Qin Hao is now a grown-up insect emperor. According to his spiritual power level at this time, he can capture eight insect swarm leaders, but he did not use up all the places, but kept three. quota, in case of emergency.

After capturing the five swarm leaders, Qin Hao asked them to develop their territories and train their swarms. Of course, the most important thing is to dig out energy crystals and find the essence! After explaining to the leaders of these swarms, Qin Hao returned to the heart of the hive.

"Sir, do you really plan to repair those alien warships yourself?" Han Yihang asked curiously. He knew that Qin Hao was a professional scout. Especially the maintenance of alien warships, which is a bit nonsense.

"Heal your injury, don't wait until I bring you back, you are sick and sick, then Qian Ling will settle accounts with me." Qin Hao gave Han Yihang a white look.

"Hey! That girl must have forgotten about me." Han Yihang sighed.

"Forget it, if she is still waiting for you, I have to match you up no matter what." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"But the Qian family..." Han Yihang wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he couldn't even go back to the earth, maybe he would die of old age on this unnamed planet, what else is there to talk about.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go and see the wreckage." After Qin Hao finished speaking, he strolled to the cabin where the Queen of Worms stored the wreckage of the alien warship.

With the approval of the Queen of Worms, Qin Hao didn't need to hide it. He just came to the wreckage of the battleship in such an open manner, and then entered the interior of the wreckage for a simple inspection.

"Tsk tsk tsk...that's really cruel..." Qin Hao clicked his lips, these alien warships were severely damaged, not to mention that Qin Hao didn't have professional maintenance equipment, even if he had it, it was useless, at least he had to go back to the warship The factory has to use professional large-scale equipment to reassemble it.

With Qin Hao's two hands, it would be useless even if he mastered all the knowledge of the Holy Envoy.

Again, warships are not created out of thin air, relying on them alone is useless, you must have professional equipment and instruments, and you must have the support of supporting industries.

Moreover, repairing and assembling warships is definitely not a task that can be completed by one person. This requires a large team, and Qin Hao only has a group of bugs who can only tear down houses.

"Isn't this what you did..." Qin Hao sighed, it seems that he still thought too simple before.

But just gave up,

Qin Hao was not reconciled, so he continued to search for that slim chance among the wreckage.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off, although the idea of ​​repairing the alien warship was shattered, Qin Hao still found the hope of returning home! He found several well-preserved drones in the wreckage of a damaged alien warship!

Although these drones have no cockpit and no manned capability, they can travel through the starry sky and have the ability to travel to and from the atmosphere!

"So I just need to get a remote control and install an external pod on it!" Qin Hao quickly checked the relevant knowledge in his mind. Although he only got part of the memory of the alien, but because What he wanted to do was not too difficult, so after thinking about it for a while, Qin Hao felt that this method was feasible!

Then Qin Hao took action. The first step is to check whether these drones are still usable. This is not difficult for Qin Hao, because the wreckage he is in is the hangar of a small drone carrier. There is perfect equipment here, and it survived the crash.

Soon, the test results came out. Six of the twelve drones were completely damaged, and three of the remaining six had their engines damaged. Although they looked intact on the outside, they were already unable to fly.

Among the remaining three drones, another one had a problem with its navigation system, and only two were intact.

"Two? Enough!" Qin Hao smiled, and the result was better than he imagined.

"Then I found the remote control!" Qin Hao muttered. Although the drone of the Holy Promenade Messenger has some intelligence, it still needs to be controlled by the crew of the drone carrier, although the crew can control more than a dozen drones. , you only need to give them brief commands, but there are still remote controls.

"Fortunately, it's not very big!" Qin Hao found the drone pilot's console on one side of the hangar. This console is about the size of a desk. Although it is not as flexible as a mobile phone, Qin Hao can accept it.

"There is a damaged rescue capsule in the wreckage next door. That thing should be used as a pod!" A flash of inspiration flashed in Qin Hao's mind, and then he directly used his spiritual power to order a few nearby worker bees to destroy the capsule he wanted. The rescue pod was towed.

Although these bugs don't have much IQ, it's no problem to help Qin Hao and do hard work.

Even though the drones of the Holy Promenades don’t have a cockpit, they are not very small. Their unmanned fighter jets have a wingspan of fifteen meters and a length of about twenty meters. The bomber’s wing The extension is more than 50 meters, and the length is nearly 50 meters. It is almost the same size as a human strategic bomber.

Because we have to fight in space, so the short range is definitely not enough. If you want to attack the enemy's warship, it is not a problem to fire two or three energy cannons. Therefore, even though it is a drone, it still needs to increase the energy tank. Reserve, so the volume cannot be too small.

And the hangar that Qin Hao discovered was a bomber hangar, and the fighters inside were all unmanned bombers. This kind of big guy with a wingspan of more than 50 meters wanted to add a rescue capsule with a diameter of less than five meters. , that is no pressure at all.

It is not difficult to mount the rescue capsule on the unmanned bomber. The difficulty Qin Hao faces is how to re-integrate the shield system of the fighter so that the shield of the bomber includes the rescue capsule, otherwise it will be so exposed and damaged. The rescue capsule, let alone encountering an attack, even if it returns to the atmosphere of a certain planet, it will be burned down!

To this end, Qin Hao used the memory of the alien. He brought some engineering tools and parts from other wreckages, and started his modification career.

After a week of hard work, Qin Hao finally completed the enhancement and modification of the shield system. On the basis of the previous bomber shield system, he added two auxiliary shield systems to greatly enhance the shield strength of the bomber. At the same time, the rescue capsule mounted below is also included in the shield.

"Hey! This kid's memory is really not in vain!" Qin Hao looked at the fruits of his labor and couldn't help showing a smug smile. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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