Soon, other ships under Qin Hao's command also arrived at the place where the container containers were placed, and then a large number of towing ships were released, and they were responsible for towing the container containers back to the cabin of the battleship.

After more than an hour, all the containers were recovered.

"Sir, all the containers have been recovered successfully, shall we return now?" Lorenzo asked.

"Well! Let's go back." Qin Hao said impatiently, he couldn't wait to arm his fleet.

"Sir, I advise you not to return to the Mengsk star naval base immediately." Han Yihang said at this time.

"Oh?" Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment.

"According to the federal law, apart from normal maintenance, all modifications of ships in the fleet need to be approved. Although all bases are currently turning a blind eye to this matter, after all, you have just arrived in the Korha galaxy. One, I advise you to go to a civilian shipyard for refitting." Han Yihang said.

"Ah? Can civilian shipyards modify warships?" Qin Hao asked in a daze. He knew nothing about these things.

"Now our ship's equipment is designed in a modular manner. As long as there are equipment and instructions, no specific technical personnel are required for modification," said Han Yihang.

"It's really convenient." Qin Hao said with a smile.

In fact, the reason why the Federation modularizes its weapons and equipment is to facilitate maintenance and modification, because when the war comes, no shipyard is safe. In case the military shipyard is destroyed and the technicians inside are killed, Don't the warships that have come down from the battlefield not be repaired?

When the age of spaceflight opened, it was doomed that the war mode would no longer exist in the blitzkrieg style of play. Everyone was fighting a war of attrition based on planets or even star systems. Therefore, the maintenance of warships The ability to repair and supply has become an important factor affecting the outcome of a war. If the repair of a warship has to be limited to a military shipyard, the ability to repair and supply will obviously be greatly restricted.

And this kind of modular design can solve this kind of problem. As long as it is equipped with instructions and necessary large-scale equipment, then even ordinary engineers can complete this task without professional talents at all.

"So I suggest that the fleet should not return to the Mengsk star naval base, but go to Dawei star for modification!" Han Yihang suggested that Dawei star in his mouth is also in the Kura channel, where there are several large civilian ship maintenance companies. factory.

"Okay! Then let's go to Dawei Star." Qin Hao nodded. Although he still has some cooperation with the Klein family, the two sides have no friendship after all. It is not very good for Qin Hao to go to the ground base controlled by them for supplies. rest assured.

After receiving Qin Hao's order, the fleet that was planning to return adjusted its course again, and then went straight to David Star to start a short-distance jump.

This kind of small-scale interstellar jump needs the gravity well of the planet to complete, and the long-distance interstellar jump needs the star’s gravity well as the target location, and the super-long-distance interstellar jump across the galaxy must pass through the insects created by the star gate. hole to complete.

Because they are all in the same star system, Qin Hao and the others don’t need to stay in the phase space for too long. After a few minutes, the spaceships of the Keha Galaxy Fleet escaped from the phase space and came to the gravity well of Dawei Star .

After restarting the conventional engine, the fleet headed for a civilian ship repair factory in the outer orbital space of David Star.

"Sir, the other party's communication channel has been connected!" At this time, Lorenzo came over to report.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then looked towards the big screen.

"Sir, do you know how I can help you?" A young man said with a smile on his face. Although they are a civilian maintenance factory, if there is an emergency breakdown in the passing military fleet, they will help you. It has been repaired, and it is a big business, so this young man was extraordinarily attentive after receiving Qin Hao's communication.

"I have a business to discuss with you.

"Qin Hao said.

"I am willing to serve you, sir!" The young man laughed.

"What's your name?" Qin Hao asked.

"My name is Gerald, you can also call me Gerald." The young man replied.

"Okay, Jie Luo, how big is your maintenance factory?" Qin Hao asked.

"If it is a frigate-class spaceship, I can repair four spaceships at the same time!" After hearing Qin Hao's words, Gerald immediately became excited, because he knew the big business.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and then asked, "What about the price?"

"Our maintenance of warships is calculated according to man-hours. Each maintenance berth is 100,000 federal dollars per hour!" Gerald's asking price is not low, because warships are usually repaired in civilian shipyards, and emergency failures usually occur. They can only compromise when they are slaughtered, and the maintenance costs are all paid by the military, and those officials don't feel bad, so generally when encountering warships that need repairs, these repair factories don't mind killing them harshly.

"So expensive!?" Qin Hao was taken aback. He paid for it out of his own pocket, and every penny of what he said was his money!

Although Qin Hao still has two or three billion in cash at this time, don't forget that he has lived an ordinary life since he was a child, and this kind of spending of hundreds of thousands per hour makes him feel panicked. .

"Sir, this price is not expensive. You can go to another repair shop to inquire about it." Gerald said with a smile, he is now convinced that Qin Hao's spaceship must be in an emergency.

"Han Yihang, how long will it take for our ships to be refitted?" Qin Hao turned around and asked.

"The flagship Keha Star needs at least three berths to dock, and the modification time is the longest, at least 80 hours!" Han Yihang said after a simple calculation.

"What?!" Qin Hao almost vomited blood after hearing this. The cost of refitting a flagship alone is about 25 million federal coins, and this is just labor costs!

"If it's all calculated, at least 50 million federal currency." At this time, Han Yihang had already calculated the modification cost.

"No! It's too expensive!" Qin Hao shook his head after hearing this.

"But if you go to the naval base to modify it, they don't care about it. If they seize the equipment you bought, the loss will not only be tens of millions..." Lorenzo reminded.

"Damn!" Qin Hao wanted to scold his mother after hearing this sentence.

"Go and bargain with him. If it's cheaper, I'll pretend to be him. If not, ask another one!" Qin Hao said after taking a deep breath.

"Yes!" Lorenzo turned and went to communicate with Gerald.

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