Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 430: The Terrifying Command Cruiser

Gangmen Pianzuo's flagship is not the heavy cruiser with the strongest firepower and the thickest defense in the fleet, but a light cruiser. The firepower of this light cruiser is extremely weak, even inferior to that of a frigate, but its auxiliary ability is extremely strong. Qiang is the second ship of the Blue Sky-class command cruiser newly developed by the Federal Navy. !

Speaking of which, the No. 1 ship of the Lantian-class command cruiser was given to Gangmen at the beginning, but it is a pity that this kid drove the new ship to the front line of Alpha Star, but the equipment of the new ship did not have time to test, and was thrown by this boy .

After the Lantian-class command cruiser crashed, Gangmen Pianzuo was rescued by Qin Hao, but the black box and various data of the spacecraft were not brought back, so the second ship had to undergo equipment testing again.

And the Gangmen family didn't know how much it cost, but they actually took down this Lantian-class command cruiser and equipped it with Gangmen's assistant.

"Indeed, my lord, then let our flagship test its combat effectiveness!" Ito Shinnosuke nodded, and immediately gave orders to the officers and soldiers around him.

"Turn on electromagnetic suppression!" Ito Shinnosuke ordered.

"Yes! Commander!" An officer next to him immediately pressed a few buttons, followed by the activation of the large electromagnetic equipment at the bow of the flagship New Year's Omelette!

"Chila...chila..." Following a few flashes of electric arcs, the pirate fleet on the opposite side suddenly became quiet!

"Captain, our spaceship has been subjected to an electromagnetic attack, and now all communication systems have failed, and the efficiency of the fire control radar has been reduced by 60%!"

"Captain, the data transmission system is damaged, and the data transmission rate has been reduced to 30%!"

"Captain, it's bad! The shield system has been hit hard, and now the shield's effectiveness is less than 50% of the maximum power!"


The commanders of the pirate fleet who were hit by a series of bad news were dumbfounded. They had participated in countless battles, and they had never seen such a situation.

And because the communication system has been severely damaged, the pirate ships have lost contact with each other, and they can't do it if they want to discuss with each other. In addition, the flagship was destroyed before, although the information obtained at the time was that El escaped from the ship. , but it is not known that he was salvaged by that battleship.

For a while, the pirate fleet fell into a leaderless state.

"Bless Orochimaru with a rapid cooling force field!" Ito Shinnosuke continued to open new equipment, and they needed to test the specific data of these equipment in actual combat.

"Yes! Commander!" Another officer immediately activated the device in front of him after receiving the order.

Soon, the antimatter furnace of the New Year’s Rice Ball was activated, and the stored antimatter released a large amount of energy. This energy was converted into an energy field with a set of special equipment, and then released to the Orochimaru next to the Rice Ball. .

The Orochimaru is the main attack ship of the Gangmen Bianzuo Fleet. This Izumo-class destroyer may not look very large, but it is definitely a loyal believer of the multi-gun god religion. In its compact hull, it is equipped with Six 550mm caliber main guns make its firepower no less than that of a heavy cruiser!

When the rapid cooling force field fell on the Orochimaru, the cooling speed of the main gun barrel of the Orochimaru was greatly increased, and the firing rate increased by at least 30%!

"Boom boom boom boom..." As the main guns of the Orochimaru continued to roar, the pressure on the pirate warships in the distance became even greater. Under the overwhelming artillery fire, the shield systems that were originally underpowered became even more frightening. Stretched.

"Come on! Mark the target for the friendly forces!" Ito Shinnosuke continued to order to test new weapons and equipment.

"Yes! Commander!" After receiving the order, another officer directly activated the dog ghost-level fire control radar in front of him.

This set of dog ghost class fire control radar is very powerful, just this set of radar takes up a lot of space of this blue sky class command cruiser.

After the Inukki-class fire control radar was activated, the conventional power furnace of the Lantian-class command cruiser could no longer support the terrifying energy consumption of this equipment.

The antimatter furnace started to burn again, using the antimatter stored by the spacecraft to provide additional energy supply for this equipment.

However, this super fire control radar that takes up space and consumes a lot of energy is not a vegetarian. After just two seconds, it calculated the weak point of the shield of the only remaining heavy cruiser in the pirate fleet.

"The weak point of the enemy ship has been marked! Focus fire attack!" Ito Shinnosuke ordered.

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the spaceships of the Gangmen Pianzuo Fleet immediately obtained the relevant data from the data sharing link, and soon the guns of these warships all aimed at the weak point of the heavy cruiser!

"Boom boom boom..." It was just a volley, and the shield of the pirate heavy cruiser was broken on the spot. Although the kinetic energy attack of the automatic artillery was not particularly strong on the shield, it targeted the weak point of the shield. If you come to attack, the efficiency is also very amazing.

After the shield of the pirate heavy cruiser was broken, its armored shell was not as good as before against the kinetic energy attack of the automatic artillery.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." After just a few seconds, the pirate heavy cruiser was covered in bruises, and the entire spaceship was on fire, and it was in danger of disintegrating at any time!

"Calculate the weak point of the shield of the next spaceship!" Ito Shinnosuke ordered.

"It's sir!" The officer below immediately began to carry out the order.

When the weak point of the shield of the second heavy destroyer was calculated, the heavy cruiser that was seriously injured before had already been blown up!

"Boom boom boom..." After two salvos, the pirate destroyer whose shield was calculated to be weak also sank.

"Calculate the weak point of the shield of the next spaceship!" Ito Shinnosuke seemed to be calling the name, but all the pirate warships he named would inevitably end in destruction.

With the powerful computing power of the Inukki-class fire control radar, the weak points of the pirate warship's shields were calculated one by one, and then they were detonated one by one by the fleet of Gangmen Bizuo.

"Commander, the antimatter stockpile is exhausted!" the officer reported when Shinnosuke Ito ordered the Inuki-class fire control radar to calculate the weak point of the next pirate ship's shield.

"Only seven warships can be counted, will the antimatter be exhausted..." Shinno Ito recorded the data.

However, because the shots were all pirate heavy warships, when the seven spaceships were blown up, the rest of the pirate fleet were also some frigates.

"Evacuate! Evacuate quickly!"

At this time, the pirate fleet lost its communication ability and could not communicate with each other, but after suffering such a heavy blow, the pirates began to withdraw from the battlefield unanimously. After all, no one wants to stay here and be slaughtered!

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