In the next few days, the battle between the aliens and the Zerg became more and more fierce. Even if Qin Hao stayed in the human base on Isis Beach, he could still see the alien warplanes roaring overhead. .

In addition, alien warships are also constantly bombarding Planet Alpha. Their attacks day and night make the entire Alpha Planet immersed in rumbling explosions from morning till night.

However, even if the alien fleet stepped up their offensive, the Zerg's completeness was still beyond their imagination. In just a few days, the number of bugs that died under their artillery fire had reached tens of billions. There were endless swarms of insects rushing out from the ground, as if they couldn't kill them all.

In fact, the aliens don't know that their killing speed has exceeded the reproduction speed of the swarm. If it keeps growing like this, then the swarm will really be completely suppressed by them.

But after a few days of bombing, the aliens seemed to have overestimated their own strength, or underestimated the number of swarms. They actually made the same mistake as humans—sent ground troops too early!

From the perspective of aliens, this planet is only this big. Even if the number of insect swarms exceeds tens of billions, it will definitely not be too many. After all, the resources of a planet are limited. If the number of insect swarms reaches hundreds of billions, The resources on this planet simply cannot feed so many bugs.

The idea of ​​the aliens is correct. The bugs on Alpha Planet have never exceeded 100 billion, but their reproduction speed is too fast. Although these days, the alien fleet has wiped out tens of billions of bugs, But tens of billions of bugs were born. Although the number of bugs has been weakened, it is far less exaggerated than the aliens imagined.

So when the alien landing force descended on Planet Alpha, the tragedy of the human landing force repeated itself again. Countless bug swarms rushed out from the ground, drowning these alien marine troops in an instant.

Although the equipment of these aliens is extremely luxurious, compared with them, human soldiers are simply natives holding swords and spears, but even so, when thousands of alien soldiers face millions of bug swarms , Their end is no better than humans.

Although countless giant beetles were slaughtered before they died, the final fate of these thousands of alien soldiers was the same as that of those unlucky human soldiers, all of them became the midday meal of the Zerg race.

After experiencing a miserable login failure, the aliens are obviously not as self-willed as the high-level human beings, or the lives of aliens are more valuable, so they immediately stopped the follow-up landing plan and continued to bombard Alpha Planet!

Finally, a blind alien frigate found a prince's territory. After entering low-earth orbit, the warship frantically bombarded a swarm leader under the prince.

In the end, the swarm leader was blown into mud on the spot!

The prince who lost a leader of the swarm was enraged immediately, and he launched an attack on the alien warship from the surface. Although it was thousands of miles away, Qin Hao still clearly saw the horror that illuminated the night sky beam!

"Boom!" Accompanied by a violent explosion, the alien frigate was shot down!

In front of the prince-class Chonghuang family, this alien frigate was not much better than the human warships that were attacked before. Its tail caught fire and the entire power system was destroyed. In the end, only a few small ships were released in time. After the lifeboat of the warship fell into the atmosphere of Alpha Planet!

"Teacher, come here!" Just as Qin Hao saw the fireball falling from a high altitude in the distance, the voice of the Queen of Worms rang in his mind.

"It probably has something to do with aliens." Qin Hao muttered silently in his heart, and then he greeted Qirag and left the human base.

With the blessing of the Zerg's lightness skills, Qin Hao flew all the way, and arrived at Prince Naxin's nest after half an hour. After a period of practice, Qin Hao's speed was faster than when he returned to the human base, and His body has become lighter and more flexible. He used to shuttle on the ground, but now he is jumping on the tree.

Qin Hao's body is like an elf in the jungle. Between the rise and fall of the rabbit and the fall of the falcon, it looms above the canopy of the tree, not only extremely fast but also silent. His lightness kung fu is exactly the same, the only difference is that what drives him to move forward quickly is psionic energy instead of true energy.

"Master!" After entering the worm nest, Qin Hao stood beside the worm queen respectfully. What surprised Qin Hao was that there were actually many high-level worm royals in the worm nest.

"Did you see what happened just now?" The worm queen asked Qin Hao with her back turned.

"I see, an alien warship was shot down." Qin Hao said.

"Hmm! I'm curious about these things that you call battleships. Do you want to go and see them with me?" asked the Queen of Worms.

"Of course! Master, I'll go with you!" Qin Hao said immediately.

"Okay! Let's go!" After the worm queen finished speaking and waved her hand, Qin Hao immediately felt his whole body tighten up, as if being wrapped by something, followed by a blur in front of his eyes, and when his vision recovered again, he He and the Queen of Worms had already arrived in a forest, and not far in front of them, there was a raging flame burning. Obviously, this was a forest fire caused by a falling warship.

"Teleportation across thousands of kilometers..." Qin Hao no longer knew how to measure the power of the queen, because his weakness had limited his imagination.

"It's still alive! It's interesting!" The corner of the Queen's mouth curled up into a weird smile. For some reason, every time the Queen showed an expression on her face, Qin Hao felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

"Master, let's be careful, the aliens' weapons are very powerful." Qin Hao said.

"Don't worry, I'm here." The worm queen walked forward very calmly, Qin Hao took a deep breath, and followed beside the worm queen.

The two of them soon came to the vicinity of the crashed alien battleship. At this time, the damage of the warship was already serious. The entire hull broke into five or six sections during the fall, and some of them were violently broken. Explodes, throwing debris everywhere.

She didn't know how the queen determined that the aliens were still alive, so she walked straight to a relatively complete wreckage of the alien warship.

"Zheng!" A nail more than three inches long popped out from the queen's fingertips, and then she used this nail to stroke the high-strength alloy hull of the alien battleship.

Accompanied by the tooth-piercing sound of metal rubbing against each other, the extremely strong alien alloy was actually cut by the queen's nails! To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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