After receiving the task of killing people, Hu Ke’s face did not change at all. In his opinion, it was nothing more than changing the content of the task. It’s not a big deal. As for the rights and wrongs of those families and those in Kavia City Good and evil, this has nothing to do with Hu Ke.

As a mercenary, it doesn't matter whether good or evil is right or wrong, taking people's money to eliminate disasters.

"Order the fleet to start shrinking after restoring the shield and power system, and move to the edge of the gravity well of Kavia star!" Hu Ke began to issue orders.

"Yes! Commander!" The adjutant began to record Hu Ke's orders.

"The fleet is free to attack. You don't need to kill too many enemies, just keep your own ships alive." Hu Ke continued to give orders.

"Yes!" When the adjutant was recording this order, he had already issued the previous order to all the ships of the Blood Moon Night Fleet.

"The fleet is ready to evacuate, and the injured ships are ready to stay in the rear, but all the soldiers who died heroically will receive generous compensation!" When Hu Ke gave such an order, his face was still calm.

As a professional commander, Hu Ke truly loves soldiers like a son on weekdays and uses them like mud in wartime!

As a commander, if he only knows how to love soldiers like sons, then he will not be able to fight, because there will be sacrifices in wars, and people will die in wars, and all the dead are his own sons, then the commander has gone crazy long ago!

Therefore, when a war breaks out, in the eyes of the commander, the soldiers under him are no longer living beings, but numbers and symbols. When necessary, for the greater good , Those who should be sacrificed must be sacrificed!

Qin Hao hadn't done this before. He often blamed himself for the sacrifices of soldiers, and even fell into pain, but Hu Ke has obviously survived that period of time. The soldiers regretted it, but that was after the war. During the war, he would not have the slightest compassion, whether it was for the enemy or for his own people.

"Boom boom boom boom..." During the time when Hu Ke gave the order, on the big screen of his flagship, green marks were disappearing one by one, and the disappearance of each mark represented a friendly ship. The ship was sunk!

"Commander, seventeen of our warships have been sunk, and another twenty-five warships have been seriously injured!" The adjutant saw Hu Ke glance at the big screen, and immediately reported.

"Well, I see." Hu Ke nodded, his expression still very indifferent, and issued a new order: "The flagship and Tianxing are aimed at Kavia City, and the main gun and all secondary main guns are fully charged!"

"Yes! Commander!" The adjutant immediately conveyed the order.


As the green dots on the big screen dimmed one by one, the spaceships of the Blood Moon Night Fleet gradually recovered their power and shields. They began to adjust their orientation and course, and then moved closer to the edge of the gravity well.

"What are they trying to do near the edge of the gravity well?" At this time, Qin Hao also noticed the change of the Blood Moon Night fleet.

"Master, the ship is approaching the edge of the gravity well, and it is usually ready for a space jump." Formosa said.

"I know this, but we have already activated the stagnation position. Unless they can wipe out our warships, they will not be able to jump even if they reach the edge of the gravity well!" Qin Hao said.

"That's what they say, but they must have a reason for doing it!" Formosa said.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. What Formosa said is correct. The fleet on the night of the blood moon cannot move to the edge of the gravity well for no reason. Although Qin Hao and the others have activated the stagnation position, who knows What is the trump card over there?

"Could it be that they really have a way to force the transition?" Qin Hao's heart moved. The frozen stance can indeed effectively prevent the spacecraft from entering the phase space, but this technology has been around for decades, and its effect is far less than phase interference. Good luck, and Blood Moon Night has many connections with the Federation. It is also possible that they have some technological equipment that can ignore the stagnant position.

"The Corruptors speed up, don't let them all run to the edge of the gravity well!" Qin Hao gave an order to the Corruptors.

"Obey! Your Majesty!" The Corruptors began to speed up one after another. They were surrounded by Skywalker's army before. Because of the deliberately slow speed, they have not attracted the attention of the Blood Moon Night Fleet. But now Qin Hao has issued an order. They also have to fly at full speed.

"Puff puff..." Soon, the Corruptors who approached the Blood Moon Night fleet began to attack, and several spaceships were infected in an instant, but it took a while for the mycelium to completely control the crew inside. a certain amount of time.

"Corruptor, before controlling the enemy battleship, first suppress the growth rate of mycelium!" Qin Hao issued another order.

"Yes! Your Majesty!" All the Corruptors took orders one after another. Although they continued to attack the battleships on the night of the blood moon with their mucus, they temporarily fell into a dormant state after the hyphae infected the human body. Breed and control those infected humans.


Just when the Corruptors started attacking the battleships on the night of the blood moon, the two specially named Corruptors were still sneaking in the Skywalker army. Their purpose was to infect the two battleships!

"Batulu, how long will it take for those two Corruptors to get close to the battleship on the night of the blood moon?" Qin Hao asked.

"Your Majesty, the current situation is a bit tricky. Although we used the Plasma Worm and Skywalker to destroy the escort spaceships around the two battleships, the close-in defense capabilities of these two battleships are also very terrifying. After cleaning up these close-in defense guns Before the third-level main gun, the Corruptor can't get close at all." Batulu replied.

These two battleships are new types. They are not equipped with traditional automatic artillery at all, but powerful energy weapons. Even small-caliber close-in defense guns, these two battleships use high-frequency laser weapons instead of automatic guns. artillery.

Therefore, the shooting range of these two ships is much higher than that of normal battleships. The range that the Corruptors were originally proud of disappeared in front of these two battleships. In the past, he had to be killed in seconds!

"It's really two good ships!" After hearing Baturu's return, not only did Qin Hao not worry, but he became even more excited, because the more powerful these two spaceships are, the more valuable they will be in his hands!

"Your Majesty, if we simply use the Skywalker to attack, it will be difficult for us to destroy so many close-in defense guns, and the attack of the plasma worm is also impossible to make a difference in the strength of the battleship's shield in a short period of time. .” Batulu reported the current difficulties to Qin Hao. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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