"Bombardment! Concealment!" a veteran on the position shouted hoarsely.

"Shhh!" Qin Hao rolled almost subconsciously, and then threw himself behind the bunker. The cooks behind him didn't know why, but since the squad leader rushed into the bunker, they followed suit.

"Boom!" At this moment, the plasma mass arrived, and the high-concentration plasma engulfed a Gaussian defense gun in an instant. After the explosion, the plasma splashed everywhere still had terrifying lethality. Several motorized infantrymen did not hide in time. Entered the bunker, was hit by the splashing plasma, and was instantly scorched.

Motorized infantry are the cheapest cannon fodder on the entire battlefield. They don't have any armor on them that is enough to defend against enemy attacks. Although powered exoskeletons provide them with additional strength and agility support, they don't help at all in terms of defense.

"Brother, it's too dangerous here, let's evacuate."

"Fuck, where can you evacuate? Where is the whole Isis beach not dangerous?"

"And what if you successfully withdraw from the battlefield? The battlefield recorder on your shoulder will mark you as a deserter. According to wartime military law, this is a capital crime!"


The few cooking soldiers who had never been on the battlefield were almost scared to pee, and the few motorized infantrymen beside them were also shivering with fear. At first glance, they were recruits who had never been on the battlefield.

Qin Hao was lying behind the bunker, carefully observing every move on the battlefield. As a cooking soldier, he was not without the slightest advantage, at least under normal circumstances, cooking soldiers would not receive combat missions.

Just like now, despite the bombardment of plasma bugs, the mobile infantrymen in charge of the battle still have to rush out from the bunkers, and then control the Gauss cannon to fight back, and even rush to the outer edge of the front to block the rushing giant beetles. .

"Squeak..." With the sound of insects, a large number of giant beetles began to charge towards the Z3 highland under the cover of plasma insects.

"Brothers, hit me!" Ralph, the sturdy bear-like second-in-law, shouted. He was holding a Kamensky individual combat gun in his hand and was constantly firing on the giant beetle swarm in front of him. , energy shells exploded in the middle of the giant beetles, blasting these disgusting insects to pieces.

Although this kind of combat gun is known as a single soldier, but the reaction force is extremely strong, even if it is equipped with a powered exoskeleton, only the most robust soldiers can control it.

"Da da da..." Beside Ralph, the soldiers of the Second Company were also in full swing. Although these people had not been on the battlefield, they were able to survive the landing battle just now and came to the assembly point. , it means that the personal quality is still good, so under the leadership of Ralph, it is not a problem for them to hide behind the cover and shoot back.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The bombardment of the plasma insects came one after another, and the Gauss guns that had just been dropped from the air were destroyed one after another, and the motorized infantry hiding behind the bunkers also suffered heavy losses.

"Why hasn't the air support come yet? If it goes on like this, Z3 Highland will be lost!" Qin Hao kept observing the situation on the battlefield from behind the bunker. As a veteran who has experienced a year of hard fighting, his analysis at the strategic level The ability may not be worth mentioning, but in the analysis of the battle situation of the local small battlefield, he is no worse than the combat staff in the battleship office, because his experience is all exchanged through the battle of giving up his life.

"Ugh..." At this moment, federal fighter planes appeared in the sky. These ultra-low-flying fighter planes swept across the battlefield with a whistling sound, followed by a series of violent explosions on the ground. The plasma worms that had just been showing off their power just now were blown apart in an instant, and the high-voltage plasma in their abdomens splashed out, turning all the giant beetles that protected them into ashes.

"Long live!"

"Blow up these bugs!"


There were bursts of cheers on the Z3 high ground,

After those plasma worms are killed, the charge of the giant beetles is not to be feared. These guys do not have any long-range ability, and only use their sharp front feet to attack from behind, but under the powerful firepower of the federal soldiers, these giants The beetle had no chance of getting close to federal fortifications at all.

"Engineers! Go and build a temporary landing site!" Colonel James, the division commander of the 106th Motorized Infantry Division, saw that the position had stabilized, so he immediately ordered the construction of a landing site to prepare for the landing of the next large landing ship.

The task of the 106th Motorized Infantry Division is to grab the **3 high ground, then stabilize the position to repel the enemy's attack, and then build a temporary landing field to allow the landing ship to land. Only when the landing ship landed on Alpha can large combat equipment be placed When transported to the ground, small landing craft can only transport motorized infantry and some simple equipment. Large equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles can only be transported by landing ships.

"Yes!" After the engineer battalion took command, he immediately drove the SCV and began to install the navigation beacon and shield force field nodes.

With today's technology, landing ships do not need special airports, they can land anywhere, but because of their large size, they are very slow and fragile in the process of landing, if there is no shield force field protection , once attacked, it will be the end of the ship's destruction, and if a landing ship is destroyed, the price is too great.

"Huh... It seems that the Federation has really gained a firm foothold on Alpha Star!" Qin Hao watched those space engineering vehicles get busy, and his heart that had been hanging over was relieved.

But just as everyone on the Z3 high ground cheered, the ground beneath their feet suddenly trembled.

"What's the matter?!" Qin Hao's heart throbbed for a while. Although he has combat experience in Alpha Star, he has never encountered such a situation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The earth trembled very rhythmically. If I had to describe it, it might be more like... a palpitating sound of footsteps!

"Look over there!" a soldier suddenly shouted loudly.

Everyone looked in the direction of the soldier's finger, and saw that the towering giant trees in the distant jungle fell one by one, and above the canopy of these dozens of meters high, there was a hideous beast head.

"Then... what is that..." Almost everyone was stunned, no one had ever seen a behemoth of this size!

Following the giant beast's footsteps, towering trees were trampled down one by one. Judging from the travel route of the giant beast, it was clearly coming towards the Z3 highland!

"Concentrate all your firepower! Aim at that giant beast! Fire!" Colonel James roared hoarsely. If the giant beast is brought close to the high ground, it doesn't even need to attack. As long as it walks from here, the Z3 high ground will be leveled!

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