Facing the threat of the base being destroyed, the Hornet pirates could no longer hide in the asteroid. In order to survive, they had to rush out of the asteroid under the fire of the Blood Eagle pirates.

"Free fire!" Qin Hao ordered immediately.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The fleet of the Blood Eagle Pirates immediately fired all their guns. Because these warships had been prepared for a long time, a round of attack achieved very terrifying results!

The first two frigates of the Wasp Pirates that rushed out of the asteroid were immediately disabled. Before the two spaceships even had time to protrude their muzzles from the hull, the beaten hull caught fire and suffered structural damage.

"Release Skywalker." Qin Hao nodded.

"Yes!" Baturu nodded, and then the two spaceships Overlord and Invincible began to release flying insects.

Long before the use of nuclear bombs to attack the asteroid, Qin Hao ordered the fleet to forcefully mutate Skywalker. Qin Hao asked the Wasp Pirates to surrender. On the one hand, he hoped to get the fleet of the Wasp Pirates without bloodshed; Use this to procrastinate for a while.

Regarding the surrender of the Hornets pirate group, Qin Hao did not have much hope from the beginning. Although it is not ruled out that he has the idea of ​​​​gambling, but based on Qin Hao's understanding of the pirates, these guys must have disappeared. The coffin does not shed tears, so Eddie backtracked, and Qin Hao knew that he wanted to delay time.

It's just that Eddie was delaying time to wait for the fleet to come to help on the night of the blood moon, while Qin Hao was delaying time to wait for the evolution of the swarm to complete.

So before Qin Hao repeatedly lenient the Hornet pirate group, it was not that he trusted them, but that he also needed time to mutate the swarm.

When the mutation of the swarm was about to end, Qin Hao was of course unwilling to continue to consume with the Wasp Pirates, so he immediately ordered to nuke the base of the Wasp Pirates!

So when the fleet of the Wasp Pirates came out of the asteroid, the Skywalker army on Qin Hao's side was already on standby.

All of a sudden, the overwhelming swarms flew out from the two swarm carriers Invincible and Overlord, like a dark cloud, they rushed straight towards the battleship of the Wasp Pirates.

"Destroy those two frigates directly!" Qin Hao ordered. The first two frigates that the Wasp pirates came out were relatively old models, and Qin Hao looked down on them.

Even though the Blood Eagle Pirates only had two dilapidated ships before, after this short period of development, the fleet under Qin Hao can be said to be the elite of the elite. Almost all of the warships under his command are above the cruiser level.

The few frigates that are left are all of the active federal level. Qin Hao doesn't want this kind of old frigate at all, because he can't afford to waste a parasite for this kind of ship!

You must know that the hatching of parasites consumes a lot of resources, especially energy crystals. Although Qin Hao can mobilize the resources of the entire home planet now, the swarm also needs to develop. When it comes to resources, Qin Hao actually has many things to consider.

The overwhelming swarms of insects rushed to the front of the two frigates of the Wasp Pirates. The two ships themselves were damaged by the concentrated fire just now, and now they were surrounded by the swarms. In the blink of an eye, they were destroyed The acid corroded the structure, and they disintegrated in the starry sky.

"What!?" The other captains of the Wasp Pirates were dumbfounded. They were queuing up to go out, but the first two spaceships to go out were blown up!

"Brother, what should we do?" At this moment, the pirate captains panicked. If they could fight, they would all be giants, but the problem is that they can't fight at all in this situation.

This was not a battle at all, but a one-sided massacre. The Blood Eagle Pirates took all the opportunities, while the Hornet Pirates had no advantage at all.

"..." Modi remained silent. He was thinking about countermeasures, but even if he racked his brains, he couldn't come up with any solution. In this situation, let alone destroying the enemy, he can't even protect himself arrive.

"Brother, if it doesn't work, let's surrender..." a pirate leader persuaded. If they were fighting the federal fleet, they would definitely rather die than surrender, because according to the federal law, these pirates can be executed directly without trial. Yes, so surrender is also death.

Of course, this is only for those pirates who have no background. For those pirates with family backgrounds, they will generally not conflict with the Federation fleet at all, and even if they are caught, the family will find a way help them.

But these pirates with no background will be miserable. Once they encounter the Federation Fleet, they will have no way of life at all.

But in a battle between pirates, generally as long as one side surrenders, the other side is very willing to accept it. After all, taking down the enemy without bloodshed is much more cost-effective than destroying the enemy desperately.

In space warfare, no matter how you fight, you will kill the enemy one thousand and lose eight hundred. Even if you win the opponent, your own ship will definitely suffer losses, but if the enemy surrenders, it will be different. , not only will there be no loss of its own fleet, but it can also expand the fleet.

At that time, as long as the core code of the opponent's warship is recompiled, there is no need to worry about these pirates who surrendered. Although the pirates are not very loyal, they are all extremely pragmatic guys. In order to eat, even if some pirate leaders have two hearts, the little pirates below will soon integrate into the new pirate group.

At that time, as long as the organization is disrupted, it will be difficult for those pirate leaders who surrendered to rebel.

Because of this, when pirates clashed, if one side surrendered, the other seldom refused.

But the pirates obviously didn't understand Qin Hao's methods. If they knew the power of the parasites and carapace in Qin Hao's hands, these guys would definitely rather die in battle than become Qin Hao's slaves.

"..." Modi remained silent, and his heart was also very entangled. Fighting, it is definitely impossible to fight now, and the other party will not delay time with him, so the road ahead of Modi is actually death Or surrender two ways.

"Brother, don't hesitate! The opponent is attacking the base again. Once this asteroid is destroyed, we will all be buried here!" a pirate captain shouted anxiously.

"Yeah, brother, the opponent is too strong, let's surrender first, it's really not possible, and then we can secretly contact Blood Moon Night!" Modi was tempted by another pirate captain's words.

Modi is definitely not reconciled to becoming someone else's subordinate completely, but he is still acceptable to take refuge in the other party for a while temporarily. When he finds an opportunity to contact Blood Moon Night to destroy this Blood Eagle pirate group, maybe he can get more Many benefits. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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