Because of the baptism of the tactical nuclear bomb just now, the attacking insect swarm was instantly wiped out, and the follow-up insect swarm had no time to make up, so a short-term vacuum appeared!

Although this vacuum area cannot last for too long, once the subsequent swarms arrive, it will be refilled, but this short period of time gave the human fighters a chance to evacuate!

"Keep up! Don't fall behind!" Qin Hao's voice came from the loudspeaker. His convoy drove forward quickly, occasionally encountering one or two teams of scattered bugs, and the heavy machine guns on the assault vehicle would also kill them All wiped out.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Korkin and the officers around him are also constantly urging, because what they are fighting for is not only time, but also their own lives. Rush out, then they will never want to leave again.

"Squeak..." The screams of the Zerg came from a very far away, and it was obvious that the follow-up swarm had rushed up.

"Everyone work hard, we will be safe soon!" Qin Hao's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The officers at all levels kept urging. In fact, they don't need to urge at all now. Those soldiers all hated their parents for not giving them two extra legs. Now they are running for their lives. , who dares to be lazy?

With a team of assault vehicles driving the way, tens of thousands of soldiers quickly passed through the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion. At this time, the radiation concentration here is quite high, but no one cares about this. Let’s talk about it later, if you are buried in the belly of insects, what difference does it make if there is radiation or not?

When passing through the radiation zone, everything went smoothly. The swarms were surprisingly honest and did not stop them. In the opinion of Korkin and others, this may be because the explosion of the nuclear bomb made the swarms feel fearful, so they were in the second It was only when he charged for the first time that he was so timid.

But in fact, Qin Hao colluded with Prince Na Xin and others. Otherwise, the army of Zerg would have been drowned long ago. A mere tactical nuclear bomb would scare off the swarm, which is simply impossible!

However, in order to make the trick more realistic, when Qin Hao and the others passed through the radiation zone, a group of Zergs still blocked their way. This team of Zergs was led by two silver horns, and Prince Phoebe's confidant was secretly lurking— — Kazka!

"Destroy those bugs!" Qin Hao's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Da da da da..." The heavy machine gun on the top of the assault vehicle fired, and the dense bullets were like a torrent of metal, instantly tearing the front giant beetle into pieces, but more giant beetles rushed up, forcing The assault vehicle had to retreat while firing back.

But the swarm was too numerous,

The twenty-four assault vehicles couldn't stop them at all, and they were about to be forced back to the radiation zone again!

"We can't go back! The swarm army will be replenished soon, we must rush back to the base as soon as possible!" Qin Hao shouted loudly.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Korkin had nothing to say. He immediately jumped up with a dozen knights around him, and then rushed towards the bugs brandishing his giant sword.

Korkin led the knights around him like a tiger into a flock of sheep. Ordinary giant beetles were vulnerable to these masters, but their massacre did not last long, and the two silver horns shook their huge bodies. rushed over.

Regardless of the huge size of Yinjiao, which is like a small two-story building, their speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they came to Kelkin and others, and they waved their giant sword feet and began to attack. Corkin and his knights.

"Please tell me, these big guys are hard to deal with!" Korkin roared, then swung his huge sword and slashed at one of the silver horns.

"Boom!" The giant sword struck Yinjiao's thick chitinous shell, and only cracked it all over the place, but it didn't cause too serious injuries to Yinjiao.

Although the huge size makes it inconvenient for Silver Horn to dodge, it also provides it with a strong defensive ability. Although Cole King is a first-class knight, it takes a lot of effort for him to kill a Silver Horn just work.

Seeing that a silver horn was entangled by Korkin and could be killed soon, Kazka made a move at this time!

"Whoosh!" Korkin only caught an afterimage in the corner of his eyes, and before he could react, Kazka was beside him.

"Huh..." Korkin felt the bad wind in his ears, and he hastily drew back his giant sword to block it by his side.

"Boom!" A huge force came, making Colkin's tiger's mouth numb. Although the predator is an agile Zerg, it is also very powerful, at least as strong as Kerkin who summoned the Holy Light. Almost the same.

"Slash!" After receiving Kazka's sneak attack, Korkin turned around and fought back. He slashed at Kazka with a sword, but Kazka easily dodged it.

"Squeak!" Just as Korkin was entangled by Kazka, the two silver horns on the other side began to show their power. They crazily suppressed the knights Korkin brought, and even one knight was even more affected. seriously injured.

"Damn it!" Seeing that his subordinates couldn't hold on any longer, Korkin was anxious, but he couldn't be distracted at all at this moment. He and Kazka were in the same boat. If they were distracted to help their companions at this time, they would surely die. It's him!

"Colonel Qin Hao, please save my people!" Korkin shouted loudly.

"Here we come!" Before Qin Hao's voice fell, his figure had already appeared behind those knights.

"Shua!" A golden bone spur popped out, and Qin Hao jumped onto the top of a silver horn like lightning.

"Zhizhi..." Yinjiao shouted in insect language: "My lord, we are here to help, not enemies..."

"It seems that they didn't tell you that you are here to help, but you are also my food!" Qin Hao said to the silver horn with spiritual energy. It was so realistic, except for Kazka who couldn't be killed, the rest of the Zerg were all cannon fodder, including this Silver Horn.

"Pfft..." The bone spur sank into the top of Yinjiao's head, and Yinjiao let out a scream, and then fell limply to the ground.

"Cool!" After absorbing Silver Horn's brain and psychic essence, Qin Hao threw himself at another one.

In the blink of an eye, the two silver horns were all killed. Qin Hao shouted at the knights beside him, "Go and help the assault vehicle clear the way, and clean up those bugs as much as possible!"

"Yes!" These knights had dealt with Qin Hao and knew that this member of the Qigong Association was different from his compatriots. Apart from his great ability, he also had a violent temper, so the knights present did not One who dared not obey Qin Hao's order. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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