"Taking the Keha galaxy..." Qin Hao nodded. If he wants to form an alliance with the Zerg, he must first border the Zerg. Now the Keha galaxy bordering the O'Reilly galaxy is still under the control of the Federation. Next, it is indeed necessary to occupy there.

But now the strength of the Roentgen galaxy itself is stretched, and it is very difficult to resist the attack of the Federation fleet. Where can Claude get a fleet for Qin Hao to occupy the Keha galaxy?

"Qin Hao, I know this request may be too much, but you also know that in the face of the federal fleet's attack, we have very limited troops, so..." Claude stared at Qin Hao for a while before continuing. Said: "So what we can provide you is just a shuttle..."

Rao is an old fox like Claude who has spent half his life in the political circle. When he said this, he couldn't hold back his face.

This is a bit too much! This is simply the difficulty of the strongman. Giving a shuttle is the same as giving nothing. They are letting Qin Hao single-handedly seize the Keha Galaxy!

In fact, Claude still has something to say. He and General Cohen have discussed it before. Facing the huge fleet of the Federation, it is impossible for the Roentgen Republic to gather all its troops to resist for too long. All they can do is step by step. Defense, step by step, hoping to delay the time as much as possible.

And let Qin Hao capture the Keha galaxy, mainly because he hopes that Qin Hao can disrupt the rhythm of the Federation. If the Federation divides its forces to Keha, then the pressure on the Republic of Roentgen will be reduced. If the Federation ignores it, once Qin Hao succeeds Then they will be able to open up the connection with the Zerg, and then they will be able to attack the Earth Federation from both sides.

Of course, all of this is based on the alliance with the Zerg.

General Claude and Cohen never expected that Qin Hao could single-handedly seize the Korha galaxy. Although he was the top military officer there for a while, the Federation has now changed the Korha galaxy fleet. Qin Hao's All the old subordinates were dispersed, even if he went back and raised his arms, no one would respond.

So General Claude and Cohen asked Qin Hao to go back mainly to borrow the power of the Zerg. Now the Roentgen Republic can't resist the federal army at all. It is difficult for them to resist this level of attack with their own strength.

But colluding with the Zerg to attack fellow human beings is no problem for politicians to do it secretly, but to put it bluntly, it is impossible to open their mouths, so Claude seems to have given Qin Hao a bad order. It is possible to complete the order, but in fact he is hiding something in it.

"Well, I'll do my best." Qin Hao is not stupid, he knows what President Claude's subtext is, and Qin Hao also has some thoughts in his heart.

Although at this moment,

The queen still did not agree to form an alliance with humans, but don't forget, the queen is dormant, and Qin Hao is now the second in charge of the home planet!

If the queen is still dormant, Qin Hao can be the master of the swarm!

But now there is one problem, that is, Qin Hao can't command the heart of the hive. With only one shuttle, he can bring out at most two Zerg warriors. Pretty aggressive, but what's the point of having one or two?

If you want to ask Claude for a few warships, Qin Hao opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end, because he also knew that the Roentgen Republic's troops were stretched and they were all on the front line. Even General Cohen might not be able to stop the federal fleet's attack. attack.

Now Claude don't put together a fleet for Qin Hao, even large spaceships for civilian use have been conscripted and incorporated into the transport and supply fleet. The entire Roentgen galaxy has been mobilized now, and there is no extra troop distribution at all. To Qin Hao.

And there is another point, that is, if you want to transport troops from the home star, you have to go through the pirate den in the Orlis galaxy. If there is no battleship escort, and only a few transport ships, then Qin Hao will never even think about passing through. The star gate will be robbed halfway.

"Qin Hao, the hope of the Republic rests on you!" Claude said while holding Qin Hao's hands. His subtext is: Whether the Republic can persist depends on whether you can attract allies from the Zerg!

"Your Excellency, I will do my best!" Qin Hao nodded, then turned and left Claude's office.

In fact, a few days ago, Claude and Cohen were also hesitating. Although the alliance with the Zerg is indeed of great benefit to them, if it is spread, the name of colluding with the Zerg is not good, and who knows what the Queen of Zerg is? Thought? Their understanding of the queen was all through Qin Hao's description.

It's not that General Cohen and President Crowder don't trust Qin Hao. They mainly don't believe in the Queen of Worms. In their opinion, Qin Hao is too young and too easy to be fooled. If he is deceived by the Queen of Worms, then they will rashly believe his words , Human beings are very likely to be dragged into the abyss.

And the most important thing is that just a few days ago, Claude communicated with several other rebel leaders who declared independence. Those guys all said that they recognized Claude as the orthodox leader of mankind. The family is the rebels who stage the coup.

These rebel leaders expressed that if President Claude sent troops to attack the federal government, they would definitely respond in groups.

After getting the guarantee from these leaders of the rebel army, Claude was confident. Although the size of the Federation Fleet was much larger than the size of the Republic Fleet, because of the vast territory of the Federation, they were divided into guards, so they were able to invest in the frontline battlefield. There will not be too many troops, and the Republic Fleet is enough to handle it.

But now? Just a few days later, when the Federation assembled all its fleets and was about to wipe out the Roentgen Republic in one fell swoop, the leaders of the rebel army suddenly became silent. They did not dispatch the fleet to harass the Federation's rear as promised before, and gave the Federation Instead of exerting pressure, one by one stood still, sitting there watching the tigers fight.

When the Federal Fleet came under pressure, and President Claude was like an ant on a hot pot, begging his grandparents to ask these rebel leaders for help, those guys all disappeared.

At this time, how could Claude, who had been playing politics for most of his life, not know what happened? It must be that those rebel leaders were persuaded by the lobbying team sent by the Federation. Although they don't know what conditions the Federation offered, these rebel leaders obviously don't intend to continue working with Claude and General Cohen. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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