"Squeak!" With the sound of insects, the silver-horned giant beetle also came to the front of the power grid. It saw Qin Hao flip into the power grid and was very unwilling, so a pair of forearms slammed into the nodes of the power grid. !

"Hey..." A azure blue electric light hit the silver-horned giant beetle, and the speed was too fast to react. I saw a flash of blue light, and the silver-horned giant beetle was beaten and flew out!

"Boom!" The five-meter-tall silver-horned giant beetle fell to the ground, its body covered in scorched black, and its feet were all twitching unconsciously, apparently being heavily electrocuted.

"It's finally safe..." Qin Hao watched the giant silver-horned beetle fall to the ground. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. After relaxing, Qin Hao slumped on the ground. All his strength was just exhausted. Although the surge of adrenaline gave him the ability to save himself in an instant, after the stress, it brought a heavy burden.

This kind of burden is mainly manifested by Qin Hao feeling that he can't exert himself at this moment, and his whole body is limp.

But at this moment, Qin Hao suddenly found that the giant silver-horned beetle twisted a few times, and then turned over again.

"Isn't this dead?!" Qin Hao was taken aback. He must know that the active defense power grid emits ultra-high voltage current of 500 megavolts. If this fails to kill the silver-horned giant beetle, then Qin Hao I really don't know what other weapons can pose a threat to it.

Slowly, the silver-horned giant beetle stood up again, but looking at the way it was staggering while walking, it was estimated that it was not lightly charged just now.

This time, the silver-horned giant beetle did not dare to get too close to the active defense grid, and at the same time, it looked at the grid with a hint of fear.

"Fortunately, this guy is not that invincible..." Qin Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Squeak!" At this moment, the silver-horned giant beetle made a sound, followed by those ordinary giant beetles as if they were crazy, they lined up neatly, and then rushed to the power grid!

"Lah..." The active grid attacked again. As soon as these giant beetles approached, they were hit by the electric current before they even had time to attack.

"Boom! Boom boom boom..." These ordinary giant beetles were knocked out one after another, and even the five-meter-high silver-horned giant beetle was knocked away by the electric current, let alone these ordinary insects.

"Pfft..." The ordinary giant beetles that were blown away instantly ignited a fire, and the ultra-high voltage electric current instantly scorched and ignited them. These guys are far less powerful than the silver-horned giant beetles. Under this terrifying electric current attack , they were instantly killed.

"Squeak..." The silver-horned giant beetle chirped again, but there were no bugs on the ground to charge again.

"Bang bang bang..." There was a muffled sound under the ground. It turned out that a giant beetle wanted to dig to bypass the power grid, but unfortunately, this kind of power grid does not only defend above the ground, but also a large area underground. The range is also within its striking range.

"Squeak!" The silver-horned giant beetle let out a roar, the ground around it began to crack in a large area, and more giant beetles rushed out. Since the underground could not break through the blockade, then it planned to order its troops to attack!

In the eyes of higher Zerg, those low-level Zerg are nothing but consumables, they don't care about the life and death of ordinary insects, so the silver-horned giant beetle decided that even if the Zerg's corpse is used to pave the way, it must also invade this human stronghold!

"Tatatata..." Countless insects lined up neatly. They charged without fear of death, but before they got close to the grid, they were blown away by the current and burned into coke. Death, these low-level Zerg don't seem to care at all. They see their companions in front of them being killed in seconds, but they still rushed forward without hesitation.


"The bugs won't be able to get in for a while, so let's go back quickly!" Qin Hao took the opportunity to say to Bot.

Although these bugs are temporarily unable to break through the blockade of the power grid, the strength of active defense of the power grid is based on energy consumption. In the face of an endless swarm of bugs, the energy of the power grid will run out sooner or later, if they stay here forever , then once the power grid fails, they can't go if they want to!

"Okay!" Botter nodded, and then shouted at the soldiers under his command: "Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Then Botte and the soldiers were about to withdraw to the position on the hill, but at this moment, Qin Hao stopped him.

"Wait! Give me a hand..." At this time, Qin Hao had no strength at all, and he couldn't walk back by himself.

"Okay!" Botte didn't say a word, and directly set up Qin Hao with another soldier. Just now Qin Hao fought bravely to kill the enemy, protecting them with his life, and finally let them complete the task smoothly. Now he is too tired to exert himself. Now, what's the point of these people carrying him back?

Botte took the soldiers of the reconnaissance battalion to carry Qin Hao in turn, and the group soon returned to the hill guarded by the 106th Division.

"What's wrong with Qin Hao?" When James saw that Qin Hao was brought back, his heart sank, because Qin Hao was the best fighter under him, and many tasks could only be completed by him, so James couldn't bear Qin Hao. What happened to Hao.

"I'm fine... I'm just exhausted..." Qin Hao forced a smile and said.

"That's good... that's good..." James breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and shouted, "Medical doctor, come and help!"

"Here!" There is a military doctor accompanying the division. After they came, they simply dealt with Qin Hao. Because Qin Hao just consumed too much, they just hung a bottle of glucose for him, and then gave him some more. With energy-dense foods like chocolate and beef jerky, this type of collapse is largely self-recovery.

"Go, get me a roasted worm's leg!" Qin Hao said to a guard next to him. He is now James' platoon leader, so he also has a few soldiers.

"Okay, boss!" The guard turned around and left. Now roasted worm legs have almost become the standard ration on the front line. Although this thing looks disgusting, it tastes much better than compressed biscuits or nutrient solution, so most Frontline soldiers will choose to eat this.

And there is a reason why Qin Hao wanted to eat roasted worm legs. After so many days of practice, Qin Hao found that when he was hungry, if he ate ordinary food, he would not only eat a lot, but he would not be full. The best way is to eat worm meat. Only by eating this can he recover his stamina as quickly as possible.

Soon, the guards brought a roasted worm's leg with the thickness of an adult thigh. Qin Hao just sat against the wall of the division headquarters, and then hung the glucose while nibbling on the roasted worm's leg. Every bite was tender and white. Qin Hao could clearly feel that his state was a little better after eating the worm meat.

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