Just after the bombing of the carrier-based aircraft cleared the swarm in front of the 106th Division's position, a landing ship landed on the 106th Division's position.

"Who is Qin Hao!" A second lieutenant got off the landing ship. Even though his rank was not high, he had a high expression on his face. As a pilot of the Air Force, he looked down on the top soldiers of these ground troops.

"I'm James, the commander of the 106th Division. What are you doing with Qin Hao?" James rushed over and asked.

"Colonel, I have been ordered by General Rice to take Qin Hao to the flagship!" The pilot gave James a salute impatiently. Although the other party was much higher in rank than his own, he still had a look of disdain on his face. expression.

"General Rice wants to see Qin Hao? Is there anything?" James was stunned. Now Qin Hao is the patron saint of the 106th Division. If he is transferred, then once the Zerg strikes, the 106th Division will be completely over!

"This is a military secret!" The pilot said impatiently. In fact, he didn't know why General Rice asked him to pick up a big soldier.

"Uh..." James was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that a mere air force second lieutenant would dare to show himself so little.

Although the Air Force has looked down on the ground troops for a long time, James' rank is many levels higher than the opponent's, and the opponent's attitude really made him angry.

"Mummy! I'm working hard on the front line, you guys are enjoying themselves while hiding on the battleship, how dare you look down on me!" Although James scolded inwardly, he was still angry.

"Colonel, my time is precious, what about that soldier named Qin Hao? Did he die in battle?" The pilot asked rudely.

"What did you say?!" Several soldiers of the 106th Division were anxious at the time. The pilot didn't give James face before, and these soldiers of the 106th Division were already very angry. Now this pilot dares to call them the hero of the 106th Division. Dead, which made them anxious at the time.

"Damn it! Boy, you say one more thing! Believe it or not, I chopped you up!" The cooks from the cooking class even came out with kitchen knives. They were the most supportive of Qin Hao.

"What are you doing!?" The pilot was also taken aback. Although he was a noble air force pilot, he was on the ground here. Although these big-headed soldiers didn't dare to hide him, if he made a move, he would This petite and expensive pilot really may not be able to beat that fat-brained cook!

"Okay! What are you going to do? Have the strength to deal with the bugs! Don't waste it on those useless things!" Although James was reprimanding his soldiers, he was not referring to Sang Huai who said that the pilot was useless Woolen cloth?

"Colonel, please let that Qin Hao board the plane immediately, General Rice wants to see him!" The pilot also felt that the atmosphere was not right at this time, and if he delayed any longer, he would be beaten if he didn't keep it up, so he quickly carried General Rice out. Come and put pressure on James.

"Qin Hao!" James turned his head and roared. Although he was full of anger, he had to follow General Rice's order.

"Arrived!" Qin Hao was actually beside him all the time, but James didn't speak, and he couldn't come out by himself.

"General Rice wants to see you, go!" Rice said to Qin Hao.

"Yes!" Qin Hao gave James a formal salute, because he didn't know if his departure meant goodbye.

Although the fleet is within the gravity well of Alpha star, it is not a matter of minutes to get back and forth through the landing ship. In addition to the time to meet Rice, Qin Hao will need at least a few hours to go, and the Zerg can't After waiting for so long, once the Zerg attacked after Qin Hao left, it was unlikely that the 106th Division, with only a few thousand people left, would hold the position.

And if the opponent is the Zerg, there is no possibility of the 106th Division being captured or evacuated, and their ultimate fate is almost certain to be wiped out!

"Go!" James patted Qin Hao on the shoulder,

Then he turned around, and he also guessed the ending of the 106th Division. After all, the motorized infantry was the least valuable unit in the entire federal interstellar navy, and Qin Hao was transferred at this time, he could understand, after all, even if it was delegated No one would let him die on such a meaningless battlefield as a member of the Stormtrooper team.

"Everyone take care!" Qin Hao turned around and saluted his comrades.

"Brother Hao, don't worry, we will kill a few more bugs for you!" The soldiers of the 106th Division returned their salutes one after another, and many people's voices also choked.

"Hey! Hurry up!" the pilot said impatiently.

"Take care!" Qin Hao said goodbye to the soldiers of the 106th Division again, and then walked into the cockpit of the landing ship.

"Boom!" As the landing ship ignited and took off, it gradually disappeared from the sight of the soldiers of the 106th Division.

Half an hour later, the landing ship docked on the tarmac of the flagship Federal Glory.

"Are you Corporal Qin Hao?" A major officer had already been waiting here.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Come with me!" The major then took Qin Hao into a hover car and went straight to the bridge of the flagship.

"General, Qin Hao is here." After entering the bridge, the major came to Rice and said.

"Well, call him over." Rice nodded.

"Yes!" Then the major came outside the bridge and brought Qin Hao in. Before, because Qin Hao's level was too low, he could only wait outside the bridge.

"Report to General! Corporal Qin Hao is here to report!" Qin Hao shouted loudly while saluting.

"Yeah!" Rice returned the salute, and then said straight to Qin Hao, "I heard that you used to be a member of Team Storm?"

"Report General, I haven't heard of Stormtrooper!" Qin Hao didn't dare to lie, but the more he said that, the more convinced Rice was that he was a member of Stormtrooper.

First of all, Pang Meng's words are very credible. He said that Qin Hao was a member of the Stormtrooper team, and Rice believed it 70% to 80%. After this meeting, Rice carefully observed Qin Hao's bearing and found that he really did not look like an ordinary person. The main soldier, his self-confidence comes from the bottom of his heart, which is very similar to the members of the Stormtrooper team.

In fact, Qin Hao's self-confidence came from the skyrocketing strength in a short period of time. To put it bluntly, it was the blind self-confidence of the nouveau riche, but Rice obviously didn't think so at this time.

The second is that Qin Hao doesn't admit that he is a member of the Stormtrooper team. He insists that he has never heard of the Stormwind team, which makes Rice even more crazy, because in Rice's class, no one does not know the Stormtrooper team. This organization, for people of their level, is like thunder, but he forgot that Qin Hao is an ordinary big-headed soldier, and it is normal that he has never heard of it.

But when Rice thinks about it, Qin Hao is busy denying it. The more ghosts there are, the more likely he is a member of the former Stormtrooper team. It's just because he was given a gag order, so he has to say that he has never heard of this. organize.

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