In a short time, Qin Hao stayed in the star field after the explosion of Alpha Star for more than two weeks. During this time, he really gained a lot. He got a total of more than forty spirit crystals, including the spirit crystal of Prince Graton. Including crystals, there are a total of five spirit crystals above the adult body.

So far, Qin Hao has rummaged through all the fragments except for the two main bodies after the Alpha star exploded.

The big bang caused indescribable damage to the Alpha Star. Even if the existing ones were reintegrated casually, the size of the Alpha Star would only be half of its previous size. Although this saved time for Qin Hao’s collection, it has to be said, Many royal bodies had been destroyed in the explosion.

"Let's start with the small one!" Qin Hao took a deep breath, and then drove the shuttle to land on the small one of the two main structures.

Although the main structure is relatively small, its volume is more than ten times that of the moon. After Qin Hao landed on it with the shuttle, he immediately launched his spiritual power and began to search for anything of value.

With the opening of the psychic energy, Qin Hao also moved at high speed on this piece of planetary fragments, carefully catching any clues about the fluctuation of psychic energy!

Suddenly, Qin Hao noticed a weak wave of spiritual energy coming from the front left of him, so he immediately adjusted his direction and went straight to that direction.

As Qin Hao kept approaching, the fluctuation of spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, and as he kept approaching, Qin Hao suddenly felt familiar with this place.

"Second brother..." Qin Hao murmured to himself, he had already recognized from the dilapidated surroundings that this was the territory of Prince La Cru.

At this moment, the owner of the spirit crystal is self-evident, so Qin Hao began to get entangled. He could easily break the heads of other Zerg Emperors and dig out their spirit crystals, but among the Zerg, there are three a special existence.

Prince Phoebe, Prince Graton, and Prince Naxin are Qin Hao's sworn brothers. Although they used each other, it has to be said that these three Zerg Emperors gave Qin Hao great help.

If Qin Hao was a pure Zerg, he would cut open the head of Prince Lacru and dig out his spirit crystal without hesitation, because in the Zerg's world view, death is the end, and they have never respected corpses Moreover, the Zerg is an efficient race, they do not allow any waste of resources, even their own brothers, as long as its corpse can be recovered, it will eventually be used as feed to feed the newborn swarm.

As for such things as spirit crystals, let alone digging up the head of the brother's corpse to take out the spirit crystals, for a pure Zerg, there is no psychological burden at all, and Zerg has no morals.

But the problem is that Qin Hao is not a pure Zerg, he is a human being, although the Zerg gene has had a great impact on him, and even changed part of his personality, but in the end, Qin Hao is still ten people, he has his own worldview , has his own moral standards, so Qin Hao hesitated when facing the corpse of Prince Lacrue.

In Prince La Cru's worm nest, Qin Hao saw the body of his dry brother. The worm-shaped Prince La Cru was lying on the ground with his belly upturned, and he had lost all breath.

Looking at Prince La Crue, Qin Hao struggled for a long time. You must know that La Crue, as a Zerg prince, not only has a lot of psionic energy in his spirit crystal, but also has a lot of psionic crystals in the spirit crystal space. , even the Essence of the Nether Crystal!

"Hey! Forget it! Although you are a Zerg, brother, I am still a human..." In the end, Qin Hao took a deep breath, and then summoned a lightsaber to dig a big hole on the ground, burying Prince La Cru.

In the end, Qin Hao didn't do such things as splitting his head and taking out the spirit crystal. As he himself said, he was still a human being after all. After all, they have never cheated him, and they also gave him a lot of help.

Qin Hao asked himself that although he could not repay the favor of dripping water, at least he could not repay the kindness of kindness, so in the end, Qin Hao gave up his plan to take out the spirit crystal of Prince Lacru. As a human being, he has some bottom line You still have to stick to it, even in the face of great temptation.

In the final analysis, Qin Hao still didn't want to completely degenerate himself into an absolutely self-interested Zerg, and he always insisted on his human identity.

After burying Prince Lacrue, Qin Hao left his nest, and then began to search in other directions. As one of the two main structures, this fragment is large enough, so except for the territory of Prince Lacrule, this piece There may be other Zerg Emperor territory on the fragment, Qin Hao wants to try his luck there.

Emperor Tian paid off. After more than a day of searching, Qin Hao found the corpses of two other insect emperors on the main structure. Qin Hao was not polite to these unfamiliar guys, so he directly picked them up. The sword fell, and took out the spirit crystals of the two royal families.

However, the level of these two royal families is not as good as that of La Crue. One of them is just a young body, and the psionic energy content in the spirit crystal may not be as much as that of a predator. Although the other royal family is better, it is also It's just a youth body, and none of the two royal families found on this body is an adult.

"Second brother! Farewell!" Qin Hao, who returned to the shuttle, said to himself, and then drove the shuttle to set off.

After leaving this main structure, Qin Hao went straight to another main structure after Alpha Star exploded. This main structure can be said to be the largest one, and its volume accounts for about one-third of the original Alpha Star. .

After more than seven hours, Qin Hao drove the shuttle and landed on the last piece of unexplored wreckage.

Although the speed of the Red Devils shuttle is very fast and its performance is very good, in this star field, there are planetary debris everywhere, large and small wreckage flying all over the sky, and a little carelessness will be the result of the machine being destroyed, so Qin Hao There is no way to speed up.

After the shuttle landed, Qin Hao put on his spacesuit and walked out of the cabin.

"It's good if the fragments are big!" Qin Hao suddenly discovered that the main structure of this piece still vaguely preserves part of the atmospheric structure. The dead silence on the wreckage was much stronger!

Closing his eyes and unfolding his psychic energy, Qin Hao began to search the vicinity, but unfortunately, his landing point was not very good, and no psychic energy fluctuations entered his perception range. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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