After leaving the Military Affairs Department, Qin Hao went straight to the 7th Motorized Infantry Battalion according to the map. On the way, he passed other camps of the 106th Mechanized Infantry Division. It turned out that the 106th Mechanized Infantry Division were almost all recruits.

Looking at these immature faces, Qin Hao sighed. A veteran like him who has been fighting on the battlefield for almost a year is almost dead. These new recruits are directly dragged into such a cruel battlefield. How many were able to leave alive.

Soon, Qin Hao came to the station of the 7th Mobile Infantry Battalion.

"Report!" Qin Hao shouted outside the battalion commander's office.

"Come in!" A deep voice came from inside.

Qin Hao pushed open the door and entered the office, and found that there were only two people inside. One was burly, at least 1.9 meters tall. The whole person was as strong as a bear, and the hair all over his body was extremely lush. If he met this guy in the forest, You really can't tell whether it's a human or a bear, and the other person in the office is only less than 1.7 meters tall, slender, and looks sick. The two people standing together form a stark contrast.

"Private 1573 came to report!" Qin Hao said loudly.

"You're the veteran?" The small man was a lieutenant, and his voice sounded soft.

"Yes! Sir!" Qin Hao answered with his head held high. This is a habit he has developed during his one-year military career.

"The military is also true, the disabled are still not let go, leaving them to drag the troops?" The strong bear-like guy is a second lieutenant, he whispered after seeing Qin Hao's mechanical arm.

"Damn! Do you think I don't want to leave?" Qin Hao cursed inwardly, but without any expression on his face, he still stood there straight, his eyes looking straight ahead.

"Okay, Ralph, I'll leave this guy to you." The skinny lieutenant was the battalion commander of the Seventh Motor Infantry Battalion, and Ralph was obviously the bear-like guy.

"Batch commander, why are you giving me a disabled person? Our second company is a sharp knife company, we don't want waste!" Ralph said reluctantly, but it seems that his personal relationship with the battalion commander should be good, otherwise He didn't dare to speak to his superiors like that.

"Stop talking nonsense, and execute the order!" The battalion commander gave Ralph a blank look.

"Yes! Sir!" Although he was extremely reluctant, since the battalion commander said this in an orderly tone, Ralph could only execute it.

"Boy, come with me!" Ralph glanced at Qin Hao, then walked out of the office.

Qin Hao followed Ralph out of the office and went straight to the second company's station. Ralph's thoughts never stopped along the way. A guy who looked like a bear was as broken as an angry little daughter-in-law. The broken thoughts made Qin Hao very uncomfortable.

"Who is that?" After arriving at the second company's station, Ralph pointed at Qin Hao and continued: "Although the battalion commander insisted on putting you in my place, but you are like this, so don't drag others down. Well, let me find a spare time for you."

"I obey the commander's order!" Qin Hao knew the rules of the barracks well. The commander's order was the imperial decree, which must be implemented.

"Yeah! The cooking class still lacks a squad leader. You veteran soldier is just right for the job!" Ralph said. Because of Qin Hao's disability, he resolutely did not agree to let Qin Hao go to the front line to drag down his soldiers.

"Yes! Sir!" Qin Hao nodded. In fact, going to the cooking class is not bad. At least the food is full. These days, apart from the itching at the broken arm, Qin Hao also has an abnormality, which is his appetite. Unprecedentedly large, one meal can eat the rations of the previous day, and it is not very full.

Of course, such a large appetite is no problem on a battleship. There are plenty of materials here. No one cares about how much you want to eat. However, on the ground battlefield, the materials are not very abundant, especially when the battle is difficult, and the individual soldiers The rations that can be carried are limited, according to Qin Hao's current appetite,

If the logistics can't keep up, he'll have to eat the legs of the giant beetle.

Therefore, being assigned to the cooking class is not without benefits. At least one company's rations are here. Qin Hao can get close to the water tower, at least he doesn't have to go hungry.

However, the cooking class is not only an advantage, but also has disadvantages. Because they have to carry a lot of cooking utensils and combat rations, their power exoskeletons are basically heavy-duty, and their weapons are only small pistols and two energy grenades for self-defense. That's all, it's not equipped with the powerful firepower of an electromagnetic rifle.

As a veteran, without an electromagnetic rifle in his hand, Qin Hao always felt that he was at a loss.

But anyway, the commander's order has come down, and the battlefield recorder on Qin Hao's shoulder has also been updated. Now he is the squad leader of the second company's cooking team.

"Okay, go to the cooking class to see your soldiers." Ralph waved and dismissed Qin Hao.

"Yes! Sir!" Qin Hao saluted Ralph, then turned and walked towards the cooking class.


"Save me a chicken leg!"

"I rub it! The quality of this supply is average, only so much for fresh vegetables and meat?"

"Just leave some points for the company commander, let's share!"

As soon as Qin Hao arrived at the door of the kitchen, he saw a few fat and white guys sharing a chicken to eat. In the space age, the army's food supply has long been a problem, but the military rations on starships and on the battlefield are generally high. Concentrated nutrient solution and compressed food are the main products. Fresh vegetables and meat only account for a very small part because they are not easy to preserve.

"Damn it! No wonder I have eaten almost every nutrient solution and compressed biscuits with meals this year. It turns out that all the good things are eaten by you guys!" Qin Hao scolded inwardly, but there is a saying that the cook doesn't steal the grains. No, cooks have been stealing food since ancient times. The officers also know about this, but because the cooks have reserved their share of good food for the officers, they just turn a blind eye. Now, the only thing that suffers is Qin Hao and the others.

"Assemble!" Qin Hao's resentful voice scared the cooks who were stealing food almost to death.

"Come, come, gather, gather." The cooks wiped their mouths and then came out to line up. They had just received a notification from the battlefield recorder that a new squad leader was coming.

"You..." Qin Hao planned to lecture at first, but when he saw these shiny guys, he suddenly didn't bother to waste his words with these guys.

"Forget it, let's disband!" Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Come here, let's stew the beef, and celebrate the new squad leader!" These cooks are all human beings. When they saw Qin Hao's robotic arm, they knew that this guy was a big-headed soldier who came down from the battlefield. With the anger on his face, he knew that he was blaming himself and these people for stealing food.

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