Seeing that his companion was nailed to the ground and another rabbit ran away, these herbivorous little beasts have no ability to resist at all, the only thing they can do is to escape!

But this time Leslie's second spear has also been shot!

"Pfft!" The wooden spear accurately killed the second rabbit and nailed it to the ground together. !

"Good skill!" Qin Hao couldn't help but praise.

"Of course, I participated in the Amazon Warrior Training Camp!" Leslie said proudly, these children from civilian backgrounds can be admitted to the Federal Naval Academy, none of them are mediocre, after all, every colonial planet There are only a few places, and if you are not outstanding, there is no chance at all.

"Hehe, this unique skill is really good, and it is very useful on the battlefield!" Qin Hao nodded. Although firearms have become very popular, sometimes cold weapons still have their own unique features.

"Hehe!" Leslie smiled proudly. At this time, Qin Hao was the authority of the team, and the girl was very happy to be praised by him.

"Rat, go pick up those two rabbits and deal with them." Qin Hao instructed, these two rabbits can't be carried like this. Carrying this bloody thing with you would be deadly.

Soon, the mouse ran over and retrieved the two rabbits, and then simply dealt with it. After cleaning the internal organs, the blood was also emptied. Although this still leaves some smell, at least it is better to bring a bleeding rabbit. .

Soon, the team resumed its advance. In this dense forest, it is impossible to distinguish east, west, north and south, so everyone can only move forward cautiously.

"Brother Hao, there is a small puddle in front of you." After walking for another half an hour, Kyle turned back and said.

"Check the composition of the water to see if it is poisonous!" Qin Hao ordered.

"Yeah!" Kyle took the food detector to the edge of the small puddle, and put the tip of the food detector into the water.

"Brother Hao, there is no poison in the water, but the bacteria are seriously exceeding the standard!" Kyle said.

"It doesn't matter! Everyone, let's get water!" Qin Hao nodded. This puddle has existed for several days. Although it has a slight stench, their marching kettles are equipped with purification devices, as long as the water is not poisonous. If the heavy metals are not seriously exceeded, those bacteria and harmful substances will be purified.

"Captain, is this water drinkable?" Looking at the slightly stinky puddle, several girls were a little conflicted. In fact, let alone these girls, the boys were all staring.

"Gu dong gu dong..." August silently started pouring water. The stinky water in the puddle was purified and poured into his kettle. This guy has undergone strict field survival training at home and is an adult. After that, he lived a hard life, so this test was nothing to him at all.

After someone took the lead, several boys also started to water.

"If you don't want to die of thirst, you'd better fill in some water first, otherwise, you may not know where the next place to fetch water will be!" Qin Hao glanced at the girls, and then started pouring water on his own.

"Okay! Drink with your eyes closed, don't think too much!" Yang Rui was more able to let go, and she also got close to the puddle and began to pour water.

The remaining four girls glanced at each other. Although they were very opposed to this dirty puddle, as Qin Hao said, the small lake was occupied by the fear scale, and it was impossible to get water there. In this dense forest After all, it is not easy to find water. If they miss this place, they are likely to be unable to find water for a long period of time, and may even end the practice early because of this. In that case, Their grades in this class are about to be voided.

So these girls had no choice but to come to the puddle to irrigate, but at this time there was not much water in the small puddle, and the water became more turbid.

After each of the four girls barely filled half a cup, the puddle finally bottomed out.

"Let's go!" After the water was gone, Qin Hao no longer had any nostalgia for this place, and he started to move forward with the team.

After fetching the water, Qin Hao and the others did not go far before they heard the voice of a human being!

"Shh!" Qin Hao made a stop gesture.

"Captain..." Claudia was about to speak when Qin Hao rushed over and covered her mouth.

"Silence!" Qin Hao warned in a low voice, at the same time signaling the team members to squat down.

Everyone didn't know why, but Qin Hao had established authority in the team, so everyone squatted down in obedience, and then kept silent.

Distant voices from far to near, and more and more clear.

"Brother, we can make a lot of money this time!"

"Of course, the boss has made a lot of money! If he can't make a lot of money this time, he will almost go bankrupt!"

"Brother, are you exaggerating? The boss's family is one of the best in our centaurs. How can he go bankrupt?"

"Humph! Do you think the Blood Moon Night Mercenary Group can be hired by the three melons? The boss only asked them to move after he mortgaged four resource stars!"

"What?! Four resource stars? Is the boss crazy?"

"Humph! What can he do if his life is so bad! And if this vote is made, the boss's income will be far more than just a few resource stars!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Maybe the boss can immigrate to the earth!"

"real or fake?"

"What do you say?"


Listening to the conversations of these people, Qin Hao and others became even more puzzled. Although it is already the era of big space, a resource star is not a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road. Mortgage of four resource stars, what is he going to do?

Moreover, the Blood Moon Night Mercenary Group is not an ordinary person. For civilian students like Qin Hao, they may have never heard of this organization, but when August heard the word, his heart sank.

"Night of the blood moon? What's going to be their turn?" August frowned. He suddenly felt that this practice might not be so smooth. The night of the blood moon mercenary group came to Ke Ryan Star is definitely not a vacation!

Qin Hao and others were well concealed, and those people were just passing by, and they didn't come to Qin Hao's direction. They chatted while walking in the other direction. Soon Qin Hao and others couldn't hear anything. sound.

"Captain, who were those people just now?" Han Dong asked.

"I don't know... but these people are very powerful. If we fight against them, our group will be more likely to be destroyed!" This is the information Qin Hao got from his intuition.

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