When Qin Hao returned to the Keha galaxy, it had been more than a month since he set off from his home planet. During this time, Hu Ke had led the fleet of the Blood Eagle Pirates to capture the entire Keha galaxy.

"My lord! It's a good luck!" Hu Ke said to Qin Hao with a smile in the communication.

"What's the situation now? What's the reaction from the Federation?" Qin Hao didn't get carried away just because he captured the Keha Galaxy.

"It seems that the Federation doesn't intend to exchange fire with us immediately. Not only did they not send a fleet to encircle us, they even withdrew the two local fleets in the galaxy next door." Hu Ke said.

"Also withdraw the fleet from the galaxy next door?" Qin Hao was taken aback.

"Yes, it looks like they don't plan to confront us." Hu Ke nodded.

"Could it be that they want to concentrate their forces to deal with the Roentgen Republic first?" Qin Hao asked.

"It looks like it is!" Hu Ke nodded.

"Okay, I'll contact General Cohen and the others first to see what's going on with them." Qin Hao took a deep breath, and it seemed that their plan to force the Federation to divide its troops had failed.

The Federation should have seen through Qin Hao's intentions, so they are willing to sacrifice part of the territory on the side of the Korha Galaxy, and must first concentrate their forces to deal with General Cohen and President Crowder in the Roentgen Galaxy.

From the perspective of the federal government, as long as the rebellion in the Roentgen galaxy is quelled, there is nothing to fear from the Keha galaxy. At that time, they can bring the victorious army and easily wipe out the motley army in Qin Hao's hands.

The Federal Navy is now controlled by military families. Although these families exclude officers from civilian backgrounds, they are also professionals in this area after all. Although they may not be very good, they still have basic common sense. Under the circumstances, they will definitely avoid fighting on two fronts, even if they temporarily sacrifice a small star area, they will definitely destroy one of them first.

After cutting off the communication with Hu Ke, Qin Hao didn't join Hu Ke's fleet, let alone find a planet to stop, he directly contacted General Cohen through the Federation's network.

"Xiao Qin, you did a good job!" General Cohen first affirmed Qin Hao's achievements.

"General, what's going on with the Republic now?" Qin Hao asked straight to the point without being polite to General Cohen, because their communication was not stable. Although it had undergone multi-level encryption, it would soon be detected by the Federation's information forces. To, so they have to keep the long story short every time they communicate.

"not too good,

We are now down to the last star system left. "General Cohen said with a disappointed face. Although he had already guessed this ending when he raised his troops, he was still very sad when the Roentgen Republic really came to an end.

From the very beginning, General Cohen never expected that his uprising could overthrow the federal government. Although the current federal government is rotten, its rule over the federation is still very strong.

When General Cohen revolted, his goal was to ignite a spark by sacrificing himself, so that everyone would recognize the corruption of the Federation, so from the very beginning, General Cohen knew that he was doomed to fail.

After all, with a mixed fleet against a federal fleet five times larger than his own, even if General Cohen prided himself on his first-rate command, he would have no hope of winning at all.

In addition, the Roentgen galaxy is not an industrial center in the Federation, so the logistics supplies are also seriously insufficient. To be honest, General Cohen's ability to support this half a year can only show that he and his soldiers fought bravely. Several other fleets of the Federation are indeed watery.

"General, if it really doesn't work, prepare to evacuate." Qin Hao said.

"Well! We already have a plan for this. How are you doing in the Korha galaxy?" General Cohen said.

"It should be regarded as a firm foothold. If the main fleet of the Federation does not rush over within a month or two, I am sure that the construction here will be as solid as gold!" Qin Hao said.

For humans, a few months is not enough to build a planet, but for the swarm, it can control several transition nodes.

"Good boy! It seems that you are indeed our last hope!" General Cohen looked at Qin Hao with satisfaction and said. He sent Qin Hao to control the Orlis galaxy at the beginning, except that he wanted Qin Hao to use the power of the Zerg. In addition, there is also the idea of ​​arranging a retreat for the rebels. After all, it is only a matter of time before the Roentgen galaxy is captured. If the battlefield behind the enemy cannot be opened, once the Roentgen galaxy is destroyed, the spark that has just been ignited will also be destroyed.

Originally, General Cohen naively pinned his hopes on other leaders of the rebel army, but he did not expect that these generals who were also from the grassroots did not have the great ideals of General Cohen. Although they were once persecuted by those families, Now, when the federal government offered them an olive branch and opened their promotion channels, these people did not hesitate to join the families they once hated so much.

Once upon a time, these grassroots generals cursed the corruption of the federal government countless times in the middle of the night, denounced those families for occupying too many resources of the federation, and blocked the promotion space for civilians.

But when these people can integrate into the high society of the Federation and become new families, they forget their ideals in an instant, and then, together with the families they hated before, they began to exclude commoners, deprive them of the right to promotion, and defend themselves vested interests.

So General Cohen's ideals were instantly shattered after the federal government made a fuss. All the leaders of the rebel army agreed with the federal government's order, and each of them obtained the benefits they wanted.

In other words, at the beginning, when these guys rose up in response to General Cohen's call, they had no intention of really confronting the federal government. After all, they only had some low-level fleets in their hands.

These guys followed the trend of the uprising, and to put it bluntly, they were waiting for the Federation's order, so as to open their own closed upward channels and integrate into the Federation's high society.

"Xiao Qin, I will send Nicole to your place with a group of programmers recently to help me take care of Nicole." General Cohen said suddenly after being silent for dozens of seconds.

"Is Nicole coming?" Qin Hao was overjoyed. After all, he and Nicole were lovers, but they had been apart for a long time, so Qin Hao was very happy when he heard that Nicole was coming.

"Well! Just recently." General Cohen nodded. He was also preparing for the evacuation, because the fall of the Roentgen galaxy had become inevitable, so General Cohen had to make plans in advance. To read books on this site, please use the latest domain name

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