale at this time. Although he also has a strong self-healing ability, after all, he lost too much blood, and he couldn't recover every three or two days.

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