Half an hour later, the transport ship docked in the air port of the capital planet Earth. !

"Hello, dear passenger, this flight has arrived at the destination, please take your luggage and prepare to get off the plane." A sound came from the intelligent flight attendant system.

"It's finally here!" Qin Hao picked up his small bag. He really didn't have much to salute. Except for the two standard combat uniforms of the mobile infantry, the only thing Qin Hao could be considered salute was the two bone knives, one long and one short. .

The rest of the powered exoskeleton, the electromagnetic rifle energy grenade, etc., were left in the Seventh Fleet along with the battlefield recorder. After all, this time Qin Hao was sent to the Federal Naval Academy for further studies. The standard weapons could not allow him to take out the troops.

After getting out of the transport ship, Qin Hao walked in the spacious and bright passage, the clean and tidy white metal corridor, the guiding robots everywhere, and the entire capital Xingkong Port gave a tall feeling everywhere.

"Is this the Earth? It's really extravagant, w3 alloy is actually used as an ordinary building material..." At this time, Qin Hao and Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. Luxurious spaceport.

"Bumper! The earth is still below!" A young man who passed by Qin Hao said contemptuously. Judging from his appearance, this kid was a second lieutenant, and Qin Hao's military rank was much higher.

"You!" Qin Hao frowned. He didn't expect that he had just come to Earth and was provoked for no reason.

However, Qin Hao's rationality finally prevailed over his anger. Although his fighting strength is far superior to that of ordinary people, it is absolutely not a problem to beat the boy on the opposite side, but this is the earth, and just throwing a brick may smash a family member or a member of the Federation. There are a lot of powerful people, so it's better for him to be a good man when he first arrived.

And Qin Hao knew very well what he came to do on earth. He came to study, not to cause trouble, so in the face of that kid's ridicule, Qin Hao just silently left a sentence in his heart: Rabbit, wait and see!

Qin Hao, who had suppressed his anger, ignored the boy and continued to walk forward, and the boy was just rude. He didn't take Qin Hao seriously, and left after laughing.

Not far ahead, a porthole appeared on the smooth wall. Qin Hao looked out along the porthole, and his eyes were full of endless stars. The airport was still in space.

Earth is the capital star of the Federation, and the air traffic here is the busiest in the entire Federation, so the airport is not built on the ground like the colony planet, because although it saves costs, it is not conducive to the frequent ups and downs of a large number of starships.

Therefore, the earth's airport is built in outer space, which allows the starship to dock directly, and the airport uses the Babel Tower to connect with the earth.

The transport ship Qin Hao boarded was for military use, so it was also docked at a military port. There were not many people here, and only occasionally saw individual passengers in military uniforms.

Following the directions, Qin Hao quickly came to the location of the Tongtian Tower, and then took the super elevator to the ground.

"Huh..." Qin Hao took a deep breath, the air of the earth was so fresh.

As early as the beginning of the Great Space Age, the high-level human beings moved all the heavy factories to the colonized planet. After nearly a hundred years of governance, all kinds of pollution have been cleaned up. At this time, it has become a Very livable, very comfortable planet.

But correspondingly, the earth is not a place where ordinary federal civilians can live. The comfortable environment and convenient facilities here are only qualified to enjoy by the senior officials and the rich.

The only exception is those students who are admitted to the Federal Naval Academy, they can not only get free air tickets to earth, but also live here for three to four years, and after graduation they can be assigned to warships and enjoy various officers Welfare.

"Help me plan the route to the Federal Naval Academy." Qin Hao said to the automatic service desk in the airport.

"Okay! Please wait a moment!" A pleasant mechanical sound came from the service desk.

Soon, the optimal route to the Federal Naval Academy was determined, and then the service desk automatically called the academy shuttle for Qin Hao. On Earth, all public facilities and services are free, even taxis are no exception, and This is just one of the benefits that the senior officials of the Federation seek for themselves!

After a while, an unmanned hovering car stopped in front of Qin Hao, and the door opened automatically.

"The route has been confirmed, and we are heading to the Federal Naval Academy..." After Qin Hao got into the hover car, the car started on its own, and then drove Qin Hao straight to the academy.

Two hours later, Qin Hao finally stood outside the gate of the Federal Naval Academy. Because it was not the admission season, the people at the gate seemed a little sparse.

"Master, how do I get to the Academic Affairs Office?" Qin Hao came to the guard room and asked.

"The Office of Academic Affairs...Are you sent by the army for further study?" The uncle of the gate saw Qin Hao's outfit and knew what was going on with him. After all, they could only report to the Office of Academic Affairs at this time. These active duty soldiers.

"Yes, sir." Qin Hao replied with a smile.

"Good boy! It's not easy to get this position, work hard, you must seize this opportunity!" The uncle is also an enthusiastic person.

"Well! I will!" Qin Hao laughed.

"That building on the east, the fifteenth floor, go!" The uncle told Qin Hao the location of the Academic Affairs Office.

"Thank you, uncle!" Qin Hao thanked him and walked to the Academic Affairs Office.

In a short time, Qin Hao came to the door of the Academic Affairs Office.

"Papapa..." Qin Hao gently knocked on the office door.

"Come in!" A thick male voice came from inside.

"Crack..." Qin Hao pushed open the door and walked in.

"Are you okay?" A young man sat in the office.

"I'm here to report." Qin Hao said and handed over the electronic code note with the order written on it.

"From the front line?" The man flipped through the electronic code, then raised his head and asked.

"Yes!" Qin Hao replied, but he always felt that the man seemed to dislike him this year, and he didn't know where he had offended him.

"Okay, the formalities are complete, you go to the hostel to settle down first, and come for the test tomorrow!" The young man said, he hated Qin Hao not because of anything else, but because he had seen many people like Qin Hao, and he was greedy for life and fear of death on the front line. , and then entrusted the relationship to get a place to come to the academy for further study. To put it bluntly, it is a powerful deserter!

It is precisely because of this misunderstanding that the young man had a prejudice against Qin Hao when he first met, and felt that he was also a military dude.

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