"It's okay to send a message, but the high command may not listen to me, and the fleets of those families may not listen to the high command." General Cohen said with some embarrassment.

"General, there's only so much we can do now. As for whether they listen or not, that's their business. As long as we do what we need to do, we can only pray for the rest." Qin Hao said.

"Hey! That's right, you grow up really fast..." General Cohen nodded. Qin Hao's growth rate far exceeded his expectations. Once upon a time, Qin Hao would blame himself for the soldiers who died in a victory. But now, tens of thousands of lives may have become numbers in his eyes.

This is a process that a commander must go through. Loving soldiers like sons refers to normal training. When it comes to the battlefield, it talks about using soldiers like mud. But Qin Hao adapted to this process so quickly, which made General Cohen I don't know whether it's joy or worry.

In fact, Qin Hao still respects life, but under the influence of the Zerg gene in his body, he has become more decisive. Although Qin Hao can't bear to see tens of thousands of soldiers buried in the belly of insects, there are some things that he doesn't agree with. will to transfer.

For example, this time, can Qin Hao change the decision of the headquarters? Can he command the fleets of those families? The answer is obviously no, let alone Qin Hao is just a small colonel, so what if he is General Cohen? The dignified general of the Federation, can't he just stare blankly?

Can't change the human's decision, so can Qin Hao influence the Zerg's decision? Obviously not, although he has a special status in the Queen's heart, so that the Queen will protect him and grow up on Alpha Planet, but it is absolutely impossible for him to change the Queen's mind, let alone Qin Hao, the entire Alpha On the planet, any Zerg Emperor family, including those princes, could not influence any decision of the Zerg Queen.

Since the decision of the human beings cannot be changed, nor can the Queen's intentions be reversed, the next massacre will inevitably erupt, and those human soldiers will also die tragically. This ending is already doomed, no matter what Qin Hao thinks, this cannot be changed.

As the saying goes, manpower is sometimes exhausted, but God's will is hard to violate. For these things that he can't change at all, Qin Hao has already looked away. Instead of worrying about those things, he might as well spend his mind on more important things.

"General, I will continue to stay on the surface of Planet Alpha to monitor the movement of the insect swarm. If there is any change, I will notify you in time." Qin Hao continued.

"Okay, it's hard work for you." General Cohen nodded. This kind of thing can only be done by Qin Hao. Although the Seventh Fleet has biological radars that can determine the movements of the swarms, the combat staff don't understand The habits of the Zerg, let alone their intentions.

After cutting off the communication with General Cohen, Qin Hao connected the communication with the Light of Korha again, because at this time the Korha galaxy fleet had also arrived at the gravity well of Alpha Star,

So communication links are easily established.

"Sir!" Han Yihang saluted Qin Hao from the other end of the big screen.

"Well! What's the status of the fleet now?" Qin Hao asked.

"The fleet is in good condition and ready to join the battle at any time!" Han Yihang was already excited at this time. He had dreamed more than once before to lead the fleet to the front line, and now his dream has finally come true.

"Very good! You lead the fleet to the skies above Isis Beach and assemble in low-Earth orbit." Qin Hao ordered Han Yihang.

"Yes! Sir!" Han Yihang nodded and accepted the order.

After Qin Hao explained some things to Han Yihang, he cut off the communication.

Here, Han Yihang immediately led the fleet to move in the designated direction after finishing the communication. Although he didn't know what Qin Hao's purpose was for asking him to do this, Han Yihang had great trust in himself as the officer.

Although he hasn't been in contact with Qin Hao for too long, Han Yihang knows very well that Qin Hao is very human. He must have his intentions in issuing this order now.

Just as the Keha Galaxy Fleet was moving over the Isis beach, Prince Xin's psychic link also found Qin Hao.

"Fourth brother, elder brother is looking for you, you come to me." The voice of Prince Xin rang directly in Qin Hao's mind.

"Hmm..." Qin Hao hesitated for a moment, then replied, "Okay!"

The reason why Qin Hao hesitated was mainly because he still had a battlefield recorder on his body. If he just went to meet Prince Xin and others like this, he would definitely be in trouble for his collusion with the Zerg.

So in order to keep his secret, Qin Hao decided to cover it up with another secret, and it was a blatant cover up.

"Crack!" With a wave of his hand, Qin Hao directly turned off the battlefield recorder on his shoulder, then took it off and put it aside, then he walked to the armory in such a swaggering manner, and drove an all-terrain assault vehicle come out.

Logically speaking, there are strict approval procedures for the use of ordnance vehicles, but Qin Hao drove away there, but no one dared to stop him.

First of all, Qin Hao is a federal battle hero. With this halo, the soldiers at the bottom respect him very much. Secondly, Qin Hao is a naval colonel, and the man in charge of the armory is a lieutenant. Even if he sees Qin Hao driving away the vehicle, he I dare not stop it.

Finally, Qin Hao has another identity, that is, the prospective son-in-law of General Cohen, and General Cohen is the supreme commander of the entire Alpha Star Battlefield, so even other senior officers in the Isis beach base can only pretend Turn a blind eye, the most is to report this matter, everyone dares to come out to stop it.

Qin Hao drove straight to Prince Xin's worm's nest. His plan was very simple, as long as he brought some high-quality psionic crystals with him when he came back, everyone would think that he had gone there for a while. There is a hidden source of minerals. After all, Qin Hao's smuggling of energy crystals is well known in the entire federal hierarchy.

And out of interest, everyone maintained a tacit attitude towards Qin Hao's smuggling of energy crystals, so they would not pursue him for it, and Qin Hao explained his smuggling by covering it up. The matter of not bringing a battlefield recorder, after all, smuggling is not a legal business, who would carry a battlefield recorder for such private work?

When he was still some distance away from the insect nest of Prince Na Xin, Qin Hao threw the car there casually, and then directly summoned a giant silver-horned beetle to help him watch the car with spiritual power.

This Silver Horn is Prince Na Xin's subordinate, so he is no stranger to Qin Hao. When Qin Hao asked him to watch the car, it naturally dared not refuse.

Afterwards, Qin Hao walked towards Prince Xin's worm's nest unhurriedly. As soon as he entered the worm's nest, Qin Hao discovered that besides Prince Na Xin, there were also Prince Phoebe and Lacrule in the worm's nest. Prince's breath. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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