"Mr. Mark Twain, then wish us a happy cooperation!" Qin Hao said to Mark Twain with a smile.

"That's right! Happy cooperation!" Mark Twain shook hands with Qin Hao, and the cooperation intention between the two parties was officially reached.

"In that case, then I won't bother you any more, and I'll take my leave first!" Qin Hao said goodbye.

"Aren't you going to sit at home?" Mark Twain said politely.

"No need, you will soon know that you have made a very wise decision. My negotiating team will arrive at the Vulcan colony soon, and you can send someone there to discuss the details with them." Qin Hao chooses a place for negotiations.

Vulcan is an terrestrial planet thirteen jumps away from Earth. This planet is even more livable than Earth, but it has not become an administrative star for key immigrants, but has become a private farm of the richest families on Earth.

Under the management of a professional team, the entire Vulcan planet has become a super large farm, where various high-quality ingredients are produced, almost all of which are exclusively for the earth, and only a very small number of them can flow out to the open market , and these ingredients are generally sold at sky-high prices. After all, the dream of those local tycoons and wealthy businessmen is to be able to immigrate to the earth and have a certain right to speak within the entire federation.

But getting into the earth is not an easy task. The wealthy and noble families on the earth are very arrogant. It is very difficult for those rising star families to integrate into it. The wealthy businessmen began to pursue the same quality of life as the rich families on the earth, and the various ingredients, delicious wines and delicacies produced by Kenwaxing became the objects they sought after.

"Of course! My team will be there soon, you just need to contact them when the time comes." Mark Twain laughed.

"No problem! Then I'll take my leave!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Wilson, send Mr. Qin Hao off." Mark Twain said to his grandson.

"Yes! Grandpa!" Wilson nodded, and then said to Qin Hao, "I'll see you off."

"En!" Qin Hao nodded slightly, and then walked out of the evacuated office.

"Old man, what are you doing? Isn't Qin Hao a federal A+ wanted criminal? Why did you get mixed up?" After Qin Hao left, Gamemnon asked curiously.

"Some business dealings." Although Mark Twain and Gamemnon are old friends, how dare he casually tell others about such a thing that is tantamount to treason?

"Hehe..." Gamemnon smiled slightly,

He is also an old fox, how could he not know that Mark Twain was playing sloppy with him?

If it's just some ordinary business dealings, do you still need to sign an expensive black magic agreement? How big is the business to earn back this expensive expense?

So Gamemnon knew very well that Mark Twain must have signed some kind of extremely unusual treaty with Qin Hao, but he could not know the content of the treaty. Although he was in the circle at that time, because of the Gamemnon was communicating with the energy factors in the magic circle, and all his attention was on casting the spell, so when Qin Hao and Mark Twain read the oath, he didn't hear it at all.

And it is precisely because of Mark Twain's understanding of this that he dared to let Gamemnon preside over the consciousness of black magic. Otherwise, he would have to find a way to win over Gamemnon and let him help keep it secret, which would cost a lot of money But it's too big.

But in any case, now that the agreement is signed, Mark Twain is equivalent to betting his entire fortune!


"Okay, there's no need to send it away, I have to leave." At the same time, Qin Hao also came outside the luxury store, which was temporarily closed at this time.

"Take care all the way, and keep in touch when you have the opportunity." Wilson laughed.

"I hope so." Qin Hao nodded, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Xiaoxue, where are you?" After getting rid of the sight behind him, Qin Hao changed his identity, and then he started to contact Qin Xue through the parasite.

"Brother, I'm just two streets away." Qin Xue responded to Qin Hao through the parasite.

"Wait for me, I'll be right here." Qin Hao agreed, and then rushed towards Qin Xue.

Soon, Qin Hao saw Qin Xue who also changed her appearance, but through the parasite, Qin Hao easily located his sister.

"Xiaoxue, did you see anything good?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"No..." Qin Xue shook her head, she just went shopping by herself for a while, but it didn't feel interesting, it would be more fun to go shopping with Qin Hao.

"It's okay, let's continue shopping." Qin Hao smiled.

"Hey? Brother, why is there a mass of spiritual energy on your chest?" Qin Xue suddenly stared at Qin Hao's chest and frowned.

"Oh, I just signed a contract with them, this should be a restriction." Qin Hao said.

"Do you want me to clear it for you?" Qin Xue asked, she herself is a master of spiritual power, and the restriction of this black magic agreement is a kind of energy group similar to spiritual power, so Qin Xue is very concerned about clearing it. Still very confident.

"Don't... If this is cleared up now, doesn't that show that we have no sincerity to cooperate?" Qin Hao waved his hand.

"That's fine." Qin Xue shrugged. Since Qin Hao is willing to keep it, let's keep it. Anyway, in her opinion, it doesn't take much time to get rid of this thing.

Then Qin Hao took Qin Xue for another stroll. He bought a lot of things for Qin Xue, and at the same time picked out several gifts for Nicole.

"Brother, it's so lively over there! Let's go and have a look!" Suddenly, Qin Xue pulled Qin Hao's arm, and then ran forward.

Qin Hao was pulled forward by Qin Xue, and soon, the two of them came outside a large group of people, who seemed to be watching the fun and didn't know what was going on inside.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Qin Xue asked curiously. It seems that the envoys of the Holy Land also have a hobby of watching.

"Stinky bastard, what else can I do..." A man watching in front rolled his eyes and said.

"Ah?" Qin Xue was taken aback.

"Ah, what? Have you ever seen a **** girl?" The man said disdainfully.

"Then why didn't you stop it?" Qin Xue asked in puzzlement. It's too outrageous that no one stopped them despite so many people watching.

"It can't be stopped, that **** is not an ordinary person, but he is a member of the Silk family, we people should not make trouble for ourselves." The man said.

"Coward!" Qin Xue said disdainfully.

"I said girl, don't you just stand and talk without back pain, can you? Come if you have the ability!" The man suddenly said dissatisfied. They were indeed afraid of revenge from the Silk family, so they didn't dare to meddle in this nosy business, but they were caught If a person said that in person, he couldn't hold back his face!

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