After hiding the two pirate ships in the asteroid belt, Qin Hao set off with Formosa.

The shuttle jumped directly to the Kavia star without any accidents in the middle, and the two arrived at the Kavia star very smoothly.

Because it is just a simple black market planet, although it claims that money can buy everything here, the infrastructure is still very simple, and there is not even an airport. Qin Hao drove the shuttle directly into the atmosphere of Cavia Star.

After a bumpy ride, Qin Hao and Formosa came to this sinful city-like planet.

"Master, there is only one city in the entire Kavia star, and the shuttle can be parked directly outside the city, as long as you pay a certain fee, and after the payment is completed, we can still get a suspension car, but if you want to drive If you have a good car, you have to pay more." Formosa briefly introduced the rules of Kavia Star to Qin Hao.

"En!" Along the way, Qin Hao listened to Formosa talk a lot about Kavia Star. In the final analysis, everything depends on Qian here.

Soon, Qin Hao's shuttle landed on the outskirts of the city of Kavia, where there is a large plain like a parking lot for the shuttle to land.

Here Qin Hao had just stopped the shuttle when four or five suspension vehicles came to them.

"Welcome to Kavia!" A young man in the lead said to Qin Hao.

"Thank you." Qin Hao nodded.

"How long do you want to stay here?" the young man asked.

"..." Qin Hao didn't speak, but looked at Formosa.

"About two days," Formosa replied.

"Two days, 100,000 parking fees." The young man said.

"Hello! Do you think I'm new here? The downtime fee for two days will not exceed 20,000." Formosa gave the young man a white look.

"Deal!" The young man smiled slightly, not at all embarrassed by the lion's mouth opening just now. Those who manage the airport are like this. As long as it is an unfamiliar face, they will ask for a ruthless face first. If the other party knows the price , let’s just say, if the other party gives the money directly, it’s considered copying!

"Come on, pay the bill!" The man took out a small instrument.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded,

Then Formosa stepped forward and transferred 20,000 federal coins to the young man. Now he has become Qin Hao's slave, so his money has also become Qin Hao's money.

"This car is yours to use. If you don't return after the deadline, the parking fee will be doubled, understand?" The young man said to Qin Hao and the two.

"Yes! We understand the rules." Formosa nodded.

Qin Hao looked at the suspension car that the young man pointed to. The car was very ordinary and looked a bit worn out. However, according to what Formosa said before, although this car does not look very good, it will definitely not be broken. There is absolutely no problem in normal use.

Because Qin Hao didn't want to be too ostentatious, he didn't spend extra money to get a better car.

"Let's go." Qin Hao said to Formosa.

"Okay!" Formosa nodded, and then helped Qin Hao open the rear door. After Qin Hao sat in, he got into the driver's seat.

"Cut! The two poor ghosts are not small!" The young man muttered, but didn't say much. After watching Qin Hao and the others leave, he led the people back to the monitoring room.

"Why is it so expensive to park a shuttle here?" Qin Hao asked in the car.

"Hey, master, you don't know, this is the rule here, and these people eat according to this." Formosa shrugged.

"En!" Qin Hao nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I will transfer you two million, and you will pay for our daily expenses here. If it is not enough, I will make it up to you. If it is not needed When it's over, it's yours."

"Master, I have some money here, so you don't need to spend it." How dare Formosa take it.

"It's two different things. Although you have been implanted with parasites, as long as you don't betray me, you can completely treat it as if it doesn't exist. You are still you, an independent you, different from those guys with back armor." Qin Hao Said.

"Thank you, master..." Formosa was skeptical about Qin Hao's words, but she still had some expectations in her heart. After all, if she completely became someone else's slave, her life would be too gloomy, and life would be meaningless.

But if, as Qin Hao said, although the parasite is a little scary, it is not much different from being implanted with a surveillance chip. At that time, he will still have his own life in Formosa, he can have wealth, and he can Come to Kavia to enjoy, and as a pirate, that's all he wants.

Formosa drove the suspension car, and Qin Hao and the two quickly entered the only city on Kavia Star.

This city also does not have an official name. When people call it, it is generally called Kavia, because there is only this city on the entire planet.

"Now that we have come to Kavia, do you have any suggestions?" Qin Hao asked.

"Master, since we are here, we'd better stay here first," Kavia said.

"Oh? What do you say?" Qin Hao asked.

"If we go straight to the black market as soon as we come, then the purpose is a bit too obvious, and it is easy to be targeted, and even if we don't encounter trouble, our goal is so clear, and those black-hearted black market traders will definitely blackmail us. We paid for it," Formosa said.

"Well! That's fine, then do as you say." Qin Hao nodded. Although he still has a lot of savings, he still needs to save some money. Now that his smuggling business is over, the money The channel is gone, and the money is spent a little less. Although it is said that it is doing things for the Republic of Roentgen, the situation in the Republic is not very good, and it is estimated that there is not much money to provide to Qin Hao.

"It seems that we have to find a chance to restore the smuggling channels of energy crystals!" Qin Hao thought to himself.

At this moment, it is estimated that the families in the federation are unlikely to do business with Qin Hao, a top wanted criminal, but the Blood Eagle pirate group is different. No one knows that this pirate group is related to him, so as long as the pirate group In fact, Qin Hao can still re-establish his own energy crystal smuggling channel.

Here Formosa is driving the car, but Qin Hao is thinking about it. It is both a spy plan and a smuggling plan. There are quite a lot of things he plans to do now, but fortunately, these two things do not conflict. , and can even be mixed together. At that time, through the smuggling line, he can continuously send spies to the Federation. If things go well enough, Qin Hao feels that he doesn’t even need to rely on General Cohen. He can subvert the Federation with these spies alone. government! To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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