"Brother Hao, that's not what we mean..." Those students who were arranging Qin Hao just now all wanted to explain with a smile on their faces, but what's the use of explaining at this time?

"Okay, let's leave..." Qin Hao didn't bother to get angry with these people, he waved his hand to signal that these people had left. !

"Hey, thank you Brother Hao!" The guys in the other dormitories dispersed one after another. After all, staying here is boring for themselves, and after the incident of the picket team, everyone knows that Qin Hao may have a strong background, which is extremely bad. Damn, now, before he gets angry, everyone hastened to get out of the way.

"Is this result what you want now?" August suddenly asked after everyone left.

"To be honest, it's a bit beyond my expectation." Qin Hao replied truthfully. At first, he just wanted to teach the picket team and my grandson's stick, but he didn't expect to alert the gendarmerie.

"Do you want me to help you suppress the matter?" Auguste decided to sell Qin Hao, because the current Qin Hao is no longer what he was before.

Before that, although Qin Hao was a little bit capable, in August's heart, he was not enough to be on an equal footing with a person with a family background like himself, but now it is different. , are worthy of associating with him August.

When Qin Hao was taken away just now, although August could use his connections to go to the picket team to save people, but in his opinion, that was superfluous, and he disdained to use this method to cheat favors.

But now, Qin Hao accidentally escalated the matter because of his lack of political sense. If he wants to calm the matter, August is willing to help.

Speaking of which, whether it is Qin Hao or Nicole, they are not like August who grew up under the influence of the political environment. Needless to say, Qin Hao is a child of a commoner family, and he accepts the most ordinary Public education, and although Nicole also received elite education later, Cohen will make a fortune later, and when he enters the inner circle of power, Nicole will have to learn, so she is far behind Augustus in terms of political sense The son of an old aristocrat like Ster.

The picket incident this time was due to Qin Hao and Nicole's lack of political sense, which led to the unexpected expansion of the incident. According to the current discovery situation, this incident has obviously exceeded the control of the two.

"Not yet." Qin Hao smiled. He was not out of conceit, but simply didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. In his opinion, even if the gendarmerie intervened in this matter, it was only my grandson in the end. The quality stick was sentenced.

"I hope you don't regret your decision." Auguste said lightly, and then continued to read the book. He still interferes with me in the current situation. If it continues to develop, even if his family intervenes, it may not be possible. Stop the deliberate promotion of those who are interested.

However, August's aristocratic pride did not allow him to beg for nothing to explain to Qin Hao. Since Qin Hao rejected his offer, he would no longer interfere in this matter.

In the following time, Qin Hao chatted with the brothers in the dormitory for a while, and then because there was still class the next day, everyone took the time to rest.

Qin Hao slept well that night, but some people couldn't sleep, such as Crewe, who was worried that Qin Hao would shake his position, and Nayunji, who was frightened and afraid of being implicated.

Early the next morning, August was the first to get up as usual, and then walked out of the dormitory alone. After a while, Qin Hao and others got up one after another. After everyone washed up, they went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Qin Hao went to the classroom surrounded by Kyle and Han Dong. This was the first time he had returned to class in several months.

"Qin Hao, come with me!" When Qin Hao arrived at the door of the classroom, Ken suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Qin Hao asked.

"There's something I need you to deal with!" Because it's inconvenient for Ken to say more in front of outsiders.

"Okay then." Qin Hao nodded, and then said to Han Dong and Kyle, "It looks like I have to skip class again..."

"Brother Hao, is it okay for you to skip the first class when you come back?" Kyle asked worriedly. If the professor caught him as a pigtail, then Qin Hao would have to face punishment.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it!" Qin Hao smiled, relying on the ability of "Twilight" to deal with absenteeism, wouldn't that be easy?

After saying goodbye to Han Dong and Kyle, Qin Hao followed Ken to the headquarters of "Twilight".

"What's the matter?" Qin Hao asked.

"Master Qin Hao, your identity approval has been completed, and now Lord Naru asked me to invite you to attend the inauguration ceremony!" After the absence of outsiders, Ken's attitude towards Qin Hao was much more respectful, after all, Qin Hao was already a Level A has strengthened the identity of the person.

"It's pretty fast!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Several adults in the organization attached great importance to your appearance, so they quickly confirmed your identity." Ken said with a smile.

In fact, the main reason why the "Twilight" organization confirmed Qin Hao's identity so quickly was because Qin Hao's family background was too innocent, and his file was very simple, so he passed the approval quickly.

Although Qin Hao's identity was encrypted when he joined the "Twilight" organization before, but because the identity confirmation is of great importance this time, Naru found the president for special approval, and then called out Qin Hao's file.

According to the file, Qin Hao's parents were both federal soldiers. Although they were not of high rank, an accident happened during a training session, and both of them died, so Qin Hao became an orphan of a martyr.

In addition, Qin Hao grew up on Kelian Star, and after failing the graduation exam, he went to join the army. His file was very clean, so his identity quickly passed the review.

As for Qin Hao's broken arm in the war, the leaders of a group of strengthened people certainly didn't care about it. After all, it is not uncommon for strengthened people to have the ability to regenerate a broken limb, so they are not surprised by Qin Hao's ability.

Regarding how Qin Hao became a strengthened person, although several high-level deacons of the "Twilight" organization debated for a while, after they found out that his grandfather's name was Qin Jue in the column of relatives in Qin Hao's file, they almost They looked at each other and said nothing.

It was also after discovering this that Qin Hao's follow-up review was cancelled, and he was directly confirmed as the seventh high-ranking deacon of the "Twilight" organization.

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