Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Two hundred and ninetieth chapters things big

At this moment, there are only two choices before my grandson Zhizhang. product-book-net

The first is to kill Qin Hao, exterminate his mouth, and then destroy his body to exterminate his traces, but unfortunately, this temporary interrogation room has only one door to enter and exit, and there is also a lack of tools, so it is impossible for him to evaporate Qin Hao without leaving a trace.

Second, it took off the yellow paper on Qin Hao's face, and then wiped off the water stains on his face, so that it would not be obvious that Qin Hao had been waterboarded.

Compared with the first plan, the second plan is obviously more feasible, so my grandson Zhizhang immediately stepped forward, wanting to uncover the yellow paper on Qin Hao's face, but at this time, how could Qin Hao let him succeed?

"Pa..." When in front of my grandson's stick, Qin Hao suddenly kicked this guy's knee, because Qin Hao controlled his own strength, so that my grandson's stick did not break on the spot, but also blocked his progress.

"You!" My grandson Zhizhang frowned, he thought about it again, but everything was over.

"Boom!" The door of the temporary interrogation room was kicked open by Martin. Before coming to the Federal Naval Academy, this guy was General Cohen's personal guard, and his skills were quite good.

"What are you doing!?" Hu Yong frowned all of a sudden. Judging from the scene, my grandson's hostage stick was obviously using waterboarding on Qin Hao, and the evidence was undeniable.

"You want to murder the heroes of the Federation!?" Nicole was even more ruthless. Once her hat was buttoned, my grandson's stick would not even have a chance to stand up!

Although waterboarding is a commonly used interrogation method, if it cannot be terminated in time, the victim will be suffocated to death, so if Nicole insists on putting a hat on my grandson's stick as an attempted murder, he can't help it at all. quibble.

"This..." Hu Yong's forehead was sweating. This picket team is under his jurisdiction. If there is a scandal about the murder of a federal hero, he will also have to take the blame.

"No... I didn't intend to kill him..." My grandson Zhizhang also realized the seriousness of the problem now, but it was too late for him to justify himself now.

"Do you know who he is? You murdered him!" Nicole rushed to Qin Hao's side in two steps, and then tore off the yellow paper on his face.

"Huh...huh...cough cough..." Qin Hao gasped for breath very cooperatively, accompanied by a violent cough, as if he had really suffocated just now.

"Snoring..." At this moment, a large group of reporters rushed in. Nicole really wasn't looking for these people. She was already going crazy in order to save Qin Hao, so why bother?

The reporters were actually found by my grandson Zhizhang himself. He originally thought that Qin Hao would confess as he wished and admit that he had slandered the federal army. When this matter was exposed, the academy would definitely expel Qin Hao under pressure. At that time, this kid's future will be completely ruined.

Speaking of which, my grandson's scheme of holding the cane is not insidious. At the beginning, he had the purpose of destroying Qin Hao's future, but unexpectedly, the focus of this exposure fell on him.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Reporters who didn't know why rushed in.

"Water torture!"

"Lynching indiscriminately! This is a felony!"

"The college picket team used lynching indiscriminately... This is a big scandal!"

The reporters talked a lot, all of them looked like hungry wolves who had smelled their prey, their eyes were green. For these reporters, this kind of heavy news was very rare.

"Do you know who he is? He was arrested casually and sentenced to death!" At this time, Nicole began to question my grandson and others.


"Is this victim unusual?"


The professional sense of journalists is very keen, and they instinctively feel that this matter may be even bigger than they imagined!

"His name is Qin Hao, and he is a fighting hero of the Federation! He was born and died on the frontline Alpha Planet, killing silver-horned giant worms, rescuing fallen warships, opening up territories for the Federation on alien planets, and even rescued Major General Pian Zuo alone! What are you in the face of such a hero! How dare you arrest him,

And lynch him! "Nicole's questioning made the reporters who were supposed to record the incident objectively filled with righteous indignation.

At this moment, Qin Hao is definitely a celebrity in the federal army. Almost every planet is broadcasting recruitment advertisements featuring him. It can be said that Qin Hao's popularity is higher than that of any big star.

Especially after Qin Hao rescued Gangmen Pianzuo, in order to repay Qin Hao, this guy used the power of his family to deliberately publicize Qin Hao. In this way, Qin Hao's various meritorious deeds spread along with his conscription advertisement .

Now in the entire Earth Federation, Qin Hao's name is known to almost all women and children, and only here on Earth, because they all live in aristocratic families, and the recruitment advertisements of motorized infantry are almost never played here, so Qin Hao's popularity is relatively low, and the Federation The Naval Academy has closed management all year round, so ordinary people have less information about the outside world. This has led to my grandson Zhizhang not knowing Qin Hao's identity and background at all.

Otherwise, my grandson's confrontation stick is really mentally retarded, and he wouldn't dare to provoke someone of Qin Hao's status!

But my grandson Zhizhang doesn't understand Qin Hao, what do those reporters do for food? They themselves eat the news, so how could they not know about Qin Hao's deeds?

Now after hearing Nicole's questioning, these reporters were all angry. A captain of the college picket team dared to arrest a federal hero privately and attempted to murder him. Title——The Shocking Case! The federal hero was assassinated, is the picket leader of the Naval Academy a Zerg spy?

"Nicole..." Hu Yong wanted to suppress the matter at this time, after all, if these reporters were allowed to report, the matter would become a big mess.

"Uncle Hu, you don't need to worry about this matter. The murder of a combat hero of the Federal Navy must be handled by the military police and the military court!" Nicole said, blocking Hu Yong's mouth.

Seeing that Qin Hao almost died at the hands of such a person, Nicole was already insane. How could she easily let this picket leader go?

"Hey..." Hu Yong sighed, of course he didn't want to protect my grandson's stick, he just wanted to maintain the image of the Federal Naval Academy, but seeing Nicole's angry look, Hu Yong knew that he couldn't say anything. It's useless, now I can only notify the dean and let him think of a way.

"Qin Hao, are you alright?" Nicole gave my grandson Zhizhang a hard look, and then came to Qin Hao's side and asked with concern.

"It's a good thing you came early, otherwise I didn't die at the hands of the Zerg, but I almost fell here!" Qin Hao said pretending to be scared.

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