Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Three hundred and eighty fifth chapter grace and power

Qin Hao received an even warmer welcome at the comprehensive supply base of the Keha Galaxy Fleet on Mengsk Star. Hundreds of officers held a grand welcome ceremony here. Although Qin Hao doesn't like this kind of formalism, he thinks so highly of him. He, he was quite happy. !

"Everyone, Mr. Qin has just arrived, and I don't have any gifts for you. This month, I will personally contribute to pay double wages to all my colleagues and all the soldiers of the fleet!" Qin Haotai's first sentence completely detonated the audience!

Because the welcome ceremony for Qin Hao was relayed by the whole fleet, when he said this, all the officers and soldiers in the entire fleet erupted!

As a soldier at the grassroots level, the chief's blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is real gold and silver money! So Qin Hao's words drew in his relationship with the low-level officers and soldiers of the Keha Galaxy Fleet.

The senior officers may have some extra money, so they are not so short of money, but the junior officers and soldiers are all relying on the military salary to support their families. Qin Hao, who pays for them from his own pocket, can these people not like him?

This trick was learned by Qin Hao from Gangmen Pianzuo before. Back then, Gangmen Pianzuo told him that when he had just arrived in a fleet and was unfamiliar with the place of life, it was useless for you to talk about dreams with others. The most affordable is to give money!

Because the local garrison fleet is not very equipped with marine divisions, their number is not particularly large. The total number may be about 30,000 to 50,000. The monthly salary of ordinary soldiers is also two to three thousand. Fleet, if the military rank is not very high, it will not be particularly outrageous.

So if all the calculations are done, two to three hundred million federal coins is definitely enough, and Qin Hao has more than one billion in funds after the money from the phantom crystal arrives, so it's good to spend two to three hundred million to get a wave of soldiers in the army first Sensitivity is definitely worth it.

Sure enough, Qin Hao followed the method taught by Gangmen, and the effect was really good.

"Long live Commander! Long live Qin Hao!"


Almost the entire Keha fleet was filled with cheers, and Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that the effect of this move was very good.

"Our commander is really rich..." Lorenzo murmured in a low voice when the crowd was in the crowd. Although he and Han Yihang were both recruits, they were officers after all and worked at the base, so of course they also participated in the welcome ceremony. ceremony.

"..." Han Yihang still didn't say a word as usual, just drinking the wine and eating the food on the table in silence.

At this time, Qin Hao from the stage pressed his hands together, and the people underground fell silent immediately.

It's not because Qin Hao gave the money, and they immediately obeyed Qin Hao's words, but because these guys were all afraid that Qin Hao would announce some benefits again, but they didn't hear it because of the noise on their side.

But this time Qin Hao didn't send money again, the money was sent once to win people's hearts, and he would be a fool if he had nothing to do, and these people would not only not buy his account, but would make more progress.

The combination of grace and power is the law of the emperor.

"Everyone! I don't know what the rules of our army were before, but since I'm here, I have to follow my rules, and my rules are very simple!" Qin Hao said and paused for a while, and then paused every word Said: "That's what I say, what do you do! Otherwise, you will be dealt with by military law!"

Everyone present was silent. They originally thought that Qin Hao was a local tyrant who was easy to get along with, and they could get a lot of benefits by following him, but they didn't expect that they had just given carrots and big sticks at the ready.

"I know none of these rich people is a good bird!" Lorenzo muttered in a low voice.

"Eat your meal, you will be put in confinement for slandering the officer!" Han Yihang gave Lorenzo a blank look, and said in his heart that he really didn't want to admit that he was a classmate with this guy.

How can there be a free lunch in the world? Why do people pay double wages to everyone out of their own pockets? If you want to get more money, it is not without price, and Han Yihang understands this very well.

However, Han Yihang is not disgusted with Qin Hao's actions. After all, as soldiers, they have to obey orders as their bounden duty. He is the commander of the fleet. Qin Hao's orders must be carried out unconditionally, not to mention that he also gives extra money. It benefits everyone.

"Okay, everyone, don't be nervous. I'm easy to get along with. As long as you don't violate military discipline, you don't have to worry about the punishment. As for me, I will reward my brothers every now and then! You understand. Is it?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Understood!" The soldiers of the entire fleet replied in unison, whether they were on the scene or watching the broadcast.

For ordinary officers and soldiers, their thinking is the same as that of Han Yihang. They are honest soldiers who do their own work every day and do not break the law or discipline. No matter how severe Qin Hao's punishment is, it has nothing to do with them relation.

On the contrary, this rich officer has nothing to do to give everyone some benefits, which other officers cannot do.

Then Qin Hao briefly said a few words to these people on stage, but those were empty words with no practical meaning, and everyone applauded in cooperation, but no one knew how much they listened to.

"Colonel Qin Hao, are you resting at the base tonight and going back to the flagship?" O'Nok ran over and asked.

"Here, let's go to the fleet tomorrow." Qin Hao has been working on a spaceship for a day, and he really wants to stay on the ground for a while.

"Okay, we will arrange a place for you to stay here." Onok said, because there are plenty of rooms in the base, so it is very easy to arrange for Qin Hao to rest here.

But Han Yihang and Lorenzo in the distance were not so lucky. After the welcome ceremony, both of them were sent to the fleet.

After everyone dispersed, Qin Hao came to the communication center of the base, then made a super long-distance call to Nicole, and reported her safety.

"Come on, I'm waiting for your good news on Earth!" Nicole smiled sweetly at Qin Hao.

"Well! I will definitely not let you and Uncle Coen down!" Qin Hao promised.

After chatting for a few more words, Qin Hao cut off the communication with Nicole. After all, this kind of ultra-long-distance long-distance is very expensive, and its cost is not only in money in advance, but also in important resource usage.

After coming out of the communication center, Qin Hao returned to his room, took a shower and rested.

Early the next morning, Qin Hao, accompanied by Onok, took the landing craft to the fleet where he served.

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