In the rumbling sound of cannons, countless bugs were torn apart by the Gaussian defense cannon, but the swarms behind them turned a blind eye. They stepped on the corpses of their companions and continued to charge. Even if they were overturned by the shock wave, they would get up again and continue to move forward.

"All preparations!"


After a while, the swarm entered the range of the electromagnetic rifle. At this time, the motorized infantry in the trenches launched their own firepower. Although their electromagnetic rifle could not destroy a large number of insects with a single blow like a Gaussian defense gun, it could. Use the impact of bullets to effectively stop the swarm from advancing, and buy time for your teammates to fire.

"Boom boom boom..." The strong master soldiers in the bunker were carrying individual energy cannons, and their muzzles flashed with blue light. Every time the blue light flashed, one or even several giant beetles were blasted into pieces. Meat puree.

The human warriors fought very heroically. In just a few minutes from the start of the war, there were tens of thousands of giant beetles lying on the battlefield, but even so, James' brows were still wrinkled, because there were too many insects. Now, even if the firepower of the 106th Division is fully activated, it is completely unable to stop the progress of the swarm.

"Why isn't there air support?" James sweated on his forehead. If the swarm was allowed to get close to the position, the seemingly impregnable steel line of defense would not last long. The worms would use their sharp claws to tear apart humans. fortifications, then stormed the lines and slaughtered these vulnerable human soldiers.

At this time, it is not only James who is anxious, Qin Hao is also very anxious. Although he is far more powerful than ordinary soldiers, he is by no means able to defeat 10,000 by one, and even if he can defeat 10,000 by one, the number of this swarm is more than a hundred. Ten thousand? He can't stop it!

The air support that James was looking forward to was delayed, because the other three lines of defense were also tight, and their frequency of calls for help was no less than James's. The carrier-based aircraft pilots in the air were already exhausted, and they had been fighting continuously all night.

You must know that the pilots are different from the big-headed soldiers. The big-headed soldiers can fight with full blood, and can stay up for days and nights under the condition of killing red eyes. However, the pilots are different. They fly sophisticated fighter jets. The operation is required to be very accurate. If you are fatigued, it will not only be inefficient, but may even accidentally injure friendly troops.

So now the air force of the fleet has to go into a state of rest, so that air support will inevitably be stretched.

"Qin Hao, can you find the commander of the other party and kill it?" James was also in a hurry, he actually made an impossible request to Qin Hao.

"Master, the other party is very cunning, and I don't know where it is hidden..." Qin Hao frowned, let alone that he didn't know, even if he knew, could he kill the silver-horned giant beetle among the millions of insects?

Don't be kidding, in the case of a fair duel, Qin Hao is not the opponent of the silver-horned giant beetle. He was able to kill the silver-horned beetle last time because of coincidence, plus the opponent's carelessness. Now let him rush into the million Insect swarm, to kill the silver-horned giant beetle, this is no different from dying!

"Hey..." James sighed, he also knew that his request was a bit unrealistic, but what could he do? Seeing that the position is about to be unstoppable, the only thing he can hope for now is that a miracle will come.

But the question is will miracles really happen?

The answer is - yes!

"Boom!" A beam of light that destroyed the sky and the earth fell from the sky!

The violent explosion brought a huge mushroom cloud, and the beam of light hit a place 20 kilometers away from the position of the 106th Division, but the strong light it brought still stabbed the soldiers of the 106th Division to keep their eyes open!

"Boom boom boom boom..." A beam of destruction beams descended, and a sea of ​​fire suddenly appeared in front of the 106th Division's position. Hundreds of thousands of insects wailed in the fire, and then died tragically.

"Boom..." The shock wave swept through,

The soldiers of the 106th Division were shocked even when they were hiding in the trenches.

"Damn! The guys in the fleet are crazy? They actually bombed the planet in front of the position?!" At this time, James just wanted to scold his mother. If there was a little mistake in this kind of bombing, his 106th Division did not die in the mouth of the bug, just All have to become cannon fodder for their own people!

"Boom boom boom..." This kind of planetary bombardment not only appeared on the eastern position, but also on the other three sides. At this time, the Federal Seventh Fleet was frantically bombing the surrounding area with the landing point as the core.

This bombardment was not an aerial bomb by a carrier-based aircraft, but a planetary bombardment by the main gun of a battleship. The power of the main gun was no less than that of a tactical nuclear bomb!

"Crazy! All fucking crazy! I must go to military court to sue them!" Including James, none of the ground commanders in the entire Kola area did not swear, although the "shoot at me" Allusions praise heroes, but no one wants it to fall on their own heads.


"How many swarms were eliminated?" Rice asked the adjutant on the bridge of the flagship Federal Glory.

"According to the data, the number of bugs wiped out by this planetary bombardment exceeded three million!" the adjutant reported.

"Three million bugs..." Rice nodded, then asked, "What about our casualties?"

"In this battle, our army suffered 75,000 casualties!" the adjutant reported.

"Yeah!" Rice nodded again, but his face was still full of sadness.

Although the casualty ratio of 7 to 300 is already exaggerated, this is not a war between humans. If it is to suppress bandits or suppress rebellion, this data can already make Laisgar an official, but the problem is that now he faces The enemy is a swarm of bugs!

Politicians and the public don't care how powerful the bugs are. They only care about the results. Killing millions of bugs will cost 70,000 lives. Rice obviously cannot explain it to the federation!

"How much do we have left on the ground?" Rice asked suddenly, raising his head.

"A total of 110,000 soldiers are still on the front line in the Kola area," the adjutant reported.

"110,000..." Rice nodded.

"Yeah! There are still about 40,000 people left in the northern position, 30,000 people in the western position and southern position, but less than 7,000 people in the eastern position." The adjutant explained the detailed data.

"Huh? Who is commanding the eastern position, and why are there so many casualties?" Rice was taken aback.

"Actually, the casualties in the Eastern position were the least, and they only reduced a few hundred people." The adjutant was also stunned by the data in his hand.

"What about their people? Why are there so many left?" Rice asked. Because the enemy is a bug, it is impossible to defect. Could it be that all the people in the eastern position have flown?

"Uh..." The adjutant said with a shocked face after looking at the data: "The 106th Division guarding the eastern position is not full of personnel, and they actually defeated the Zerg in the previous battle and killed their commander. , so I didn't ask for help, and I didn't get any reinforcements..."

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