"What does she mean?" Qin Hao frowned and looked at Nalu. !

"It's hard to say. If it's convenient, you'd better ask your grandfather." Naru said.

"My grandfather? You know my grandfather?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"I've heard of him, but I haven't seen him," Naru said.

"Have you heard of my grandpa?" Qin Hao was taken aback again. In his heart, grandpa was just a weird old man. Although he taught himself to practice some weird things, it seemed nothing special, and Na How could a big man like Lu know him?

"Hehe..." Naru smiled, but didn't say any more.

"Can you tell me about my grandfather?" Qin Hao asked proactively.

"You should ask him yourself, it's not convenient for me to say more..." Nalu shook his head, he seemed to be very cautious when mentioning Qin Jue.

"Hehe... If only I could see him..." Qin Hao sighed, since he was in high school, grandpa has gone somewhere, he can't find anyone at all!

"If this is the case, then I have nothing to do..." Naru smiled, and then said to Qin Hao: "However, if it is about the picket team, you can consult General Cohen, and he may give you some advice. answer."

"Okay then..." Seeing that these people were always hesitant to speak, Qin Hao didn't bother to ask them anymore.

After coming out of the headquarters of "Twilight", Qin Hao was already one of the core bosses of "Twilight", but he couldn't bring himself to be happy at all, because too many doubts plagued his heart .

First, what did Katerina say before she left? Why should he prepare early, and what preparation should he do?

Second, grandpa Qin Ju seems to be a great person, otherwise a person of Nalu's status would not keep him secret.

Now to resolve these confusions, in Qin Hao's view, he can only follow what Naru said, and ask General Cohen first. As for the matter of grandpa, Qin Hao plans to put it aside first, and ask him in person after he finds grandpa. .

After all, guys like Naru are reluctant to talk about this kind of topic, so asking others will probably have the same result.

Looking up at the time, it was almost noon, and it was probably too late to rush to the classroom. The noon class was about to end, so Qin Hao went straight back to his dormitory.

"Forget it, I'm absent from class anyway, so don't go there, go find Nicole first, and see if she can contact General Cohen." Qin Hao lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking.

"Pa-ta!" At this moment, the door of the dormitory opened, and Kyle and Han Dong walked in.

"Hey? Brother Hao, you are here!" Han Dong saw Qin Hao at a glance.

"Well! Have you finished class?" Qin Hao asked.

"It's over, let's go to dinner later, and the damn physical training in the afternoon!" Kyle complained.

"Brother Hao, have you seen Senior Sister Nicole?" Han Dong asked.

"No, what's the matter?" Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

"It's like this. At noon, Sister Nicole came to the classroom to look for you, but you were not there. She told us to tell you after we saw you, and asked you to go find her at the place where you had your first date." Han Dong said.

"Oh! Got it!" Qin Hao jumped up from the bed and rushed out of the room.

"Brother Hao, are you coming to the afternoon class?" Kyle asked.

"Not coming!" Qin Hao's voice came from the end of the corridor.

Running all the way, Qin Hao went straight to the vegetarian restaurant where he dated Nicole - Qi Yuezhai.

"Sir, do you have a reservation?" The waiter asked politely, because it was meal time at this time, and the restaurant was already full of people.

"I'm looking for someone." Qin Hao said.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for, sir?" the waiter asked.

"I'm looking for Nicole." Qin Hao replied.

"So you are looking for Ms. Nicole, she is in private room No. 7." The waiter led Qin Hao to the door of the private room.

"Papa..." The waiter knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in." Nicole's voice came out.

"Miss Nicole, this gentleman is looking for you." The waiter led Qin Hao into the room.

"Yeah! You can serve now." Nicole nodded, she had ordered before.

After the waiter went out, Qin Hao sat beside Nicole, and then asked, "You are in such a hurry to find me for dinner?"

"Of course not, I took the video with my father last night..." Nicole said with a serious face.

"What's the result?" Qin Hao asked.

"We may have gotten into trouble!" Nicole said.

"Creating trouble? Are we obviously the victims?" Qin Hao asked in confusion.

"This incident is not our fault, but our impulse has become the fuse of a political incident!" Nicole said with a serious face.

"Papa..." Qin Hao was about to speak when the door rang again.

"Come in!" Nicole signaled Qin Hao to stop talking.

Then the waiter came in and started serving, and soon, all the dishes Nicole ordered were ready.

"Okay, don't come in again without my order." Nicole said to the waiter.

"Yes!" The waiter nodded, and then backed out.

"What did you want to say just now?" Nicole asked Qin Hao.

"I want to ask what exactly happened?" Qin Hao asked.

"The specifics are not clear, but my father said that we may be involved in a political whirlpool." Nicole said a little nervously.

Politics has never been a gentle game. It is full of blood and rain. If you are not careful, you will face a catastrophic ending.

"I also received some messages, Nicole, is there a way for me to talk to General Cohen?" Qin Hao asked.

"Okay, let's eat first, and I'll take you there after dinner!" Nicole said.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded, just as he was hungry too.

Although Qin Hao was no longer the big eater at the time, he hadn't eaten all afternoon, so he was really hungry.

Although Qi Yuezhai sells all vegetarian dishes, but in terms of taste, these dishes are as delicious as the big fish and meat outside. Before Qin Hao needed to absorb a lot of energy from food, so it was a waste for him to eat these exquisite delicacies .

But now, Qin Hao has resumed his normal food intake, so he can slowly taste these delicacies.

However, because there were still things to do, Qin Hao ate quickly, and the meal was over soon, and Nicole was not in the mood to savor these delicacies too much, and the two left Qi Yuezhai in a hurry.

Led by Nicole, Qin Hao came to a huge communication station. This is a special communication station inside the Federal Naval Academy. It is usually used by the academy for communication. Ordinary students do not have the opportunity to enjoy this kind of telephone privilege, but Nicole Ke used his own identity to open a back door for Qin Hao, and the two quickly contacted the Federation Glory which was several star fields away!

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