"The specific situation has not been figured out yet. It is too early to say for sure, but at least I am confident that I will come back alive." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Well, I don't care how well you complete your mission, but you must come back alive. Don't forget that you are not alone now, and Nicole is still waiting for you!" General Cohen said.

"General, don't worry, I will come back safely because of Nicole." When Qin Hao said this, he couldn't help but turned to look at Nicole.

"..." Although Nicole didn't speak, her eyes were full of trust.

Shortly after Qin Hao cut off communication with General Cohen, a small boat docked in the hangar of the Korhal's Light.

"Colonel Qin Hao, we are here to pick you up." It was a military officer who came, and he was also a school according to his military rank.

"Huh! This group of people is really successful. They have reached this level, and they are desperate to save face. They even have to send someone to pick me up." Qin Haoxin sneered.

"Be careful on the road." Nicole warned.

"Well, don't worry." Qin Hao nodded, then turned back and said to Han Yihang: "Remember my order, the Keha Galaxy Fleet will not accept the command of anyone other than me. Before I come back, you stay where you are." Standby."

"Yes, sir!" Han Yihang replied.

"Okay, I'm going." Qin Hao nodded, then followed the officers into the small boat, and headed straight for the opponent's fleet.

Soon, the boat docked in the hangar of a battleship, and Qin Hao followed these people all the way to the bridge.

"Hehe, Colonel Qin Hao, I have admired his name for a long time!" As soon as he entered the bridge, General Wayne whom he had seen in the communication before took the initiative to greet him. Regardless of his status as a general, Qin Hao is just a school, but he is The so-called courteous people must ask for something. He asked Qin Hao to do things, so his attitude naturally lowered himself a lot.

But according to Wayne, the two groups of people on the bridge seemed not so sensible.

"General!" Qin Hao saluted Wayne, after all, his rank is higher.

"Okay, I'm just a matchmaker, you guys have to discuss the specifics." Wayne pointed to the two groups of people over there. He also couldn't afford to offend members of the Saint-Malo Knights. In the final analysis, he was just an ordinary person. The reason why he became a general was because of his family relationship, so he knew the source of his power and his identity.

"You are that Qin Hao, right?" A strong, bear-like Caucasian man came forward. This man's hair was unusually developed. In Qin Hao's words, this was a sign of incomplete evolution.

"I am." Qin Hao nodded with a smile. He could feel that this white man was very strong, and his body contained explosive power.

"Tell us everything about Planet Alpha, and then you can get out!" the white man said bluntly.

"Okay, Alpha Planet is full of bugs, some of which are weaker and some are stronger." Qin Hao said.

"Stop talking nonsense, say something useful." The white man interrupted Qin Hao roughly.

"I'm done." Qin Hao always had a smile on his face.

"What!? You're kidding me!" The white man was furious on the spot, and then rushed over to teach Qin Hao a lesson.

"Pavlov! Do you want to kill those people from Planet Alpha?" Just as the white man was about to charge, a blond man from the other group shouted sharply.

"Korkin, it's none of your business here!" Pavlov turned around and shouted.

"It's none of my business? If our knights weren't trapped on Planet Alpha, of course I wouldn't care about it. Whether your people live or die has nothing to do with me!" Korkin said coldly. The Luo Knights and the Orc Alliance are in a hostile relationship. The reason why they can stay in the same room without fighting is mainly because people on both sides are trapped on Alpha Planet, and their life and death are uncertain.

"We will rescue those trapped on Planet Alpha, but now I want to teach this scum who dared to provoke me!" Pavlov said angrily.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in who you teach. I only know that he is the only rescue expert on the Alpha star battlefield. Whether you hurt him or offend him, it will not do any good for us to save people, so don't force me to do it for you." Sell ​​to him and attack you!" Korkin obviously has more brains than Pavlov, although he only said a few words, he is actually selling to Qin Hao.

Because there are two groups of people trapped on the ground, and these two groups are in a hostile relationship, it is obviously impossible to go together, and Qin Hao is the only rescue expert on the Alpha star battlefield, so there will inevitably be a sequence in this rescue.

Rescue, in fact, is a time-saving job. If rescued a minute earlier, it is still alive. If it is rescued a minute later, it may be a corpse. Therefore, this order determines the survival probability of the trapped people on his side. What Kerkin thought It was very clear, so he did not hesitate to have a confrontation with Pavlov face to face, but also to sell Qin Hao.

But in contrast, the people of the Orc Alliance are a little bit muscled, not so brainy. In fact, it was a mistake for them to send Pavlov of the Bearman tribe to rescue them. It is a typical example of well-developed limbs and a simple mind. When they needed to cooperate with the Knights of St. Malo, they did not send the more cunning Duke of the Vampire, but sent a bear master. This is obviously the distribution of interests within the Orc Alliance. result.

So it was almost predictable that they were at a disadvantage in the hands of the Knights of Saint-Malo.

"Korkin, are you provoking me?" Pavlov said angrily.

"So what?" Korkin said without showing weakness.

"If you want to keep arguing, can you help me get a chair and a plate of melon seeds? I still have plenty of time, but I don't know how long the people below can last." Qin Hao kept smiling .

"Boy, are you really sure to rescue them?" Pavlov looked at Qin Hao. Although he was very angry, recklessness does not mean stupidity. He also distinguishes priorities and knows that saving people is the most important thing.

"I'm not sure, but if you think you can do it, you can do it yourself." Qin Hao said with a relaxed attitude.

"Boy, you can be arrogant now, and I can endure it, but if you can't rescue our people, I promise I will crush your bones inch by inch." Pavlov threatened.

"I'm so scared. This task is too dangerous. Not only do I have to face the Zerg below, but I also have to face my own people. I won't play anymore, bye!" Qin Hao stood up and walked away.

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