"Okay, we buddies don't need to deal with such nonsense.!" Gangmen Pianzuo smiled, and he didn't mind Qin Hao's words too much.

"Brother, I didn't mean it, I just want to know how to lead a fleet well." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Okay, you are asking the right person. Although I am not talented in the post, I can clearly recognize how much I have. We are all brothers, and I don't need to hide it from you. When it comes to power tactics and political struggle, my brother, I also came from a professional background, and I have received this kind of education since I was a child, but when it comes to commanding the fleet, although I am not a layman, I can say that I am not proficient."

Gangmen Pianzuo and Qin Hao are very frank. The heirs of their aristocratic families have received very good education, and there are very few pure seedlings. But they are also ordinary people, and it is impossible for them to know the world and geography. Are proficient.

Like Gangmen Pianzuo, he was raised as the heir of the Gangmen family since he was a child. He is proficient in power struggles. He doesn't need to know much about other things, at least he can understand the generalities of each.

"Brother, how do you manage the fleet?" Qin Hao humbly asked for advice.

"It's very simple, leave the things you don't understand to someone who knows, don't pretend you don't understand." Gangmen Pianzuo said with a smile.

"So simple?" Qin Hao asked suspiciously.

"Of course, professional things are left to professional people. It's so simple. Do you think our president knows the world, knows geography, and is proficient in politics, economy and military affairs? If that's the case, he still has What are so many staff members doing?" Gangmen Pianzuo laughed.

"Brother, what do you think I need to make up for?" Qin Hao asked.

"You really have to catch up on some knowledge. This thing sounds like a trick, but it's called a playful person." Gangmen Pianzuo said.

"Ah?" Qin Hao was at a loss when he heard that.

"It's very simple, you first have to learn how to win over a group of cronies, gather some capable men, and then firmly hold these people in your hands, as for the rest, they will do it for you. " Gangmen Pianzuo laughed.

"That's it..." Qin Hao nodded.

"As for controlling people's hearts, the most important thing is to observe. Everyone has weaknesses. Some people are greedy for money, some are lustful, and some people are not interested in money and lust, but they want fame and fame. Anyway, they always have one preference. As long as you do what you like, it is not difficult to win someone over!" Gangmen Pianzuo talked about these things eloquently.

"It's really taught." Qin Hao nodded after listening to it. An upright person like General Cohen would not teach him these things.

"What I can tell you is these things on paper. As for the specifics, you have to experience it yourself, but your opportunity will come soon. After arriving in the new fleet, you will see more people of all kinds. , will gradually become known." Gangmen Pianzuo said.

"Well, I see." Qin Hao nodded.

Then Gangmen Pianzuo chatted with Qin Hao for a while, during which he taught Qin Hao some tricks. In the final analysis, one sentence was nothing more than coercion and lure.

In the eyes of Gangmen Pianzuo, feelings and loyalty are unreliable. Only by grabbing the opponent's tail can he make his opponent feel at ease. Although Qin Hao does not fully agree with this, he has to admit that, with Although the method of giving true feelings to get the other party to recognize one's appearance is simple and crude, it is the most direct and effective.

Qin Hao stayed here for a whole day at the gate of the post, and after dinner, he let the gate of the post be blocked and sent him back to General Cohen's residence.

After returning to his room, Qin Hao found that Nicole Tu had come back and left him some food and a note.

"I still have class tonight, I will come back to see you off tomorrow morning."

The content of Nicole's note is not very much. Obviously, Nicole, who was afraid of "something happening" later, did not dare to live with Qin Hao. After she cooked Qin Hao's food, she fled back to school, but tomorrow is Qin Hao's departure the day is over,

So Nicole will definitely rush back to see him off.

"Hehe..." Qin Hao looked at the beautiful handwriting of the note and smiled, and then put all the meals left by Nicole in the refrigerator. He had already eaten dinner, so he had to save these for tomorrow morning.

After a night's rest, Qin Hao heard the sound of the door opening early the next morning, and knew without asking that it was Nicole who rushed back to see him off.

In order to surprise Nicole, Qin Hao turned over and got up from the bed, then tiptoed to the door of the room and hid it.

After a while, Qin Hao's door made a slight sound, then the door opened, and a pretty face came in from the outside.

"Huh? Where's the person? Didn't he make him wait for me..." Nicole muttered, but at this moment, Qin Hao rushed out from the door suddenly, and hugged her in his arms.

"Ah!" Nicole screamed in fright, but she instantly realized who saved her, and then her originally stiff body softened.

"I hate it, I know how to scare people!" Nicole gave Qin Hao a coquettish look.

"Hey, didn't I miss you!" Qin Hao didn't let go, and sat down beside the bed with Nicole in his arms.

"Have you eaten all the food I cooked for you yesterday?" Nicole asked with a smile.

"I came back from dinner yesterday, so I plan to have it early today. Have you eaten, or let's go together." Qin Hao said with a smile, and his enthusiasm directly blew on Nicole's cheeks and ears, making the girl Her little face instantly turned red.

"Then I'll heat you up!" Nicole broke away from Qin Hao's arms as if running away, and rushed into the kitchen like flying.

After hiding in the kitchen, Nicole felt like her face was running hot.

After a while, Nicole calmed down, heated up the food, and brought it to Qin Hao.

After the two had breakfast, Qin Hao saw that it was almost time, so the two drove straight to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, Nicole and Qin Hao were naturally inseparable, but the flight to the Keha galaxy was about to leave, no matter how reluctant the two were, parting would come.

"Be careful on the road." Nicole told Qin Hao.

"Well! I know, you have to pay attention to your body here." Qin Hao nodded.

"I know, after arriving at the fleet, don't forget to send a message to report back!" Nicole reminded.

"I will!" Qin Hao nodded, then turned and walked towards the boarding gate.

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