"Papa..." Qin Hao went forward and knocked the two boys unconscious. !

At this time, the danger of hijacking has been eliminated, Qin Hao doesn't need to kill them all, and he also has to keep two alive, and hand them over to the police for interrogation.

"Okay, everyone, don't worry, the danger has been lifted." Qin Hao said to these passengers.

"..." The entire cabin was silent, and everyone said thank you to Qin Hao, because the young mothers were scared to death at this moment.

"Thank you, uncle!" A little girl said to Qin Hao, blinking her big eyes.

"Thank you...thank you..." At this moment, the passengers in the cabin finally realized that they were saved!

"Okay, let's look for it first, and get two ropes to tie these two guys up." Qin Hao's main purpose of saying this was to reassure these passengers. In fact, these two robbers won't wake up for a while. It's also pretty heavy to start with.

Passengers on this side looked for ropes one after another, and then went to tie up the two unconscious robbers, while Qin Hao came to the young man who was sitting next to him just now.

"You are a mechanical maintenance engineer, right?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yeah!" The young man nodded, and then he looked at Qin Hao blankly, and suddenly, he shouted loudly: "I remembered, you are Qin Hao! The fighting hero of the Federation!"

"No wonder!"

"I said why is it so powerful!"

"Yeah, at first I thought it looked familiar. If I knew he was there, I wouldn't be so scared just now."

"Hehe..." Qin Hao smiled, acquiescing to his identity, and then he said to the young man: "There may be something wrong with the cockpit ahead, you'd better go there."

"Oh! Oh!" The young man nodded, and then trotted all the way to the cockpit. Although there were dead bodies on both sides of the aisle at this time, he didn't care about being afraid now.

After the young man left, Qin Hao was not idle. He first moved the dead bodies to the corner, then threw the two bundled guys to the other side, and then entrusted two male passengers to take care of them, and the flight attendant of the spaceship At this time, they returned to their posts one after another. Although they still had tears on their faces, they still comforted those children and their mothers very dedicatedly.

Then Qin Hao got up and returned to the cockpit.

"How is it? Is the situation serious?" Qin Hao asked.

"It's not very serious, there is a slight leak of fuel, but it doesn't affect our arrival at Chahar Star Airport." The young man replied.

"That's good!" Qin Hao nodded, and then said to the co-pilot, "Can I get in touch with Star Chahar now?"

"Not yet, we have to get out of the asteroid belt, the disturbance here is too great," said the co-pilot.

"Okay then!" Qin Hao nodded, and he couldn't ask too much for the communication capabilities of civilian spacecraft.

More than two hours later, the spacecraft finally sailed out of the asteroid belt.

"Can I get in touch with Chahar Star now?" Qin Hao asked.

"Okay!" said the co-pilot.

"Get in touch with them there, and then report the situation on our side. If they allow, we can land as usual." Qin Hao said.

"Okay!" The co-pilot nodded, and then started to communicate with Star Chahar.

Soon, Qin Hao's spaceship got in touch with the control tower of Chahar Airport and reported everything that happened here.

At this moment, Chahar Star has already entered a state of emergency. Apart from communicating with the robbers, several warships have already set off. If the situation is critical, they even consider forcibly landing on this spaceship.

But at this time, good news came from the spaceship, saying that the robbers had been dealt with, which made the officials at all levels of Chahar star breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, all those involved in this hijacking were members of the military. If this was not handled properly, many people would be lost.

"Have you solved those robbers alone?"

"This is too powerful!"

The officials talked a lot,

The military people also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Quick! Let those warships escort this spaceship to land, and I want to meet that hero in person!" said the consul of Chahar Star.

After a few more hours, the spaceship finally landed in the air port of Star Chahar under the escort of two frigates, and it still landed in the spare military port.

No way, although the spacecraft claims that the robbers have been dealt with, but what if they don't? If you use a civilian airport, you have to evacuate a large number of people, and it is not safe to use a military port, so this backup military port has become the best choice.

After the spaceship came to a complete stop, the passengers came out one after another, and Chahar Star's pick-up was a labor-intensive effort. In addition to the medical staff and officials who came, a large number of reporters also came after hearing the news.

Soon, those children and their mothers were taken to the medical vehicle, and after their identities were verified, they were all sent to the nearest hospital for physical and psychological examinations, and then several male passengers and the flight attendants were also sent to the hospital for medical treatment. The car was sent away.

Next, a large number of military police brought down the body of the spaceship, as well as the two robbers who were captured alive.

"Hey? What about the hero who solved all the robbers by himself?" asked Robert, the consul of Chahar Star.

"Still in the cockpit!" The secretary beside him reminded.

"Oh! Oh!" Robert nodded again and again. At this time, the co-pilot and the mechanic of the spaceship came out of the cockpit, followed by Qin Hao at the end.

"Is it you? The hero who killed the robbers?" The reporters rushed forward, and then were stopped by the military police.

"No...not...I am the maintenance mechanic, and he is the hero who saves the spaceship." The young man pointed at Qin Hao behind him.

"Hey? Why do I think this person looks so familiar?"

"Yes! I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

"Damn it! I remember, I saw him in the recruitment advertisement!"

"Qin Hao!"

"That's right! It's him!"

"No wonder, one person took care of those robbers!"

"That's right! No matter how powerful those robbers are, they are still human. He can kill seven in and seven out of the swarm. These robbers are really unlucky."


After the reporters confirmed Qin Hao's identity, they suddenly felt that those robbers weren't so scary anymore. Instead, they felt a little sympathetic to these unlucky guys. They didn't even choose the right day to rob a plane, and they actually ran into this federal fighting hero. , isn't that the old birthday star - impatient to live?

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