"Yeah!" Han Yihang nodded. Although this opportunity passed in a flash before his eyes, he also understood that there was no way to do it. Those families are domineering, and they often do this by virtue of their right to speak in the headquarters. To plunder the exploits that belong to others.

On the Korhal Light, not only Han Yihang was disappointed, but also Nicole. She didn't even have time to meet her father, and she was about to withdraw to the Korhal galaxy. If she wanted to meet again next time, that finger I don't know when it will be, maybe I have to wait until the next vacation, and it may not be possible to make the trip.

Here Qin Hao comforted Nicole again, and the Keha galaxy fleet entered a phase transition state under the command of Han Yihang, and they began to think about the return of the Keha galaxy.

On the second day after Qin Hao and the others left, the 7th Fleet and the 3rd Fleet returned respectively. Although the command of the headquarters only required General Cohen to evacuate with the 7th Fleet, at the end of the season, Love saw that those family children were not happy. , And those guys also felt that he was in the way, so when Ji Moluofu made the application, those guys immediately approved the request for the withdrawal of the Third Fleet.

So the two mixed fleets also withdrew from the Alpha star battlefield, freeing up the space in the gravity well for the fleets of those families.

After leaving Alpha Planet, the Third and Seventh Fleets returned to their respective garrisons, and the entire Alpha Planet fell into the hands of those family forces.

After these guys ruled out dissidents, they did not land blindly. After all, the painful lessons before were still in sight. They just sent troops to take over the existing bases and let people occupy the two phantom crystal mines first. .

After all, they have to hold the ready-made benefits in their hands first.

Just when the leaders of these families were having a meeting to discuss the distribution of benefits and formulate the next attack plan, the attack of the insect swarm arrived.

Except for the Isis beach base, which was not attacked by the swarm, all other human bases were destroyed overnight, and none of the soldiers inside survived!

"Damn! Are the bugs crazy?!"

"What are they trying to do?! Why was there nothing wrong with Cohen when he was here, and this kind of trouble happened as soon as we came!"

"Really, it's nothing more than not being able to expand the territory. Instead, we have lost so many existing bases. How can we explain to the family?"


These generals on the front line of Alpha Star are all in a state of desperation. In desperation, they can only temporarily abandon the issue of profit distribution and start discussing the battle plan of Alpha Star. They must at least take back the lost base.

Otherwise, go back and explain at all!

"Nuclear bombs! Nuclear bombs must be used! I want those bugs to know how powerful humans are!"

"That's right! Cohen is just too cowardly. If it wasn't for him, how could the Zerg be so presumptuous!"

"That is, all-round planetary bombing! We have to let the bugs experience the power of technology!"


None of the generals present were radicals, otherwise they would not have volunteered to come to the front line of Alpha Star, so the topic discussed by these guys was never whether to fight, but how to fight so that they could fight hard!

Soon, these guys discussed a simple and crude combat plan - the fleet surrounded Alpha Star, carried out all-round planetary bombing on it, and used strategic nuclear bombs on key areas, destroying some shallow mine veins, but also destroying most of them. The vitality of the swarm.

This crazy plan will soon enter the implementation stage. If Qin Hao is present, he will definitely try his best to stop it, because these guys are simply playing with fire and setting themselves on fire. Once the queen is cornered, or she feels the danger , Qin Hao couldn't even imagine what would happen next.

If the swarm leaves Alpha Star, they will break free from the last shackles when they enter the universe. It is precisely because of the selfishness of the queen that the entire zerg can stay on Alpha Star in peace. Once they step into the starry sky, then every Every planet they set foot on will give birth to a worm queen. With their amazing reproductive ability, no one can stop the massive swarm of worms!

But Qin Hao is not here, he has returned to the Korha galaxy, and even if he is, in fact, he can't stop anything, the fleet commanders of those families are already red-eyed, they have suffered too much failure, if there is no one With justifiable victory, their official careers are over!

For their own careers, these guys will definitely take risks. As for the lives of grassroots soldiers and the dangers of the future, it has nothing to do with them!

Just the night before the Federal Fleet was preparing to carry out a full-scale bombing on Star Alpha, a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the gravity well of Star Delta in the C9 star area of ​​Perseus. In the gravity well, the Earth Federation Fleet, which is seven astronomical units apart, can be clearly seen.

And when this strong light appeared, the sirens in the Earth Federation Fleet rang loudly!

"Alert! Alert! Sudden unknown phase fluctuation in the gravity well of Delta Star!"

"Alert! Alert! Sudden unknown phase fluctuation in the gravity well of Delta Star!"


Amidst the ear-piercing sirens, all fleet commanders were stunned. Generally, this phase fluctuation will only appear when the phase transition is completed. If the fleet in the federal system is like the C9 sector transition, they will definitely get it in advance. notify.

And the pirate fleet will definitely not come here to seek death. After all, there are a large number of Federation warships hoarded here. They come here because they are purely birthday olds who hanged themselves - impatient to live!

As for civil aviation, it is even more impossible. This is the interstellar frontier, an exploration area that the Federation has not yet controlled, and civil aviation will never come to such a dangerous area.

But it's neither a federal battleship nor a pirate spaceship, so who are these guys who have jumped over?

"Quick! Send a few scout ships over there!" Although the commanders of these families are used to playing tricks for their own benefit, they are people of professional background after all, and they will not be at a loss at this time.

Soon, several reconnaissance ships were dispatched, but the result shocked everyone!

The four new lone-star reconnaissance ships of the Federation had just arrived at the gravity well of Planet Delta, and they discovered a huge fleet. The structure of this fleet was unprecedented for human beings. The silver-white streamlined hull was extremely Rich sense of technology.

"Boom boom boom..." The four Lone Star reconnaissance ships had time to send back the information, but they were destroyed by those warships with energy cannons!

From the last information sent back by the Lone Star scout ship, we can see that even the lowest-level frigates in the opponent's fleet use energy weapons, while the Earth Federation fleet still generally uses automatic artillery as weapons, and only those above the cruiser level The spaceship is equipped with nuclear energy main guns, and the real energy main guns are still in the research and development stage, and only a few experimental spaceships are equipped with them. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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