"I don't know when the rescue will arrive. I'm a little scared..." Lucia said, pulling Qin Hao's sleeve.

"Don't be afraid, there is me!" Qin Hao patted Lucia's tender little hand.

"Yeah!" Lucia nodded. She didn't know why. Qin Hao's magnetic voice seemed to give her unlimited confidence. She believed that as long as this man was by her side, no one could hurt. Without her, not even a Zerg army!

"Hey... I said if you two can change the time and get tired again, we are still in danger!" Pang Meng rolled his eyes, and he suddenly had the feeling that he was a light bulb.

"Yeah!" Lucia blushed with embarrassment, she quickly pulled her hand back from Qin Hao's big hand, and gave Pang Meng an angry look.

"I'll check the surroundings first!" Qin Hao smiled awkwardly. Although he was a little greedy for the gentle touch just now, he also understood that the first priority now is to survive!

Speaking of which, Qin Hao joined the army after graduating from high school. There are no female soldiers in the mobile infantry sequence. This most difficult and dangerous type of army is too unsuitable for female soldiers. Although Qin Hao had a childhood friend when he was in school. The table, but since they were admitted to the Federal Naval Academy, and they were framed and dropped out, the relationship between the two has also been broken.

Qin Hao had forgotten the feeling of being in love after a year of bullets, but when he just held Lucia's little hand, he suddenly felt a faster heartbeat.

Although he is already known as a veteran, Qin Hao is only a 189-year-old boy after all. He is still easily affected by this charming atmosphere, especially Lucia is such a beautiful and lovely girl, Qin Hao wants to say Not at all tempted, that's definitely self-deception.

Shaking his head vigorously, Qin Hao asked himself to temporarily get rid of those messy thoughts. He patrolled the base. Although there was always a sense of danger lingering in his heart, he did not find the slightest suspicious place.

"Have you found anything?" Pang Meng asked. Although he is a scientist and a doctor, he specializes in surgery. His pre-judgment of danger and his understanding of the battlefield are far less than Qin Hao, who fought on the Zerg battlefield. long-time warrior.

"I didn't find anything suspicious, but I always felt something was wrong." Qin Hao said with a frown. He couldn't explain the sense of crisis that came from his heart.

"It's really weird. There are two divisions guarding here. How can there be no one alive, no dead body!" Qin Hao muttered to himself, even if all the human defenders were killed, the corpses It was also eaten by the Zerg, so this base must also leave traces of battle? The Zerg can't fix the base, and then clean it up?

Just when Qin Hao was puzzled, the sky gradually darkened. After the sunset had fallen into the valley, the little afterglow gradually dimmed.

Because when Qin Hao and the others arrived at Coles Valley, it was already around four o'clock in the afternoon. After entering the base and getting in touch with the fleet, it was already five or six o'clock. It took a lot of effort to re-establish contact with the fleet.

So at this time the sun sets and night falls.

"Qin Hao, look at Xiao Hei!" At this moment, Lucia suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" As soon as Qin Hao turned around, he saw Xiao Hei, who was lying at the entrance of the command hall, suddenly became restless.

"Xiao Hei, what's wrong with you?" Qin Hao came to Xiao Hei's side.

"Squeak..." Xiao Hei called out twice, looking in the direction of the base gate at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao didn't know what the little black image meant, but the night fell very fast in the mountains.

The brilliance of the sun had completely disappeared, and only the lights in the base lit up the small valley.

"Ka!" I don't know what creature made an extremely unpleasant cry.

"Whoosh!" With this cry, Xiao Hei ignored Qin Hao, and it got into a room in the camp and closed the door with its huge jaws.

"What's the situation?" Qin Hao frowned, but Xiao Hei was definitely not hiding for no reason. At this time, Qin Hao chose to believe in Xiao Hei's instinct.

"Go!" Qin Hao came to Lucia's side in a few steps, then took her little hand and ran to the command hall.

Because of the inconvenience of movement, Pang Meng had been sitting at the door of the hall, and Qin Hao also dragged him in after he arrived.

"Bang!" Qin Hao, following Xiao Hei's example, closed the door and locked the lock.

"Qin Hao, what are you doing?" Lucia asked puzzled, but she didn't break free from Qin Hao's big hand.

"I don't know, Xiao Hei will never hide for no reason, so we'd better prepare in advance." Qin Hao said.

"Oh!" Lucia nodded.

At this time, Qin Hao and the three looked at each other silently, because no one knew what was going on. In this unknown, a terrifying atmosphere filled the air. None of the three people wanted to talk, and the surroundings were quiet to death, so everyone Almost all of them are thinking wildly in their hearts, and the more they do, the stronger the fear in their hearts.

Qin Hao was still holding Lucia's little hand. At this time, he already felt that the girl's little hand was cold and sweaty. Obviously, he was very scared. In the end, Lucia simply snuggled up to Qin Hao's side, as if this could bring Give her more security.

"Ugh..." At this time, there was another cry of unknown origin from outside the base, which made the already terrifying atmosphere even more intense.

"I'm afraid..." Lucia is just a medic and a girl herself. At this time, she was so scared that her face turned pale, and her whole body was almost buried in Qin Hao's arms, but even so, it was still hard to stop her heart. of fear.

"Don't be afraid...don't be afraid...there is me!" Qin Hao comforted Lucia, but at this moment, Qin Hao heard some kind of voice.

It's hard to describe the voice, it's like a babbling whisper, but Qin Hao can be sure that he doesn't understand this language, and he's never heard of it, but the scary thing is that he can understand what it means!

"Come! Come! Come to me!"

"Come by my side and you will be liberated!"


The babbling whispers echoed in Qin Hao's mind.

"Huh!" At this moment, Pang Meng, who was unable to act alone, suddenly stood up.

Almost at the same time, Lucia also pushed Qin Hao's arm away and stood up. Although her face was still pale, her eyes were extremely dull.

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