Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 283 Application for Leaving the Team

With the arrival of a large amount of materials, construction vehicles have also begun construction. !

"Major, I'm Lieutenant Vasili of the engineering battalion. I'm in charge of the base construction this time." An officer came to Qin Hao.

"Then hurry up and build the base. Don't worry about the safety here, but your people had better not provoke the bugs." Qin Hao warned.

"Sir, don't worry, we are constructing in the camp area, and we will definitely not cause trouble for ourselves." Vasily said.

"That's good!" Qin Hao nodded, and then he said to Nicole: "Nicole, please inform Captain James and ask him to send a division of troops here to be responsible for security."

"Okay!" Nicole nodded, and then asked, "Is the strength of a division enough?"

"If it's to deal with bugs, it's definitely not enough, but if it's used to watch these construction workers, it's enough." Qin Hao said, the bug swarm is very disciplined, Prince Fei and Prince Naxin have already ordered So, the swarm will never take the initiative to attack the humans here.

Qin Hao asked James to send people over, mainly to watch over the engineers and prevent some people from provoking bugs, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Soon, after James got the news, he sent infantry divisions one by one. These soldiers immediately blocked the entire camp, separating the engineers from the bugs outside.

After everything was arranged, it was meaningless for Qin Hao to stay here.

"Nicole, tell the general that we can return to the fleet." Qin Hao said to Nicole.

"Okay! I'll contact Dad and ask him to send a spaceship to pick us up." Nicole nodded.

About two hours later, a landing craft landed near the Drake Canyon, and Qin Hao and Nicole left Alpha Star in the landing craft.

After returning to the Federation Glory, Qin Hao was immediately summoned by General Cohen.

"Little Qin! You have done a great job this time!" Cohen patted Qin Hao on the shoulder and smiled. If Qin Hao hadn't offered advice this time, they would never have thought of helping the Zerg, let alone get it without bloodshed. Such an important piece of territory!

The most important thing is that from now on, they have become allies with the local bug swarm. As long as they don't take the initiative to provoke the bug swarm, then the bug swarm will coexist peacefully with them for a long time to come. Very rare!

"General! We found an energy crystal mine near the base in Drake Canyon." At this time, the ground engineering battalion sent good news.

"Really?!" Cohen will be overjoyed. The purpose of humans invading Alpha Star is these energy crystals, and now they can finally get back the proceeds!

"Although it is a poor mine, its value is conservatively estimated to be more than 100 billion based on the currently detected reserves!" The adjutant continued to report.

"So valuable?!" Qin Hao's heart skipped a beat when he heard it from the side. You must know that the psionic crystal veins in Drake Canyon are basically on the other side, and the human base is just a small tail of the veins.

More high-quality mineral sources are located in the center and the other side of the canyon, which is Qin Hao's own private territory, and Enoch's swarms have already begun to live there!

"It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. What's important is that with this mine, the guys at the command headquarters should be able to shut up for a while!" General Cohen was also very happy. It is also very valuable, because the main guns of the Federation's battleships need this crystal as an amplifier.

So with this vein, the Federation can build at least three to five battleships again, which is a very terrifying combat power!

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. He didn't care how many battleships the Federation could rebuild. What he cared about was that with this ore vein, he became a local tyrant overnight!

"Okay, you and Nicole have worked hard this time, and your award will probably come back soon." Cohen smiled at Qin Hao.

"General, now the battle on Alpha Planet has calmed down again,

It's useless for me to stay here, I want to go back to the academy to continue my studies. Qin Hao said to General Cohen after taking a deep breath.

Now Qin Hao has the rank of major, and he is considered a real officer. His promotion path has already started, and there are people to support him, so the education of the Federal Naval Academy is not so important to him, but now Qin Hao The most urgent task at the moment is to temporarily leave the military position, because only in this way can he justifiably remove the battlefield recorder from his arm.

And after this bondage is lifted, he can find a place to transform quietly.

When he was on Planet Alpha, Qin Hao made preparations. He used a sealed petri dish to fill a bottle of brains from the giant copper-horned beetle. It is not difficult to obtain this thing on Planet Alpha.

At this time, Qin Hao's psychic essence was at the critical point of degradation. As long as he was ready, he could immediately enter a metamorphosis state as soon as he absorbed the copper horn brain in the petri dish.

"Do you want to go back to study?" Cohen will be taken aback by Qin Hao's words. Now Qin Hao can be said to be on the rise. At a young age, it is a good time for him to make achievements. Going back to study now is a bit of a waste of time.

"Dad, there's nothing to do on the front line anyway. I'm just graduating soon, let Qin Hao go back with me." Nicole also wanted to go back to school to relax, after all, it's too boring to always be on the front line.

"Well... that's fine..." Cohen nodded. At this moment, in his heart, Qin Hao seemed to be his future son-in-law, so he didn't want this kid to give up his studies halfway.

Although education is no longer an obstacle to Qin Hao's promotion, having a good education will also be a big advantage when evaluating seniority in the future, so for Qin Hao's long-term plans, Cohen also plans to let him go back.

"Thank you, General!" Qin Hao smiled and saluted General Cohen.

"Well, I'll let the adjutant arrange it now. Anyway, you two still have your student status, so go back and continue the class. If there is anything on the front line, I will call you over again." General Cohen said.

Although Qin Hao currently has a military position in the Seventh Fleet, as General Cohen, it is not a big deal for him to temporarily retain his military position and go back to study. Sometimes his identity and background can indeed provide great convenience.

After getting General Cohen's approval, Qin Hao and Nicole left the bridge happily. The two had lunch together, chatted for a while, and went back to pack their bags separately.

Soon, the adjutant helped Qin Hao and Nicole deal with all trivial matters, and a transport ship had parked in the hangar of the Federation Glory, ready to send them back to Earth at any time.

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