"Phoebe...why did you appear here?" Prince Gladden asked, frowning. He just felt two very powerful auras here, but he didn't expect it to be his old enemy, Prince Phoebe.

"I heard that you have made some progress recently, so I came to see you." Prince Phoebe smiled.

"Look at me, maybe? Who doesn't know that you are living less and less every day now, you are not sleeping in the lair, trying to reduce the consumption of brain capacity as much as possible, but appearing here, I am afraid it is not accidental?" Prince Graton sneered road.

The power of Prince Phoebe is recognized among the Zerg race. Even if he is not the strongest person other than the queen, he is still among the top three. But at the same time, Prince Phoebe has lived too long, so the remaining The brain capacity is already very low. He rarely shows up at ordinary times, and almost spends most of his time in hibernation. Now that he suddenly appears here, it is no wonder that Prince Graton is suspicious.

"That's not important, let's talk about it?" Prince Phoebe didn't care about Graton's suspicion. Anyway, he was here, and Graton would never want to move forward.

"I have nothing to talk to you about," said Prince Gladden.

"Then let's fight!" Prince Phoebe sneered.

"You..." Prince Gladden clenched his fists in anger. Although he and Prince Phoebe were old rivals, they were really inferior in strength. Although Prince Phoebe was unable to kill him, every time he fought with He ended up being beaten up.

For a long time, Prince Graton and Prince Phoebe have only one reason for fighting, that is, he is relatively young, and his brain capacity is much higher than that of Prince Phoebe. Therefore, most of the time, Prince Phoebe will not choose to fight, because the master Dueling requires a lot of heart and brain, which consumes a lot of his brain capacity.

So after a battle, Graton was beaten up and recovered in a few months, while Prince Phoebe may lose a few years of life. In this case, Prince Phoebe will often choose to give in. .

But today is different. Prince Phoebe actually offered to fight, which made Prince Graton suddenly lose the capital to threaten Prince Phoebe. It's the same.

Everyone is also at the prince level, which means that Gradton's brain capacity has also solidified, and he also uses a little less. Although he is younger than Prince Phoebe and has more brain capacity left, after a fierce battle, he While being beaten, life would also be reduced. Prince Graton was not willing to choose this kind of thing that kills one thousand enemies and injures himself eight hundred.

So after hearing Prince Phoebe's words, Prince Graton clenched his fists in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

When Prince Graton was intercepted,

Qin Hao was leading a large group of knights from the Saint-Malo Knights through the jungle quickly.

"Everyone, be careful, we have entered a new area, and we will encounter battles soon!" Qin Hao shouted back while running.

"En!" The knights nodded, and then followed closely behind Qin Hao.

"Squeak!" At this moment, the ground in front of it suddenly cracked a lot, and the giant beetle lurking inside rushed out at once.

"Enemy attack!" Korkin shouted loudly.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!" Soros also drew out the two-handed sword behind his back.

"Rush over! Don't love to fight!" Qin Hao roared, and then directly grabbed a broad-edged sword from a knight beside him, and then directly rushed into the swarm.

After Qin Hao entered the swarm, he didn't use any martial arts. He didn't even infuse spiritual energy into the wide-edged sword to increase the attack power. He just relied on his physical strength and the strength of the sword to kill these ordinary giant beetles. .

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..." Amidst the bursts of crisp sounds, wherever Qin Hao passed, the legs of the giant beetles facing Qin Hao were all cut off. Although these giant beetles did not die, they also lost their fighting ability .

"Rush over!" Qin Hao yelled loudly as he sprinted past the fallen bugs.

"Rush over! Quick! Rush over!" Korkin and Soros looked at each other, and then followed suit. Both of them are first-level masters. It is not a problem to kill these giant beetles. Next, the other knights also cut off the legs of the bugs around them one after another, not wanting to fight them at all, and rushed through the ambush quickly.

"Hurry up, everyone, and be careful of the top of your head!" Qin Hao shouted while running.

"Over the head?" Just when the knights were puzzled, an army of flying insects attacked. These flying insects, led by Skywalker of the Silver Horn level, approached quickly and swooped down.

"Enter the jungle!" Qin Hao roared. They left the jungle in order to increase their speed, but they didn't get too far away. Now everyone ran into the jungle frantically.

"Squeak..." Flying insects covering the sky and the sun whizzed towards them, waving their blade-like arms and attacking the members of the Knights below.

"Alternate cover!" Qin Hao roared, but he forgot one thing. Although the members of these knights are all masters, they have not received professional military training. They don't understand what is alternate cover at all.

Seeing the flying insects approaching, these knights all turned around to fight. They waved the sharp blades in their hands, and sword energy containing holy light flew out one after another, and a large number of insects were chopped into pieces in the air!

"A group of idiots! Can you finish killing these bugs?" Qin Hao roared, and then shouted to Soros and Kerkin: "Korkin! Tell your people to stop and stop the flying insects. Soros! Let you After withdrawing 50 meters to take over the task of Korkin's break, Korkin's men retreated, and so on, until they all entered the jungle!"

"Understood!" Corkin and Soros nodded at the same time. These two people were not fools, they just couldn't understand professional military orders for a while.

Soon, these knights coordinated, and they covered each other and withdrew into the jungle.

About ten minutes later, all the knights withdrew into the jungle, and only one unlucky second-level knight had an arm torn off by flying insects.

"Let's go!" Qin Hao roared. Although the flying insects could no longer condescend to attack after entering the jungle, the threat below the ground was still approaching quickly.

"Okay!" At this time, whether it is Soros, Korkin, or the second-level knights, they already have enough trust in Qin Hao. After all, without Qin Hao, they might not be able to get here at all. At this moment, everyone has realized that if they want to survive, they must follow Qin Hao's orders without question. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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