Speaker Barn spoke, and the remaining members naturally stopped attacking Qin Hao. As soon as Claude left, some members immediately asked: "Mr. Speaker, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Let Qin Hao go easily?"

"Let him go? Do I have one?" Speaker Barn sneered, then got up and left.

"What does the speaker mean?"

"have no idea……"

"It will be clear tomorrow, everyone just wait and see!"

"That's right! The speaker is far-sighted, and must have prepared a good show!"


After Bahn left, these councilors were still talking about it, but they had full confidence in the speaker. Who didn't know that Bahn was a well-known old fox in the Federation. Don't look at what this guy said to Claude, but in his heart But darker than anyone else.

Turning around, Qin Hao and Han Yihang had just finished lunch when a group of soldiers came in.

"You two, let's go." The leading officer has changed. Although Qin Hao still hasn't seen him, he is not the unlucky guy who was beaten yesterday.

"Okay." Qin Hao had a smile on his face, and he followed the soldiers out without even asking where he was going.

"Tsk tsk... the demeanor of the officer..." Han Yihang secretly admired him behind him. If this is an ordinary person, he has just been locked up for a day, and he must ask where he is going, but is it meaningful to ask? It’s all about this, why don’t you go where people tell you to go?

And Qin Hao saw through this, so he followed the soldiers out without asking.

Including the escorting officer, all the soldiers were very polite to Qin Hao and Qin Hao during the escorting process. Although they could not be said to take care of them, they did not yell, let alone do anything. After all, the example yesterday was right in front of them, and no one wanted to be full. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for myself.

And who is Qin Hao? That is the fighting hero of the Federation, a colonel and senior official, even if he is down and out, who can guarantee that there will be no day of comeback? Just for a moment of refreshment, the villain will go to him for a while, even if he doesn't beat someone on the spot, you can't bear to retaliate afterwards!

Not everyone is as small and brainless as the officer yesterday.

Soon, Qin Hao was escorted to a large conference room.

"Hey! Is this a big shot coming? So soon?" Qin Hao was taken aback,

At this time, all the tables and chairs in the conference room were removed, and only two chairs were placed in the middle, obviously for Qin Hao and Han Yihang.

"Papa papa..." At this moment, all the lights in the meeting room were dispersed, and then the holographic projection appeared.

In an instant, the originally empty conference room turned into a military court. In addition to the military judge in the court, a group of federal congressmen headed by President Crowder and Speaker Barn sat in the jury.

"Yo, remote trial!" Qin Hao nodded. This thing is just like a conference call, but they put it like a court. It's obvious that these guys want a quick solution and don't want to send Qin Hao away. to earth.

"Qin Hao, Han Yihang, please sit in the dock!" the judge said from above.

"Hehe, it seems that they have admitted our identities." Qin Hao said to Han Yihang with a smile.

"It's too easy to verify this matter. They don't need to make a fuss here. They will do it later." Han Yihang nodded.

For things like identity verification, the worst thing is to check an NPC. Whether they are fake or not is not difficult to verify.

But looking at today's posture, it is obvious that the high-level federal officials do not intend to let the two of them go easily, but seeing that President Claude and Qian Xuehui are both in the jury box, Qin Hao is not too worried.

Then Qin Hao and Han Yihang sat on the dock, and an officer from the Military Judiciary Department next to them began to read Qin Hao and Han Yihang's charges.

The officer read out a lot of content, but the main points are as follows. First, Qin Hao and Han Yihang left their posts without authorization, left the fleet, and left the Keha galaxy.

Second, Qin Hao and Han Yihang disregarded the federal order and went to the C9 star area of ​​Perseus, which was banned by the federal command!

Third, Qin Hao and Han Yihang collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, took refuge in aliens, and became their spies with the intention of overthrowing the Earth Federation.

Fourth, Qin Hao beat the officers who escorted him.


"Qin Hao, Han Yihang, in the face of these charges, do you have anything to defend?" the judge asked above.

"Your Honor, first of all I want to explain that Han Yihang is my subordinate and he is carrying out my orders. This incident has nothing to do with him directly." Qin Hao took Han Yihang out first, although his words may not be accepted by the military court, But he had to make it clear.

"Han Yihang, is that so?" The judge looked at Han Yihang and asked.

"That's right, but I voluntarily acted with the commander." Han Yihang said truthfully.

"Okay!" The judge nodded, then looked at Qin Hao again and asked, "Then, Qin Hao, do you plead guilty to the above charges?"

"Let's admit some of it." Qin Hao nodded. The Military Law Department had more than a hundred accusations against him, but almost all of them were trivial matters. The main ones were the above four.

"Then what do you disagree with?" the judge asked.

"I have nothing to do with collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country." Qin Hao said.

"Then why did you go to Perseus C9 without permission?" the judge asked.

"It's a long story..." Qin Hao thought for a moment, then reached out and took out something from his bosom. Logically speaking, after being imprisoned, everything on him would be confiscated. A lesson from the past, who dares to search Qin Hao's body?

Moreover, this is a virtual court trial, and those high-level officials are not really here, so the officers here turned a blind eye, but it turned out that Qin Hao really dared to dig out things.

"What is this?" The judge asked Qin Hao as he took out a small gemstone.

"Phantom Crystal, you can ask them, they should know each other." Qin Hao pointed to those councilors and said.

"Did you ask about the C9 sector where the phantom crystal went?" the judge asked.

"Impossible, that place has already been occupied by aliens, how could he even risk his life for some money?" A congressman stood up and said.

"Silence!" The judge glared at the councilor. Although these councilors are very powerful, this is a court after all.

Although the congressman was stopped, his words were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Qin Hao doesn't look like a person who is greedy for money, so if you say that he took such a risk in order to get some phantom crystals and sell them for money, then Certainly no one would believe it. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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