Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 475 The road I chose, I have to walk through it crying

"Me? Of course I'm fine! Can he still scare me?" As soon as the girl next to him spoke, the kid immediately became excited.

"Heh..." Qin Hao shook his head, he really didn't want to care about this kind of stuff, as the saying goes, good shoes don't step on stinky shit, talking to this kind of people will make Qin Hao's status drop.

Here Qin Hao was too lazy to talk to that kid, so he turned around and wanted to leave, but in the end, the kid refused to let him go.

"Hey! You blocked the way of the uncle, did you just leave like this?" the kid surnamed Wang called out. He was a little frightened by Qin Hao's gaze just now, but he didn't hold back when he saw Qin Hao. After what happened to him, his courage returned, this kid thought Qin Hao didn't dare to do anything to him!

"Then what do you want?" Qin Hao turned around again and said.

"Apologize to the uncle!" the kid surnamed Wang shouted.

"Is there any more?" Qin Hao asked with a smile on his face, but anyone who knew him well knew that Qin Hao was already on fire.

"Of course!" The kid surnamed Wang didn't realize who he was talking to at all. Seeing Qin Hao being so talkative, he thought he was easy to bully!

"Then tell me." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"You blocked the uncle's way and delayed the uncle's time. Do you know that I am not an ordinary person, and I make hundreds of thousands of times every minute. You have delayed me for so long, and you have to lose money, at least one million !” said the kid surnamed Wang.

"Well, yes, is there any more?" Qin Hao nodded.

"Yes! Of course there is!" The kid surnamed Wang was extremely proud. He didn't expect Qin Hao to be so easy to bully, and he could agree to all of this, and he immediately turned his nose up.

Originally, men like to show off how capable they are in front of girls, and so does this boy surnamed Wang, especially when he finds that Qin Hao is not only easy to bully, but also very rich. What else is there to be polite? Of course, he held Qin Hao down and bullied him to death.

"Then you can talk about it together." Qin Hao still had a smile on his face.

At this moment, anyone with a bit of IQ can tell that Qin Hao is already on fire. There is no trace of fear in his appearance. If a person is really easy to bully, he will calmly ask if you want more. what?

So any smart person can see that Qin Hao is definitely not someone to be messed with, but at this moment, the kid surnamed Wang doesn't know whether it's because of a ghost, or because he just wants to show off in front of his sister, so his IQ is not good at all. Online, not only did he fail to see Qin Hao's anger, but it intensified even more.

"You still have to kneel down and call Grandpa, and then crawl under Grandpa's crotch!" said the kid surnamed Wang with his lips curled up.

"It's all right!" Qin Hao nodded, and then said to the kid, "Come on!"

"What are you here for?" the kid surnamed Wang asked with a blank face.

"I think the conditions you just said are good, you can start now." Qin Hao still had a smile on his face.

"You fucking don't understand human language, do you? I'll make you lose money, lie on the ground and call grandpa, and then get under my crotch!" The kid surnamed Wang yelled, pointing at Qin Hao's nose.

At this moment, there is already a group of people around. After all, watching the excitement is the interest of the whole people. There are fights here, and the people around are of course willing to watch. Anyway, the security personnel at the airport will not be able to catch up for a while. See nothing.

"Hehe, I don't really like people pointing their fingers at me, so I advise you not to do that." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"I fucking pointed at you, what can you do?" The kid surnamed Wang moved up to Qin Hao, and then directly poked his chest with his fingers.

"Crack!" Before the boy's fingers touched Qin Hao's clothes, Qin Hao made a move.

Everyone around, including the kid surnamed Wang, didn't see how Qin Hao moved, and immediately heard a scream.

"Aww!" The kid surnamed Wang yelled, and bowed his whole body. His left hand was holding his right hand. At this time, the index finger of his right hand was twisted abnormally, and it was obviously broken off abruptly.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Hao still had a smile on his face, but at this moment, the surrounding crowd involuntarily took half a step back and distanced themselves from Qin Hao.

If a person is vicious, even though he beats people and commits murders, it is terrible, but outsiders can still accept it, and like Qin Hao, a guy who looks gentle and always smiles on his face, he can keep his face unchanged Breaking off a person's finger, and at the same time smiling and asking if it hurts, makes people feel terrified.

" fucking wait for me! Do you know who I am?! You dare to fight with me!" The kid surnamed Wang broke out in cold sweat from the pain, and he threatened Qin Hao while cursing.

"It seems that you are okay and can hold on, so let's start quickly." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Start you. 0 mother!" The kid surnamed Wang cursed.

"It seems that you still don't have a long memory!" Qin Hao moved his arm slightly, but no one could see his movement clearly.

"Ah..." The kid surnamed Wang screamed again, and the finger on his right hand was also broken.

"Can we start?" Qin Hao's smile at this time is not only in the heart of the kid surnamed Wang, but also in the eyes of the onlookers. It is no different from the devil's smile.

"What are you starting? Brother!" The kid surnamed Wang really wanted to cry.

"What you just said, the conditions are all chosen by you, so you fulfill them." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"You..." The boy surnamed Wang didn't know what to do for a while, he was terrified at this moment, Qin Hao's methods were too cruel, as the so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, the feeling of breaking fingers one by one, It hurts so much that this kid wants to die.

But the opponent is too powerful, this kid obviously can't resist, but the conditions he just clamored for are too difficult.

One million federal coins is actually not bad. Although it is not a small sum of money, the boy surnamed Wang can still get it, but the conditions for saving are difficult. Going under the crotch, it's insulting, if he does it, then he won't be able to mess around on Earth in the future.

"Brother, can we discuss it?" the boy surnamed Wang said to Qin Hao, enduring the severe pain.

"No, the path I chose, I have to finish it crying." Qin Hao's smile grew wider.

"Hey! What are you doing! What are you doing!" At this time, the security of the airport rushed over.

"Huh..." The kid surnamed Wang heaved a sigh of relief. The security personnel came and he was saved.

"You're very happy, right? Hurry up, it's just a few more spectators." Qin Hao didn't care about the security personnel, and continued to smile at the boy.

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