All the judges and reporters were dumbfounded by Levi's who suddenly rushed up, because Levi's is a member of the parliament, and what he did was openly obstructing the independence of the judiciary!

"Get out of this guy who disturbed the order of the court!" Donald waved his hand, he was already under the control of the parasite, and of course the parasite didn't care what the kid was doing.

"Yes!" Several bailiffs glanced at each other. Although they knew who Levi's was, they still had their responsibilities. Therefore, under Donald's order, two bailiffs came to Levi's side, and said to him: "Mr. Levi's, You are now obstructing the normal work of the court, please leave!"

"Donald, are you crazy?! Do you know what you're doing?" Levi's yelled.

"Take it out!" Donald, who was controlled by the parasite, said with a cold face.

"Please!" After the last warning, the two bailiffs took Levi's arms and dragged him out of the courtroom.

Levi's was taken out here, and the remaining bailiffs stepped forward to remove the handcuffs and shackles on General Cohen and others.

"Thank you for your fair judgment!" Qin Hao said pretendingly, but at this time the reporters were completely dumbfounded. They didn't even care to turn off the equipment, and everything in the court was broadcast live.

By the time the media leaders in the background reacted and forcibly cut out the scene, the farce was basically over.

"General, let's go!" Qin Hao said to General Cohen and others.

"En!" General Cohen nodded, greeted the others, and followed Qin Hao to the outside of the court.

"Don't go through the front door, the parliament will definitely tear itself apart!" General Cohen said to Qin Hao.

"Yeah!" Qin Hao nodded. He also knew that the federal parliament would definitely not let General Cohen go. According to legal procedures, Donald's trial was actually not in compliance with the rules, but he was the biggest in the court. Just be able to refute him.

As long as Qin Hao and the others leave the courtroom, Speaker Bahn's men will definitely chase them down. At that time, they will either directly assassinate them or capture them back. Then they will use Donald's bribe as an excuse to declare the trial invalid and give Cohen a new trial. The general and others were convicted.

So Qin Hao didn't take General Cohen and others to leave, but took them to an empty conference room.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, this little thing can help you disguise yourself in a different way!" After Qin Hao finished speaking, he took out some amoebas,

I sent one to everyone, and soon, the appearance of these people changed dramatically, and even their body shapes were different. The most exaggerated one was naturally Nicole, because she directly changed from a woman to a woman with cheeks. bearded man.

"Well, it shouldn't be so easy for them to find us now, everyone follow me!" Just as Qin Hao was speaking, his appearance and attire also changed, and he became what he was before he met Leon .

"It's amazing!" said a man next to General Cohen.

"Yeah! How did this happen?" Another person asked curiously.

"I don't have time to explain this to everyone now. I'll explain it to you in detail when I get to a safe place!" Qin Hao opened the door of the room after speaking, and then led a group of people out.

At this moment, the courtroom was in complete chaos, because the attorney general Donald suddenly shouted "The Federation is rotten and beyond redemption!", and then slammed his head against the corner of the table to death.

Of course, all of this was done by the parasite. Once Donald died, it also found an opportunity to escape from Donald's body, and then found Qin Hao to join him.

At this time, Qin Hao had already left the court with a group of people. Although there were agents chasing Qin Hao and the others everywhere, because Qin Hao, General Coen and others had changed their appearances, they were naturally not taken seriously by the agents.

After escaping from the court, Qin Hao directly stole a commercial car. There are quite a lot of such cars at the gate of the court. After he stole the car, he took General Cohen and others and ran out of the city.

After more than an hour, the car of Qin Hao and others left the urban area, and then Qin Hao pulled out the car map and went straight to the outer suburbs.

Qin Hao kept changing cars on the way, and every time after changing cars, he let the parasite change everyone's appearance. Except for the number of them not changing, every time they passed by a place, the ratio of male to female was different. He wanted to track They are no easy task.

After wandering through several villages, Qin Hao and others finally settled in a small town, and they didn't come directly by car, they abandoned the car in the previous village, and they walked here on foot.

After opening a room in a small hotel, Qin Hao and the others lived in. This small hotel is very informal and does not even require ID documents. Qin Hao took a lot of cash on the road before, and the money was from Levi's before. He paid his lawyer's fees, and because Qin Hao was worried that his account would be frozen or be traced, he simply withdrew a large amount of cash on the way.

After staying here, Qin Hao had the opportunity to communicate with General Cohen and others in peace.

"Everyone! We will rest here for two days, and we have to change places the day after tomorrow!" Qin Hao said. Although they were already careful enough on the road, Qin Hao still wanted to be more cautious.

If it was just Qin Hao himself, he would not even be willing to stay in the villages and towns. He must have gone directly into the mountains. After all, in the mountains and forests, there is absolute safety, and with Qin Hao's ability to survive in the wild, he can live in the mountains. It's been fine for two years.

Although Qin Hao has this ability, the people he brought with him are not good. Although Nicole is from a special soldier, she is a special soldier with moisture, and she is a woman. It is not easy to be with a group of men in the mountains and forests. Convenience, and although General Cohen also came from the army, he is old after all, and he has not fought on the front line for many years. Although he can endure hardships, his body can no longer keep up.

As for the rest of the people, most of them are office clerks. These people are elites. Qin Hao does not deny that in terms of managing the country, they may all be first-class talents, but in the wild, these people are almost all burden.

That's why Qin Hao gave up his plan to enter the mountains. Although he could guarantee the food for these people, it would be even more troublesome if he had a headache and couldn't get treatment in the mountains.

In these small villages and towns, although there are some dangers of exposure, the possibility is extremely low, and with Qin Hao's ability to predict dangers, he is also sure that he can lead people away in advance, so after weighing the pros and cons, Qin Hao chose to be in the Federation. During the closure of the port, he led these people to constantly switch between the villages and towns in the M area, evading the pursuit of the federal government.


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