Under the leadership of Narvis, the nine warships of the Coldwind Pirates went deep into the asteroid belt. They carefully searched for every suspicious location, and they were bound to find out the Blood Eagle Pirates.

"Batulu, how long will it take to complete the evolution?" Qin Hao asked.

"Reporting to the King, it will take another twenty minutes!" Batulu replied.

"Yes! I see!" Qin Hao nodded, and then ordered all the ships of the Blood Eagle Pirates to remain silent, even if the fleet of the Cold Wind Pirates had begun to approach them.

Because the pirates in the Blood Eagle Pirates were all under the control of the back armor, even though the soldiers of the Cold Wind Pirates were overwhelming, these people were still busy with their own affairs and did not panic at all.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the fleet of the Cold Wind Pirates was less than two thousand kilometers away from Qin Hao's flagship. Although it sounds very far away, in the vast starry sky, two thousand kilometers is basically quite a distance. Face to face, if the target is locked, the opponent can even release missiles to attack!

However, because the terrain in the asteroid belt is complex and there is still strong interference, although the fleet of the Cold Wind Pirates is only 2,000 kilometers away from Qin Hao's flagship, they still haven't found any trace of the Blood Eagle Pirates. .

"My lord, we have entered the core of the asteroid belt, and we haven't found any trace of the Blood Eagle Pirates yet!" A pirate under Narvis reported.

"Well! I see, keep searching!" Narvis nodded, he believed Kilos' judgment, and felt that the Blood Eagle Pirates must be hiding in this asteroid belt, but they hid very deep, very strange. easy to spot.

But this time, Narvis has made up his mind, he must find out the Blood Eagle Pirates, and then destroy them, especially the experimental spaceship, once it is destroyed, then the people behind the blood moon night That old guy will definitely be too hungry to walk around.

As the Cold Wind Pirates continued to approach, Qin Hao clenched his fists, and he was also nervous. If the second batch of Skywalkers could not hatch in time, then the broken ships under his hands could not resist at all. The nine warships in front of us!

"Batulu, order the surviving Skywalkers to harass them!" Seeing that the Cold Wind Pirates were less than a thousand kilometers away from his flagship, Qin Hao felt a little impatient.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Batulu nodded immediately, and mobilized the remaining one hundred Skywalkers.

At this time, these flying insects were basically all wounded, even the leader of the Skywalker Warlord had several broken legs, and there was a long bloodstain on his tail.

"Squeak!" After the swarm took the order, they rushed towards the fleet of the Cold Wind Pirates without fear of death.

Although the Skywalker warlord at the head already possessed wisdom, he couldn't disobey Batulu's order at all. It was a kind of suppression from the upper-rank Zerg, and as a lower-rank Zerg, it could only obey.

"Puff puff..." After the swarm approached the fleet of the Coldwind Pirates, they began to spray acid crazily. This was a suicidal attack, so it was no longer necessary to reserve firepower.

Although the Skywalkers' acid is powerful, it is secreted after all and stored in the Skywalker's poison sac. Once it is sprayed out, it will take half a day to replenish it. During this time, The Skywalkers can only attack with their claws.

So in general, Skywalkers save their own acid very much, and they will only spray it when they must hit, otherwise they will keep flying back and forth, looking for opportunities for their attacks.

But it's different now. Under this kind of suicide attack, if the acid cannot be released as soon as possible, once it is killed by the opponent's close-in artillery, the acid stored by Skywalker will be wasted.

"Beep beep..." After the attack of the Skywalkers began, the warships of the Cold Wind Pirates rang out the alarm. Because it was just to delay the time, the Skywalker warlord did not lead his men to attack a certain spaceship, but Order your swarms to attack freely.

In this way, after more spaceships are attacked, the energy will be mainly supplied to the shields, and the rest will also have to be allocated to the damage control system. The power of the spaceships will be insufficient, and the speed will also slow down.

"Leave them alone! Turn on the anti-aircraft guns to drive them away, let's continue to search forward!" Narvis became excited when facing the attack of the swarm, because he knew that the Blood Eagle Pirates were in a hurry, so he went Let these bugs risk their lives to attack.

This shows that his and Kilos' guesses are correct. The Blood Eagle Pirates are in this asteroid belt, and they should not be very far away from each other.

Under the order of Narvis, the speed of the warships of the Cold Wind Pirates did not decrease. They did not expand their shields at all, but kept moving forward. Only when the Skywalkers approached too close, the pirates would Counterattack with close-in artillery.

"Da da da..." Under the full firepower of the near-defense guns of the nine warships, the terrifying barrage was like a torrent of metal. The insect swarm was instantly torn apart. Skywalker also hurriedly dodged behind the asteroid!

"Don't chase, keep going, the Hound wants to scan for suspicious signals!" Narvis ordered.


"Damn it!" Hundreds of kilometers away, Qin Hao frowned. He didn't feel sorry for the bugs who died in battle, but was surprised by the judgment of the opposing commander.

The commander on the opposite side obviously has some skills. He has clearly seen through Qin Hao's predicament at this time. Once they are rushed to the battlefield in advance, the outcome is really hard to say.

"Batulu, how long until the evolution is complete?" Qin Hao asked again.

"Seven minutes!" Baturu replied.

"Order the surviving Skywalkers to concentrate on attacking the opponent's flagship, and inflict great damage on the opponent at all costs!" Qin Hao ordered after taking a deep breath.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Baturu immediately took orders.

Soon, the remaining dozens of Skywalkers launched a suicide attack on Narvis' flagship. These Skywalkers went straight to Narvis' flagship, and then sprayed acid on it frantically, because the distance was too close, Shields have very limited effects.

"Beep beep..." Narvis's flagship was filled with ear-piercing sirens, although he always claimed that the wounded soldiers should not be cared about, the final victory will definitely belong to us! But when danger befell him, he still panicked.

"Attack, kill these bugs for me!" Narvis roared, at this time his ship's structure was damaged, and if it continues like this, it will disintegrate in the air if it is not intact! To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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