"Lorenzo, you have to work hard this time." Qin Hao said, patting Lorenzo's shoulder.

"This is my duty, but as far as I am concerned, it may take a few months to finish..." Lorenzo looked at the dozens of warships docked around him and said. He had just helped Qin Hao put the two new The ship was recompiled, and now there are more than a dozen more ships. This workload is not ordinary.

"It's okay, take your time, don't worry!" Qin Hao said with a smile, he didn't urge Lorenzo, because this is not something that can be done in three or two days, and he doesn't need so much at the moment Battleships, because of the existence of swarms, Qin Hao only needs a few spaceships to form a relatively strong combat effectiveness.

Because the scimitar-class medium-sized destroyer had been recompiled, Qin Hao asked Baturu to transport a bug nest to the spaceship, and built an incubation cavity in the hangar platform.

Now there are two insect nests in Qin Hao's fleet, so his ability to explode soldiers is even stronger.

After dealing with the matters related to the battle, Qin Hao was busy to get his base again, because there were ready-made equipment, and the swarm under Qin Hao had already found out the source of minerals on this planet, so the construction of the base did not It was too difficult, and in just a few days, a brand new human base was completed.

However, compared with those military bases on Alpha Star, this base is much simpler. It does not have too many weapons and defense systems, and it is more like a medium-sized immigration base.

"Batulu, let the swarm replenish the hatching cavity on the ship with organic substrates." After the base was built, Qin Hao said to Baturu.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Following Batulu's order, the swarms were dispatched. Their method of supplementing the organic matrix was very simple, nothing more than worker bees logging and soldiers hunting. Anyway, a large amount of organic matter was filled into the hatching cavity and then decomposed. became the most primitive organic matter.

A day later, the insect nests and hatching cavities on the two spaceships were filled with organic substrates, and Qin Hao also had the insect swarms deliver a lot of energy crystals to the spaceships. After all, in future battles, it is impossible for Qin Hao to only Relying on skywalkers and warriors to fight, if you want to hatch other Zerg, you must consume energy crystals.

"Batulu, how many more parasites can we hatch from our existing energy crystal stockpile?" Qin Hao asked.

"Five!" Batulu replied.

"Then incubate four first." Qin Hao nodded. Although he used the back armor to restrain the prisoners of the Cold Wind Pirates, he kept those captains. He didn't want to waste these commanding talents, so Using parasites as a means of control has become the best way.

Although the target bound by the armor retains part of the memory,

You can do some technical work, but commanding is a job that requires spirituality, and a goose bound by a back armor can't do this job, so Qin Hao deliberately left those captains, and they are all guarded by his subordinates at this time.

"Okay! Your Majesty!" After Batulu took the order, he hatched four parasites in a nearby insect nest, and then let the worker bees transport them over.

So Qin Hao selected three destroyers and the captain of an aircraft-carrying frigate as targets, planted all the parasites, and then he notified Lorenzo to compile these four warships first.

The reason why Qin Hao chose these four spaceships was mainly because he wanted to quickly expand the strength of the fleet. Since he could only choose four spaceships, he had to give priority to the powerful ones, so the flagships of the three squadrons became a must.

As for the last spaceship, Qin Hao chose the aircraft-carrying frigate with a larger hangar platform, because he needed to leave enough space for Skywalker, so that Qin Hao could maximize the advantage of the number of insect swarms.

The use of the parasite was very smooth. The four captains were a little unbelieving after being planted with the parasite, but soon the parasite in their minds taught them how to be an honest slave.

Because they can completely supervise the host's thoughts and control the host's body instantly, these captains are not even qualified to commit suicide in front of the parasites. As soon as his thoughts of dying arise, the parasites take over his body, and then It's endless pain.

Because their bodies were taken over, these captains couldn't do things like bite their tongues and kill themselves while enjoying the severe pain.

After a few rounds of punishment, these captains resigned to their fate. Facing this kind of bug-like parasite, unless there is external force to help them, they can't solve it by themselves.

In the next few days, Qin Hao lived in this newly built base. Although the base lacked entertainment facilities, Qin Hao was still very happy to see his swarm growing every day.

During this period of time, Qin Hao anonymously ordered some arms on the black market. Because he did not buy warships, he did not need to go to the black market on Kavia Star to make transactions. He only needed to place an order on the Internet. For this reason, Qin Hao specially opened The shuttle ran to the vicinity of the star gate, because the network of the black market could not cover the home planet at all.

At the appointed time, the cargo ship from the black market transported all the ship equipment Qin Hao needed and the equipment needed for base construction to the designated place. Container tow away.

After returning to his home planet again, Qin Hao started his farming career.

In just one month, Qin Hao created a very good immigration base on Homeland, and even built a simple airport around it, which is convenient for the spaceship to take off and land.

In addition, several of Qin Hao's battleships have been armed to a certain extent, especially the former flagship Invincible and Overlord. These two broken ships of the Blood Eagle Pirates were strengthened by Qin Hao's power system and shield system. , and in terms of weapons, except for the close-in defense guns, Qin Hao dismantled them all.

At this moment, the two spacecraft, Overlord and Invincible, have been completely transformed into simple aircraft carriers by Qin Hao, although compared with regular aircraft carriers, the gap is like that of the American aircraft carrier during World War II compared with the Ford class.

But for Qin Hao, all he needs is a vehicle. His combat unit is not a drone or an air-based fighter, but a massive army of Skywalkers. Complicated electronic systems are required, and the powerful technological equipment on advanced aircraft carriers is meaningless to bugs, so this proposed aircraft carrier transformed from a cargo ship is equally useful to Qin Hao. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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