After the first flight, Qin Hao overhauled the drone again, and took care of some details.

A few days later, he decided to conduct a second test flight. If there were no problems, he was ready to take Han Yihang on his way home.

During the second test flight, Qin Hao didn't bring a spare console, he just asked the worker bees to transport the modified drone to the test field outside.

"Come on! Take a gamble!" Qin Hao took a deep breath. This time, he planned to drive himself in the pod under the drone instead of staying on the ground. It would undoubtedly take a lot of risk to test the flight himself. , but Qin Hao couldn't find anyone else to replace him at this time.

Although Han Yihang also has some driving experience, Qin Hao neither wants to waste time teaching Han Yihang how to use alien instruments, nor does he want to let others take the risk. It's a little too unjust to take risks for him.

After letting the bugs recede, Qin Hao entered the abandoned escape pod. Because the airtightness is good enough and a complete life support system is installed here, Qin Hao and Han Yihang can survive long enough even in space. time.

After entering the rescue cabin, Qin Hao went straight to the console and sat on the seat.

"Come on! Success or failure depends on it!" Qin Hao took a deep breath, and then activated the drone.

After starting the anti-gravity engine, the drone didn't make too much noise. It slowly lifted into the air, then skyrocketed until it reached the stratosphere.

Qin Hao flew the drone over the planet for a few laps through the console. He didn't dare to enter space rashly, because if something went wrong here, he could still make an emergency landing or parachute, but once he left the planet's Atmosphere, after entering space, once the plane breaks down, he can't even go back.

About half an hour later, Qin Hao was finally relieved, all the data of the plane were normal, and then he controlled the fighter plane to fly high until the plane got rid of the gravity of the home star and entered the outer space.

"I'll go!" Qin Hao suddenly found that his body was floating upwards, and he quickly fixed himself on the seat with a seat belt.

There is only such a small space in the rescue capsule, and Qin Hao has not found the corresponding equipment, so he did not install a gravity simulation system in the rescue capsule.

Now Qin Hao is like a person trapped on an isolated island trying to survive on a raft. He only asks for a vehicle to take him back to the world with people. As for whether he is comfortable or not, that is not important anymore.

After entering space,

The fighter plane switched to the ion engine mode. Qin Hao didn't dare to go too far away from the home star. He was within the low-earth orbit and flew for about half a day. According to the data on the console, all the indicators of this fighter plane were very good. normal.

"The stability of the equipment of the Envoy of the Holy Land is really good! It looks like he can go home this time!" Qin Hao smiled slightly, but he didn't dare to neglect in his heart, because he still had an important test to do!

"Go back!" Qin Hao gave an order on the console.

Returning home sounds like a pleasant order, but the danger is also the biggest in this test flight.

Re-entry into the atmosphere is no joke, severe friction will burn out a lot of equipment, and the pod Qin Hao is in was added later by him. If there is a problem, Qin Hao will also be unlucky.

"Boom boom boom boom..." When the fighter plane entered the atmosphere, the pod where Qin Hao was located began to vibrate violently. During this violent vibration, Qin Hao even faintly heard the sound of cracking.

This sound made Qin Hao restless, and the cold sweat on his forehead continued to flow, until the plane landed safely on the test flight site, Qin Hao's heart was considered to be stable.

"Drag the plane back to the hangar!" Qin Hao said to the waiting worker bees.

"Squeak..." The worker bees squeaked a few times, and then dragged the fighter plane back home.

After returning to the hangar, Qin Hao used the equipment to check the various data of the fighter plane, as well as the connection between the fighter plane and the rescue capsule.

According to the test results of the instrument, the mounting point of the rescue capsule is very intact, and the connection is also very stable, but Qin Hao is worried, and has added additional reinforcement there.

"It should be all right now!" Qin Hao smiled while wiping his sweat.

The means of transportation have been prepared, and the next step is to store supplies. After all, this is not a short-distance mission. Even if everything goes well, Qin Hao and the others have to traverse the entire galaxy. , but the distance of each transition cannot be compared with that of a battleship, so it is impossible to travel through the entire Orlis galaxy in a few months, and this is still based on everything going well.

Once encountering pirates, or encountering obstacles such as asteroid belts, Qin Hao and the others will have to delay for a long time. If they get lost in the interstellar space, it will be even worse. It is even possible to float in the vast cosmic starry sky for a lifetime. of.

So Qin Hao prepared a lot of materials for this purpose, first of all, the energy block, which is the power source of the unmanned bomber, it is impossible to prepare less for this thing, if it does not fly to the Keha galaxy, there will be no energy, Qin Hao can Nowhere to find a gas station.

So Qin Hao almost collected all the energy blocks from the wreckage of these alien warships, and stuffed them into an extra pod. Fighter's external fuel tank.

After preparing the supplies for the fighter plane, Qin Hao had to prepare the supplies himself and Han Yihang, and the two of them would have to eat and drink well, otherwise they would starve to death after flying in the starry sky for several months.

The home star is rich in resources, and food and water are easy to collect. As for carrying, if it was before, Qin Hao really had no choice but to add pods, but in that case, the burden on the fighter plane would be too great.

But at this time, Qin Hao has evolved into a mature body and opened up the spirit crystal space. If a room the size of a house is filled with food, it will be enough to eat for a long time.

In order to make enough room for food and water, Qin Hao even put all the top-grade psionic crystals he had stored in one of his worm nests, and asked Batulu to take care of them for him, while he himself only kept a few pieces of psionic crystals. The big top-quality phantom energy crystal came to the rescue, and then brought a few top-quality energy crystals for backup.

As for the remaining space, which was almost the size of a house, Qin Hao filled it with water and food, and he was ready to wander in space for a long time. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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