Although Qin Hao has a good personal relationship with the Qian family, and even Granny Liu treats him as her own grandson, but as the head of the Qian family, Qian Xuehui considers everything for the Qian family, let alone he doesn't know Qin Hao Even if he knew about the relationship with Cohen, he would continue to stick to his decision. product-book-net

"It seems that Alpha Star is going to be rough again, and I don't know if General Cohen can make it through..." Qin Hao muttered as he walked.

Now Qin Hao is no longer affiliated with the Seventh Fleet. If there is no transfer order from the high command, the Keha Galaxy Fleet cannot leave the garrison area casually and go to other places to participate in the war.

In addition to this reason, the Korhal galaxy fleet now needs major repairs, and it is impossible to leave the port without three or four months. If you count the assembly time of those new ships and the training time of the crew, then at least a year or so, The Keha galaxy fleet is not capable of combat.

So Qin Hao wants the Keha galaxy fleet to support General Cohen. It is impossible to achieve it, whether it is in terms of policy or practicality.

After coming out of the headquarters of "Twilight", Qin Hao went straight to the communication center of the Naval Academy. He needed to make a call with General Cohen. Although he couldn't actually help him, at least it allowed him to make preparations in advance.

After entering the communication center, Qin Hao quickly got a communication room with his immediate authority, and then he skillfully dialed the communication of the Seventh Fleet.

It is not an easy task to call a fleet far outside the control area of ​​the Earth Federation. Even if the Seventh Fleet is equipped with a large number of equipment to strengthen the communication system, it is still not easy to communicate at a distance of millions of light years. matter.

"This is the Seventh Fleet! May I ask where you are?" After a long wait, Qin Hao finally got an answer.

"This is Earth, and I am Principal Qin Hao!" Qin Hao passed his identification code after speaking.

"Hi Colonel Qin Hao, may I ask what you need to call the fleet?" the communications officer of the Seventh Fleet asked.

"I need to talk to General Cohen!" Qin Hao said.

"Okay, Colonel Qin Hao, I have transferred your communication request." The communication soldier replied.

A moment later, on the side of the big screen, the image of General Cohen appeared on the screen.

"Xiao Qin, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" General Cohen asked with a smile.

"General, I got some news from here." Qin Hao said.

"Is it news from Parliament?" asked General Cohen.

"You know everything?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"The President has already informed me." General Cohen nodded. The President must have known about this, but he was powerless to stop him, so he could only report a letter to General Cohen like Qin Hao. He prepared early.

"What are your plans?" Qin Hao asked.

"As long as the high command does not revoke my post, I will continue to stick here." General Cohen said.

"General, please be sure to withstand the pressure. No matter how much pressure the command puts on you, you must not expand rashly!" Qin Hao warned. He had already agreed with the Zerg allies and even the Zerg Queen that the human sphere of influence It's so big, if humans expand wantonly before he comes back, the Zerg will fight back!

And if the Zerg fight back seriously, there is only one fate waiting for the human legion-the whole army is wiped out!

"Oh? Can't you expand outside at all?" General Cohen was taken aback. He said that he was really studying the plan to send troops these days, because in recent days, human beings have lived a good life on the surface of Alpha Planet, and several bases also Gradually formed a scale.

Once the strength is gone, the ambition is naturally gone, and General Cohen is no exception.

"General, please trust me, don't attack the Zerg, stick to the existing territory, and don't take the initiative to attack!" Qin Hao said with a serious face.

"Can you tell me why?" General Cohen asked.

"General, you are Nicole's father, I don't want to lie to you." Qin Hao said in a difficult way.

"All right,

Needless to say, I believe in you! "General Cohen nodded. Seeing that Qin Hao was unwilling to tell the reason, he didn't force it.

"General, you must bear the pressure. Even if you are dismissed, it doesn't matter. I will find a way to help you, but don't attack the Zerg, or the consequences will be disastrous!" After thinking about it, Qin Hao was still not at ease.

"Don't worry, I believe in your judgment. They don't dare to dismiss me easily now. At most, they will send more fleets to dilute my ability to control the Alpha star battlefield." General Cohen smiled confidently.

"That's good." Qin Hao nodded, feeling a little sad at the same time.

The action of increasing the number of troops on Planet Alpha obviously cannot be changed. Tens of thousands of soldiers will be sent to the battlefield and buried in the land of the alien star. They are sad. Some people don’t even know why they are fighting. Under the thought of the upper class, he went to a distant foreign land and buried his precious life.

"Okay, that's the case with me. We can influence so much, it's useless to say more. Let's talk about your side. How come you've been doing well recently?" General Cohen smiled. asked.

"Hehe, yes, I am preparing to worship under the Tianshan faction, and I will officially join the storm team." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"That's not bad. I said Nicole has a good vision and a good life. She is really lucky to find you." General Cohen looked at Qin Hao with a smile. At the beginning, he knew that this kid's future was limitless. The kid has already taken off.

"It's also my blessing to meet Nicole." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Yeah, you can't treat our girl badly, otherwise, I won't let you go, no matter if you are a member of Team Storm or rely on the Qian family." Although General Cohen's words were Threatening, but he said it with a smile, and this is the most common sentence the old man said to his son-in-law. When he said this, it also meant that he recognized the status of his son-in-law.

"Don't worry, I won't let Nicole suffer." Qin Hao promised.

Then Qin Hao briefly talked about the fleet affairs with General Cohen, and General Cohen also made some suggestions. In terms of fleet management, General Cohen is a professional after all, so his opinions are very valuable to Qin Hao. .

The two chatted for about half an hour, and the communication began to become unstable. With a burst of strong electromagnetic interference, the communication between the two sides was cut off.

"Hey!" After the communication was cut off, Qin Hao sighed.

Although General Cohen already knew about the increase in troops, it seemed that there was no good way to do it. Qin Hao was actually not too worried about his property on Alpha Planet, nor was he worried about General Cohen's status, because those reinforcements arrived in Alpha The fate of the star troop has already been doomed. These guys who don't understand the Zerg will count their fate to stay in space. If they land blindly, then the only thing waiting for them is the end of annihilation.

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