When the equipment and personnel ordered by Qin Hao arrived on Planet Alpha, his factory was successfully built in the base.

Because the employees of Qin Hao's factory are all civilians, it is unrealistic to ask them to go to the slaughterhouse to remove the insect legs. It is estimated that these people will be scared out of their mental illness when they see that scene, so Qin Hao still asks the guards to help them go. Pick.

Of course, Qin Hao will not treat these soldiers badly. In addition to the daily extra meals, Qin Hao also subsidizes an additional allowance for the soldiers in the entire base. Although the amount is not very high, it is for nothing after all, so these The fighters are also willing to help out with this favor.

Anyway, now they often go to the slaughterhouse to get worm legs, and those worms ignore them at all. This kind of work is not dangerous at all, and they can get extra money, so who would not want to do it?

A few days later, Qin Hao's first batch of cooked and frozen worm leg meat was successfully packaged, and then passed through the back door of General Cohen. A market has been arranged for these insect meat. As long as the insect meat arrives, sales will definitely not be a problem.

If it is said that Qin Hao has been busy for such a long time, just for a mere insect meat processing factory, then you may underestimate his ambition a little bit. Ever since General Cohen mentioned to Qin Hao that the fleet can purchase equipment by itself, Qin Hao is not interested in money. desire was aroused.

The reason why the big families acquiesced to Qin Hao's establishment of this insect meat factory was that he was afraid that he would smuggle energy crystals due to lack of money, but they didn't know that the main purpose of Qin Hao's establishment of this factory was really to smuggle crystals.

Although the major families have sent special personnel to watch the two phantom crystal veins, and each crystal will be registered as soon as it is mined. It is impossible to steal and smuggle it, but the problem is that Qin Hao has a bigger He didn't have to worry about the production of those two lean mines for the phantom crystal veins.

And this worm meat factory was used as a cover for Qin Hao's smuggling of crystals, and the employees inside were all General Cohen's cronies, and many of them were his old subordinates.

There was a time when Qin Hao was complacent because he got a free meal card. At that time, money meant nothing to Qin Hao. As long as he could eat and drink well, he was already very satisfied.

But now, both identity and strength have inspired Qin Hao's desire for wealth. Before you gave him 100 million federal coins, he might have been directly confused, because he can't imagine other things that need to be spent besides buying a house and a car. In fact, the money needed to buy a house and a car is only enough to rely on interest.

But now, Qin Haoma has a second-line army that needs to be managed by himself. Whether it is to win people's hearts or equip the fleet, it all costs money. Not even a splash can come out!

"Boss, are you looking for me?" A middle-aged man with a square face came to Qin Hao. His name was Gao Yuan, he was the manager of the insect meat factory, and he was one of General Coen's most trusted people. I think he was blocked by General Cohen. The gun was retired due to injury.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then quietly handed him a small note.

Because he was wearing a battlefield recorder, Qin Hao couldn't say some things casually, but because the battlefield recorder was on his left shoulder, Qin Hao could hide from it and secretly write a note or something.

"How's the factory doing recently?" After passing the note, Qin Hao started chatting with Gao Yuan without saying a word.

"Everything is fine, the first batch of worm meat has been shipped! It is estimated that Miss Nicole will receive it in two days." Gao Yuan replied cooperatively.

"Well, I may have to be transferred from here soon, and this factory is entrusted to you." Qin Hao said.

"Don't worry, boss, I won't make mistakes!" Gao Yuan replied.

"Well! Then you go to work." Qin Hao briefly chatted with Gao Yuan and asked him to leave.

After Gao Yuan returned to his dormitory, he took out the note. The content of the note was very simple, asking him to go to a certain place to get something, and then hide it in the worm's leg meat.

Sent to Earth for Nicole.

After receiving the mission, Gao Yuan set off that night. As a special soldier, he easily avoided the sentry post and sneaked out of the base.

Because Gao Yuan is no longer a soldier, he does not have a battlefield recorder on his body, so Qin Hao asked him to do this.

Half an hour later, Gao Yuan came to the place Qin Hao told him, and found a strange egg under a tree.

This is something like a meat egg, covered with a thick fleshy shell, and there is some disgusting mucus on the surface. Gao Yuan doesn't know what it is, but since it's something the boss told him, he can't ask too much After all, when he came here before, General Cohen told him to do more work and less inquire. He naturally understood this truth after working as a guard.

After packing the meat egg in a pocket, Gao Yuan sneaked all the way back to the human base, but what he didn't know was that his series of actions were under the surveillance of several Destroyers.

After returning to the factory, Gao Yuan first hid the meat and egg, and then waited for the next batch of worm leg meat to be packaged before he quietly hid the meat and egg in the worm leg meat, and then waited for the arrival of the transport ship At that time, it was transported to the earth together with the worm leg meat.

Gao Yuan didn't know what was inside the meat egg, but Qin Hao knew very well that there were a few extremely transparent psionic crystals inside. I believe that after these things are transported to the earth, Nicole will buy them at a good price !

And this sum of money is also Qin Hao's start-up capital after arriving at the Keha Galaxy Fleet, otherwise he would have passed away poor and useless, what would he use to buy people's hearts and sentiments?

After everything was ready, Qin Hao spent more than ten days in the base for his birthday. On this day, General Cohen sent a message.

"Qin Hao, pack your things, your order will arrive in about a week!" General Cohen said straight to the point.

"Hehe, I've packed everything and can go anytime!" Qin Hao laughed.

"I told you to think, have you thought it through?" General Cohen asked. In fact, he also knew about Qin Hao's little tricks. Mentioned.

Seeing that Qin Hao did not hesitate to smuggle energy crystals to obtain start-up funds, General Cohen knew that this kid had opened his mind.

"Well, I'm ready, Nicole should tell you?" Qin Hao asked with a smile, and he didn't intend to hide it from Cohen.

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