Soon, Qin Hao brought Wilson and Lacus to the planet where Noz was.

"Do you want to see my swarm?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Wilson nodded. He came here this time to verify this.

"Okay! Then let's go down and have a look!" Qin Hao smiled slightly, and then controlled the spaceship to land on the surface of the planet.

Because it was just to show the swarms, not to really fight, Qin Hao didn't have the luxury of letting the swarms fly out of the planet's atmosphere and into outer space, because if you want the swarms to fly in space, you have to force them to fly. Evolution, and once forced to evolve, these bugs will not live long.

Although the corpses of these bugs can still be recycled and reused in the end, the loss involved is not small, so Qin Hao directly flew the missionary spaceship to the ground instead of letting the bugs vacate.

"Noz!" During the landing process of the spaceship, Qin Hao began to call out to the leader of the swarm under him.

"After listening to your orders! Your Majesty!" Noz responded to Qin Hao's call.

"Gather the swarm and show it to my friends!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"As you wish! Your Majesty!" Noz nodded immediately. It is connected with Qin Hao, so there is no need to elaborate on what Qin Hao wants to do, as long as a thought, Noz can feel it.

So when the missionary spacecraft entered the planet's atmosphere, a large number of Skywalkers had gathered over the landing site of the spacecraft like dark clouds.

"Open the porthole." Qin Hao notified the control system of the missionary spacecraft directly through voice.

"Hey..." With a soft sound, the porthole of the bridge was raised, and the scenery outside could be seen through the glass window.

"Ah!" Lacus screamed in fright. She didn't know the real purpose of Qin Hao and Wilson's trip, so she suddenly saw so many flying insects with hideous shapes, which made her scream out in fright.

"This..." Wilson was also dumbfounded. Rao had prepared himself, but seeing this dense swarm of insects with his own eyes still made his scalp tingle!

Wilson simply estimated the number of insect swarms outside, conservatively estimated to be more than tens of millions, and this is the part that can be seen through the porthole.

"We're going to land!" Qin Hao smiled slightly, Noz did a good job, this is what he wanted!

When the missionary spacecraft landed,

The Skywalkers immediately cleared a path to allow the ship to land safely.

"These bugs really listen to him..." Wilson watched the bugs make way for Qin Hao, and he thought to himself.

"Let's go down." When the spaceship stopped, Qin Hao said to Wilson and Lux ​​with a smile.

"Do you really want to go down?" Lux hesitated. Although she received an elite education since she was a child, she can even claim to be calm, but she is a girl after all. Facing countless ferocious giant insects, she is considered a bold adult man It also makes the scalp numb, let alone a young girl.

"Why don't you stay on the boat, I'll go down and have a look!" Wilson took a deep breath and said, to be honest, he also felt numb on his back and had goosebumps all over his body!

Although he knew that these bugs listened to Qin Hao and would not attack indiscriminately, it was hard to say how high the IQ of these guys would be and whether they would get out of control, so Wilson dared to get off the boat only because of his courage.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Qin Hao didn't feel backache while standing and talking. If he wasn't the master of these insect swarms, he would probably turn pale with fright when he suddenly saw this overwhelming insect swarm.

"Yeah!" Wilson calmed down.

"If you go, I'll go too!" Although Lux's face was pale, her eyes were firm. It could be seen that she really cared about Wilson.

"That's fine, but don't worry, I will protect you!" Wilson tightly held Lacus's white hand. He held it tightly, on the one hand to give Lacus confidence and strength, and on the other hand because he It's also stressful in itself.

"Hehe..." Seeing the nervousness of Wilson and Lacus, Qin Hao secretly laughed in his heart, but he didn't underestimate these two people because of this. Facing endless horrifying swarms, if they can do what they are like, then It's already quite difficult. If you were an ordinary person, you might be scared to pee at this time.

"Chika..." As the hatch opened, Qin Hao was the first to jump off the spaceship.

This is a desert planet. Although it has an atmosphere and an oxygen environment that can allow human beings to survive, it is extremely short of water resources. Whether it is above ground or underground, the water source is extremely scarce, which makes the air here hot and dry. Like the extremely hot desert Gobi on the earth.

"The conditions are tough, let's make do. If not, you can go back and change into space suits." Qin Hao said to Wilson and Lacus.

"It's okay..." Wilson frowned. He didn't want to lose face in front of Qin Hao, because in that case, he would definitely be underestimated by the other party, and they would also fall into a passive position when negotiating later.

Children from families like Wilson and Lacus have received relevant education since they were young. They know that in this level of negotiation, details often determine the final success or failure, so even though the hot and dry air scorched their throats They were furious, but the two of them still insisted on not wearing spacesuits, and just walked out of the cabin just like Qin Hao.

"Squeak..." Qin Hao whistled, and three Skywalker warlords descended from the sky, and these giant flying insects at the level of ten thousand leaders lay obediently in front of Qin Hao.

"You two, I'm sorry, there are no technological products here, and the means of transportation are relatively simple." Qin Hao said while jumping on the back of a Skywalker warlord, and sat down between the two bony bumps , these two bony protrusions are like saddles, although it is not very comfortable, but it can make people sit there very stably.

"Is it possible?" Wilson confirmed. After all, this Skywalker also has a ferocious face and a ferocious expression. Most people would be terrified at a glance, but it takes a lot of courage to ride them.

"It's okay, it's like riding a horse, just hold on steady." Qin Hao said casually.

"Are you afraid?" Wilson asked back.

"A little..." Although Lux was trembling, she was a girl after all, it was okay if you asked her to ride a horse, but she really couldn't accept riding such a hideous bug.

"Can we ride together?" Wilson asked.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded. The new version of Skywalker is much stronger than the previous big mosquito. Let alone two people, they can still take off even if they catch an elephant!

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