After turning the corner, Qin Hao found that it was a long corridor, and on both sides of the corridor were two rows of identical brown wooden doors, and there was no sign outside the door, so it was impossible to identify which room was the president's office. !

After following the big man for a few doors, the big man stopped.

"Papa..." The big man knocked on the door of one of his rooms.

"Come in." A deep voice came from inside.

"Pa..." The door was pushed open, and the big man walked in with Qin Hao.

"Your Excellency, Qin Hao is here." The big man said.

"Well! You go out first." Claude nodded.

After the big man went out, Qin Hao looked back and forth in this room, and he found that the interior decoration of this office was very simple, and there were two people sitting on the sofa beside them, and they were also looking at Qin Hao at this time.

"Are you that Qin Hao?" Claude asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. President." Qin Hao gave a military salute to Claude.

"Hehe, there is indeed a sense of momentum." Claude nodded.

"Yeah, if he didn't have the drive, how would he dare to beat that boy Hines!" Frank laughed at the side, he was the president's most trusted aide.

"Come on, don't be nervous, sit down and chat." Claude didn't have any bureaucratic airs, he waved his hand very accommodatingly, motioning Qin Hao to sit opposite.

"Yes!" Qin Hao saluted, and then sat opposite the president and Frank.

"Xiao Qin, I heard that you and Nicole are talking about friends, right?" What Qin Hao didn't expect was that after he sat down, President Claude didn't ask a word about Sinise, and instead made a fool of him. homely.

"Yes! Nicole and I are dating." Although it was a relatively personal question, Qin Hao had to answer the president's question.

"Hehe, Cohen is really capable, and he actually started so early!" Claude shook his head.

"What's the matter? President, do you have the same idea?" Frank has a good personal relationship with Claude, so he can still joke with the president at this time.

"I would like to, but my daughter is only six years old, Xiao Qin, can you wait?" Claude laughed loudly.

"Uh..." Qin Hao was a little overwhelmed by the laughter of these two old guys whose combined age was almost a hundred. Although he knew that these two guys were making fun of him, he still didn't know how to answer this question. talk.

"Okay, the little guy is nervous again, let's talk about business." Claude finally changed his serious face, and Qin Hao also sat upright and prepared to listen.

"Qin Hao, you don't need to be too concerned about Sinise. That kid is just a dude. If he troubles you again, you can beat him up, but don't hit him hard. Don't let him be disabled." Frank on the side was getting Said after receiving the President's order.

"Is this okay?" Qin Hao was a little worried.

"Don't worry, at least it will be fine during this period of time. Now the Hussein family doesn't care about using any political capital for an unsatisfactory Sinise." Frank laughed.

"Oh!" Qin Hao nodded. Since the president gave such instructions, he has nothing to worry about.

"Let's put aside those children's fights, let's talk about something serious." Claude took over the topic.

"Yes!" Qin Hao sat up straighter.

"Xiao Qin, although you are young, you still have to call me uncle from Nicole, but because you took over as the seventh deacon of "Twilight", you can no longer enjoy the treatment of a 'child' Already." Claude said to Qin Hao.

"Mr. President, I don't quite understand what you said." Qin Hao said with a frown.

"Hehe, didn't I just say that, from Nicole, you have to call me uncle." Claude laughed.

"Uh... well, Uncle Claude." Of course, Qin Hao is willing to get closer to the president. Although he now understands that the real power of the federation is in the hands of noble families, the president also has a lot of power.

With his support, Qin Hao's life would be much easier.

"Okay, let's continue talking about the topic just now." Claude nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Qin Hao: "People of your generation, such as Nicole, such as the Gangmen Pianzuo you know, and that Hines, you are all children in our eyes, and what kind of treatment do children enjoy? That can be irresponsible, but no one cares about what they say."

"What the president means is that these little guys are in political activities, they only represent themselves, no matter what they say, they don't represent the meaning of the family, this is a kind of protection for them, and it is also a family that is afraid of their impulsiveness. "Frank explained on the side.

"Oh!" Qin Hao nodded.

"But you are different. If you have not become a high-ranking deacon of "Twilight", then you, like Nicole, are children. It doesn't matter how you mess around. As long as you don't go too far, we can clean it up for you." Claude said that he had a sip of tea here, and then continued: "But it's different now, you have become the seventh deacon of "Twilight", and you have become my direct subordinate, and you are still the kind of subordinate with real power. Everything we say and do represents the meaning of our political camp, do you understand?"

"I seem to understand a little bit." Qin Hao nodded, Claude's meaning is obvious, that is, Qin Hao has to be cautious in his words and deeds now, he is different from Nicole and the others, Nicole and the others said the wrong thing, Or if he does something wrong, there is room for redemption, and Qin Hao has now entered the core of the president's faction, and his words and deeds represent the president's faction, so he must be cautious.

"Understood!" Claude nodded in satisfaction.

"Then what do you think I should do this time?" Qin Hao asked.

"The two don't help each other! I know that you are closer to the gatekeeper, and now you have conflicts with Sinise, but I hope you don't rush to stand in line." Claude said.

"Well! I know, but if they come to me, how should I reply?" Qin Hao asked.

"You said you have to think about it, and then you learn, if you feel too tired, then just hide." Claude said.

"Can you still hide?" Qin Hao's eyes lit up, he needs a private space right now, because his main purpose of returning to Earth is to start the transformation ceremony!

"What's wrong with that? I'll explain it to you. Someone will temporarily take over the things you organize in Twilight," Claude said.

"I still have things to deal with? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Huh! Because I helped you distribute everything to others, that girl Sophia dug such a big hole for you, how can she do it without paying a little price?" Claude laughed, his words seemed to be Helping Qin Hao to complain is actually helping Katerina and Si Ni. After all, they are all powerful fighters under him. Claude doesn't want Qin Hao to hate Katerina for this, so he first finds a reason to punish her.

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