So even if Hu Ke felt a little humiliated by being planted with parasites, if he can join an armada and finally complete the unification of mankind, his previous dream can be realized. By then, Hu Ke can be completely cleansed. From the commander of a mercenary regiment, to become a real general!

Moreover, in Hu Ke's heart, he is also very dissatisfied with the status quo of the Federation. If the family power hadn't blocked the upward promotion channel, why would he join a mercenary group with his ability?

It was because those families occupied almost all the resources that Hu Ke could not display his talents in the normal way, so he joined the Blood Moon Night when he was desperate.

Now Qin Hao has provided him with this opportunity, so Hu Ke wants to try it. Although he may pay for his freedom as a price, what he gets in return is the realization of his lifelong dream. Hu Ke is willing to try it for this reason.

Everyone has their own choices, some people may prefer to bury their talents for the sake of freedom, independence, or integrity, and let themselves spend their lives in mediocrity, rather than assisting people they cannot recognize.

But some people are not. They are extremely eager to display their talents, and they don’t care who they are loyal to. Hu Ke is this kind of person. If he wants to dream of himself, then he is willing to work for it.

Moreover, Qin Hao's fleet also made Hu Ke see a new possibility. Hu Ke didn't have the slightest confidence in wanting to use the human fleet to fight against aliens before. No matter how stupid they are, they won't be able to sink an alien battleship without annihilating the entire army, right?

There is only one reason for this result, that is, the technological gap between humans and aliens is too large, so large that it is impossible to form a war between the two, and any contact is a unilateral massacre. In this case, it makes no difference who takes command, the end result is the same.

As the saying goes, no matter how capable Hu Ke is, he is still a clever woman who can't live without rice. Facing the alien fleet with extremely powerful technology, no matter what skills he uses, he can't stand up to their strong guns.

But in Qin Hao's place, Hu Ke saw an opportunity, because although the alien's shield is powerful, the weird Zerg on Qin Hao's side has the ability to ignore the shield. However, Hao's Zerg can create a microbial cloud to defuse this attack.

In this way, Hu Ke saw the possibility of defeating the aliens. Although this war will still be very difficult, it is not as hopeless as before!

So Hu Ke came here to display his ambition, and also because he had no other choice.

Now that he has fallen into Qin Hao's hands, and the parasites have been planted, instead of being forced to work for others, he should take the initiative to display his talents!

"Very good! You are welcome to join!" Qin Hao stretched out his right hand with a smile.

"It's my pleasure to serve you!" Hu Ke held Qin Hao's hand.

"From now on, all the fleets under my command will be dispatched by you. In the war, you have the full power of disposal, and you can make any decision, including sacrificing the entire fleet, without asking me for instructions." Qin Hao Hu Ke was given a lot of power to show his importance to Hu Ke.

"So trust me?" Hu Ke was taken aback.

"I believe that you and I have the same dream. I don't want human beings to be wiped out by aliens one day, but I can't see any hope of resisting aliens in the rotten federal government, so I and General Cohen Together, they overthrow this decadent regime, our goal is not to become the ruler of mankind, our goal is only to win a glimmer of hope for the survival of mankind!" Qin Hao said.

"I believe you." Hu Ke nodded. For this reason, his brain was planted with parasites. Hu Ke really couldn't think of a reason for Qin Hao to fool him anymore.

"You two, what about you?" Qin Hao looked at the two battleship captains behind Hu Ke.

"Come on." The two captains looked at each other, and they also knew that it would be a knife if they stretched out their heads, and it would be a knife if they retracted their heads.

"Om..." Two parasites flew up from Qin Hao's palm and landed on the necks of the two captains, and then the two parasites got into the bodies of the two captains, and finally reached them in the head.

"Welcome to join us!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you don't join..." The two captains smiled wryly.

"Three, if you have subordinates you are particularly concerned about, or if your relatives are in the fleet, you'd better pick them out, because my method of controlling them is not as gentle as you." Qin Hao said to the three people, the previous Those pirate captains don't have this treatment.

"Is this still mild?" A captain asked in surprise. This behavior of forcing parasites and monitoring their thoughts and memories is actually mild.

"That's right, the incubation cost of parasites is very high. I use a relatively cheap method to control those ordinary pirates and crew members. Under that method, people's self-awareness will be erased, and it will be permanent. , Once they are implanted, they will be no different from robots, but you are different, if one day you choose to retire, I will take back the parasites, and then you will be free." Qin Hao said truthfully.

"This..." The three people, including Hu Ke, looked at each other in blank dismay. None of them thought that Qin Hao still had such a cruel method in his hands. It was no different to kill all the crew members. Just a bunch of walking dead.

"Is there no other way? Is it necessary?" Hu Ke asked.

"There is no other way for now. I need absolute loyalty. After the corrupt federal government is overthrown, I will not use this method for those who voluntarily join the Republic Navy. For captives, I'm sorry, I don't trust them." They." Qin Hao said expressionlessly, affected by the Zerg gene, Qin Hao has become more and more indifferent to such things.

"Okay, I'll apply for the pardon of these people..." Hu Ke is not that kind of pedantic person. As a commander who has been fighting all the year round, he has long been indifferent to life and death. Although he does not agree with Qin Hao's approach, he Nor will he interfere with Qin Hao's decision because of the so-called moral values ​​in his heart.

"We also apply for the pardon of these people..." The two captains next to him didn't say anything when they saw Hu Ke, so they naturally didn't say much. This is to list their cronies and people who are closely related . To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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