Lucia leaned on Qin Hao's shoulder and whispered a few words, and then finally left, Qin Hao reluctantly returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Qin Hao changed the channel unconsciously, he didn't know what he wanted to watch, he just felt confused.

"Knock knock knock..." At this time, the knock on the door came again.

"Who?" Qin Hao asked.

"Excuse me, is Qin Hao here?" A man's voice came from outside the door.

"Here! Wait a minute!" Qin Hao got up and opened the door, only to see a young officer standing outside. He was in his twenties, not much older than Qin Hao, but his rank was already captain.

"You are Qin Hao, right?" The captain asked politely.

"Yes! Sir!" Qin Hao saluted immediately, there is no way, his rank is much higher than his.

"General Rice wants to see you, come with me." The captain said to Qin Hao. Although he was quite polite and had a smile on his face, it could be seen from the fact that he didn't introduce himself. Qin Hao, the big-headed soldier, still carried a contempt from above.

"Yes!" Although Qin Hao knew that others looked down on him, he had no choice. There is a saying that the first grade of the official university crushed him, not to mention that people who were older than him were more than one grade.

Following the young captain, Qin Hao walked through the long corridor, and then took the hover car for 20 minutes before arriving at the bridge of the Federal Glory.

"Hey..." The hatch opened, the captain walked in, and Qin Hao followed behind and walked into the bridge of the Federal Glory.

"It's so beautiful..." This is the first time Qin Hao has entered the bridge of the starship. There are huge portholes here, you can see the starry sky outside, and countless data are flashing on various monitors. Qin Hao couldn't understand all of them.

"Crack!" The captain came to the command stage, saluted several middle-aged men in white military uniforms, and then reported loudly, "General, Qin Hao is here."

"Yeah!" One of the blond soldiers nodded, then turned to Qin Hao and said, "Are you that Qin Hao?"

"Yes! General!" Qin Hao immediately stepped forward and saluted. Although he didn't know the middle-aged man in front of him, he could tell from his rank that he was a major general.

"Very good! The young man is not bad!" The blond soldier smiled, and then introduced himself: "My name is Rice, the captain of the Federal Glory, and the temporary commander of the Seventh Fleet of the Federal Navy."

"Crack!" Qin Hao gave a military salute again.

"Okay, don't be so restrained, we called you this time to learn something from you." Rice said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded.

"I heard from Dr. Pangmon that you have some special information about the mystery of the disappearance of the soldiers at the Coles Valley base, right?" Rice asked, and the attention of several other senior officers was also attracted. .

"Yes!" Qin Hao turned on his battlefield recorder and projected the image.

"General, look, this is the scene at that time..." Qin Hao began to describe the scene to these officers along with the recording of the video.

"Well..." After listening to Qin Hao's description, Major General Rice nodded thoughtfully.

"I have a question!" said a combat staff officer suddenly raising his hand.

"Yeah!" Rice nodded.

"Qin Hao, since both Dr. Pang Meng and the medic were hypnotized by sound waves, why are you okay?" the staff officer asked.

"That's right..." Several other people nodded their heads. According to Qin Hao, the 20,000 garrisoned troops at the Coles Valley Base were all trapped and killed because of sonic hypnosis, but Qin Hao was the only one who was fine. This is not surprising. ?

"It's like this. I was born with a congenital defect, and my perception of sound is less than that of normal people." Qin Hao taught him these words when Lucia was about to leave.

Don't look at Lucia as a cute girl, she can't endure hardship and has no courage, but she has a very careful heart, especially after she fell in love with Qin Hao, she always thinks about Qin Hao, so she found out in time This flaw, and used his professional knowledge to help Qin Hao eliminate this hidden danger.

"Is that so..." Rice and several staff officers nodded. They did not doubt the authenticity of Qin Hao's words. After all, this war was a war between humans and Zerg. Qin Hao could not be a spy. So there is no reason to lie.

"It seems that we have to study it. This is a big problem. If we are hypnotized on the battlefield, it will be a great blow to us!" Rice nodded.

"Well! Dr. Pang Meng has set up a new topic, I think he will solve this problem." said a staff officer.

"I hope he can solve this problem as soon as possible, and stop sending troops to the ground for the time being." Rice said after thinking for a while.

"Yes! General!" Several staff officers immediately recorded it.

"Okay, Qin Hao, you go to rest first, we will find you if we have any questions." Rice turned and said to Qin Hao.

"Yes!" Qin Hao saluted and then withdrew. The decision-making of the command level is not something he can participate in.

Then Qin Hao was sent back to his room by the captain. It seemed that this captain should be Major General Rice's adjutant.

"Huh..." Lying on his bed, Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Lucia whispered a few words beside him before leaving, otherwise he would have been questioned by those staff officers today, in case the Zerg was involved Due to the genetic problem, he will be sent to the laboratory for biopsy.

But after the crisis passed, Qin Hao could rest on the flagship for a few days, because Rice might summon him again, so he was not sent back to his unit immediately, and was temporarily left on the flagship.

In this way, Qin Hao does not have to go back to the barracks with dozens of people. He is now enjoying the treatment of a senior officer. When the 106th Division Commander James was on the battleship, I am afraid this is the same level of treatment. .

Time is like running water, half a month has passed in a flash, and the research conducted by Pang Meng still has not made much progress, so the investment of human beings in the ground battlefield is constantly shrinking. After all, the threat of hypnosis is too great. Before cracking the solution, Rice didn't want to waste soldiers' lives.

Qin Hao's life has been very smooth these days. It's really good to eat, drink, and treat. There are even fitness facilities in the officer's lounge. The living environment here is really different from the situation of the grassroots troops.

It's just that the only thing that makes Qin Hao uncomfortable is that in his residential area, the lowest rank of others are lieutenants and captains, and most of these people are the adjutants of senior officers, and Qin Hao is only a big head soldier, so most people don't want to pay attention to it. he.

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