It was not difficult to rent a small spaceship on Kavia, and Formosa got the job done within an hour or so after he went out.

"Master, when are we going to leave?" Formosa asked.

"Now!" Qin Hao didn't talk nonsense, he had already achieved his goal, so there was no point in staying on Kavia.

"Okay!" Formosa nodded, and immediately went to prepare.

About fifteen minutes later, Qin Hao and his party came out of the hotel and headed straight for the parking area of ​​the small spaceship. As for the shuttle they came with, Qin Hao simply didn't want it.

The fifty or sixty people around Qin Hao were very honest along the way, because whether it was the dead men on the blood moon night or Lorenzo and the others, these people all wore slave collars, and although the dead men on the blood moon night were not afraid Death, but their purpose is to complete the task, so it is impossible to show any resistance in front of Qin Hao now.

Very smoothly, the group arrived at the airport, and then directly entered the spaceship.

"How many of you know how to fly a spaceship?" Qin Hao asked those dead soldiers on the night of the blood moon.

"Hmm!" Several of them nodded. They had all received professional training, and it was not difficult for them to operate this simple small spaceship.

"According to this coordinate, let's go!" Qin Hao asked Formosa to tell these people the location of the Blood Eagle Pirates.

"Yes!" The dead soldiers on the night of the blood moon nodded, and then drove the spaceship to prepare to take off.

Because the people of the blood moon night had settled the picket team on Kavia, Qin Hao's murder was suppressed, and no one came out to stop him until the spaceship took off.

After leaving the atmosphere of Kavia, the spaceship jumped directly into the phase space, and then jumped towards the location of the Blood Eagle Pirates.

"Shua!" When the spaceship escaped from the phase space, Qin Hao and the others had arrived near the asteroid belt where the Blood Eagle Pirates were hiding.

Because the engines and lights of the two ships of the Blood Eagle Pirates were turned off, from the outside, the asteroid belt was completely silent.

"Let's go in." Qin Hao said to the dead man driving the spaceship.

"Yes!" The dead man nodded, and then steered the spaceship into the asteroid belt.

The spaceship shuttles between the dense asteroids,

It can be seen that this dead man who drives the spaceship is very skilled. Among the people Qin Hao knows, Han Yihang is probably able to have this level!

"Tsk tsk..." Seeing this, Qin Hao couldn't help but chuckle secretly. The pilot of the spaceship with this kind of strength is actually a dead soldier. This shows how strong the blood moon night mercenary group is.

Soon, Qin Hao and the others found the two spaceships of the Blood Eagle Pirates in the depths of the asteroid belt.

"Let the Invincible open the hangar, let's go in." Qin Hao said to Formosa.

"Yes! Master!" Formosa nodded, and then sent a communication to Invincible.

Soon, the hangar door of the Invincible opened, and the small landing craft flew directly in and stopped at the berth.

Then Qin Hao led a group of people off the landing craft and entered the cabin of the Invincible.

"Master..." The captain of the Invincible took a few people to welcome Qin Hao's return respectfully near the hangar platform.

"Go ahead." Qin Hao waved his hand.

"Yes! Master!" The captain of the Invincible bowed to Qin Hao, and then returned to the bridge with his men.

"Okay! Formosa, take these people down first, Lorenzo, you two come with me." After Qin Hao sent away Formosa and those dead soldiers, he brought Lorenzo back in one's own cabin.

"Snap!" With a snap of his fingers, the camouflage on Qin Hao's body dissipated, and the amoeba returned to its original size, and then wrapped around Qin Hao's wrist like a bracelet.

"Sir?!" Lorenzo was completely stunned when he saw Qin Hao's true face.

"Welcome home!" Qin Hao smiled.

"Plop..." Lorenzo pulled his girlfriend and knelt in front of Qin Hao.

"Thank you, sir, for saving your life!" Lorenzo said sincerely. In fact, if Qin Hao just saved him, he would be equally grateful, but he would definitely not do such a great gift, but the problem is that Qin Hao also saved his beloved. Lorenzo could not repay the great favor of saving her from insult.

"Okay! They're all from my own family, don't be so alien!" Qin Hao pulled Lorenzo and his girlfriend up.

"Thank you, sir!" Lorenzo still couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. Although he and his girlfriend were rescued before, they fell into the hands of a group of pirates. Their fate was still tragic, so the two of them could not talk about anything. He was so happy, but when he saw Qin Hao, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Don't just say thank you, why don't you introduce me?" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Oh! Oh!" Lorenzo nodded again and again, then took the girl's hand and introduced to Qin Hao: "Sir, this is my fiancée Bessie!"

Then Lorenzo said to Bessie: "This is the officer Qin Hao I always mentioned to you."

"I know, the hero of the Federation!" Bessie said with a smile, Qin Hao's appearance is not too unfamiliar to most commoners, after all, the Federation was trying to promote him back then.

"Hehe, are you a hero? That's all in the past, and I'm a top wanted criminal now." Qin Hao shook his head and smiled.

"It was all framed by high-level federal officials. We have seen it before. President Claude and General Cohen have exposed the conspiracy of those families!" Bessie said, her thoughts actually represent most of the federal people, but now The federal government directly implements high-handed rule, so it doesn't matter what the people think, and they can only accept it without weapons.

"Hehe, it's good that you can understand me." Qin Hao nodded, he really didn't want to take the blame of human traitors on his back.

"By the way, how did you end up on Kavia?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"Sir, shortly after the accident between you and Yihang, the personnel changes in the Keha Galaxy Fleet were very frequent. The original officers in the fleet were either demoted or transferred away. I was also assigned from the flagship to a Later, many officers were dissatisfied with this, and everyone offered to resign, and I was no exception..." Lorenzo began to tell about Qin Hao and the others after the accident.

According to Lorenzo, his resignation was quickly approved. After leaving the army, he planned to use his savings to start a business. At this time, his fiancée Bessie, who had just graduated, came to him. After a fight, as soon as they brought the money to go to Rabotan Star for inspection, the spaceship they were on was hijacked by pirates, and then the two became slaves and sold to Kavia Star. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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