"Then are you sure you can win the Third Fleet?" Nicole asked.

"It's not a big problem." Qin Hao said confidently.

"It's better for you to be careful, General Jimolov is not incompetent." Nicole warned.

"I know, your father warned me before, but you don't understand my methods. Although General Tilov's fleet command ability is very strong, I have an absolute advantage in strength, and the information between us is also Asymmetrically, we can not only win this battle, but also win it very easily." Qin Hao laughed.

At the end of the season, although Love is an excellent fleet commander, Hu Ke's ability is not weak at all. If it is commanding a fleet confrontation of the same level, it is really difficult to say who will win between the two, but Qin Hao's In addition to the regular fleet, he also has an army of Zerg. With the abilities of various Zergs such as Corruptors and Hunters, it is not difficult to capture the Third Fleet.

Moreover, the strength of the Third Fleet is almost transparent. Qin Hao and Hu Ke can easily find them. Even if there are some secrets, they cannot be hidden from a senior general of the level of General Cohen. Therefore, Qin Hao and Hu Ke can be said to know the Third Fleet well. .

As for the strength of the Keha galaxy, the Third Fleet knows almost nothing. First of all, the fleet under Qin Hao has just risen, and the Federation has very little information. As for the swarm, let alone .

Now, no one in the entire Federation except the families of Wilson and Lacus knows that Qin Hao has such a terrifying swarm of insects. Although Lacus and Wilson have seen these terrifying insects, the two of them are absolutely out of their own interests. He would not share such important news with other families, let alone civilian generals like Ji Molov.

"Since you are so confident, then I won't say more. If possible, try to reduce killing as much as possible. After all, everyone is human." Nicole nodded.

"Don't worry, if I didn't think so, then I wouldn't have to bother so much." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"That's good, let's go have a meal together later." Nicole changed the topic to another place.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded.

That night, Qin Hao had dinner with Nicole, and then returned to Mengsk Naval Base.

"My lord, you are here." Hu Ke greeted him respectfully at the gate of the base.

"Recently, you should pay more attention to the movements of the Third Fleet. I guess they will start attacking soon." Qin Hao said to Hu Ke as he walked to the base with Hu Ke.

"My lord, don't worry,

We have monitoring for all transition nodes, and I have also sent spies over to the Char galaxy. As long as the third fleet leaves the home port, we can find it immediately. " Hu Ke said.

"Well, I'm relieved." Qin Hao nodded, and then said to Hu Ke: "I may have to leave for a while, if the Third Fleet launches an attack during this period, you will be responsible for leading the fleet to deal with them , don’t fight easily, just lead them to the planet where the swarms are entrenched, and I will let the swarms deal with them.”

"Yes! Your Excellency!" Hu Ke nodded. In fact, he didn't want to have a direct battle with the Third Fleet. Although Qin Hao's fleet is all high-quality warships, most of them are destroyers in active service of the Federation, and there are only a few frigates. ships, and they are all the latest models.

But the fleet stationed in Keha is too small. Compared with the pirates in the Orlis galaxy, this fleet is already very large, but compared with the main joint fleets of the Federation, it is not enough at all. .

After all, the fleet under Hu Ke has only a few dozen spaceships in total, and a joint fleet like the Third Fleet generally has nearly two hundred warships under its jurisdiction. The difference in fleet capacity alone makes Hu Ke have no chance of winning. After all, it's not just talking about dropping ten meetings with one force.

So Qin Hao took the initiative to undertake the task of dealing with the third fleet, which made Hu Ke heave a sigh of relief. He only needs to lead the fleet to deal with the opponent. This task is not difficult for him.

After explaining to Hu Ke, Qin Hao drove the missionary spaceship and left the Mengsk Naval Base.

"Noz!" After approaching Noz's planet, Qin Hao began to try to connect with the mind.

"Your Majesty!" Noz immediately responded to Qin Hao's call.

"After a while, Hu Ke will notify you of the Third Fleet's movements. If he leads the Third Fleet to your side, you will be responsible for controlling all the spaceships with the Corruptor." Qin Hao ordered.

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" Noz nodded.

"Do you need anything?" Qin Hao asked.

"My lord, if possible, I need you to provide some more energy crystals to hatch more Corruptors and Hunters." Noz said.

"Well... I'll figure it out." Qin Hao nodded. The size of the Third Fleet is not comparable to that of those pirate fleets. Keep it under control, it does take a lot of Corruptors to do it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding!" Noz said respectfully.

"Do you have any other requests?" Qin Hao asked.

"My lord, you'd better get me a large-scale phase interferometer. Without this thing, it might not be easy to control the Third Fleet." Noz thought more thoughtfully.

"This thing...we seem to have some on hand." Qin Hao said after thinking for a while. When he captured Hu Ke's fleet, he did capture some large phase jammers.

"If you have enough large phase disruptors, I recommend that you place them at these locations!" Noz marked several points on his planet. If large phase disruptors are placed on these points, once these devices If it is turned on, then the phase space within the gravity well of the entire planet will be blocked!

Once the phase space is blocked, any ship that wants to leave has to go through a conventional power engine, and in the vast starry sky, even if it is flying at sub-light speed, it is no different from the speed of a turtle.

"Okay! Arrange this when we go back!" Qin Hao nodded. In Noz's plan, the planet it is on is obviously a trap for ambushing the Third Fleet. Once the Third Fleet arrives here, they will completely Become the turtle in the urn!

"My lord, as long as these devices arrive, then once the Third Fleet enters the planet's gravity well, I promise to capture them all!" Noz said confidently.

"Okay! I'll let Hu Ke cooperate with you!" Qin Hao nodded and said.

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